InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love is a Fickle Thing ❯ Flash Fire ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Love is a Fickle Thing
Heck, I made almost everyone sad with that doozie last time! Please don't hurt me! I've chosen the final pairing for this story! Please let me live!
Chapter 10
Flash Fire
“There was a rumor to the west. An out of season wave of fires has hit the village there.” Miroku said. He and Sango had arrived that morning, and Kagome wanted to leave in a hurry, if for nothing else then to get Inuyasha out of Goshinboku.
Kagome had run crying into Kaede's hut last night into Kouga's waiting arms. After consoling her for a few minutes to the point of gentle sobbing, she had to down him five times to keep him from marching out of the hut and slicing Inuyasha's head off and shoving it up his ass, his exact words. Then she had explained that she was crying because of what she had done, not what he had done.
She had made two cups of ramen that morning, and gone out to bring him one. He was once again sitting in Goshinboku, staring off into space. She had called to him, apologized, offered him breakfast, and ultimately left the ramen by the roots of the god tree. She had come back an hour later to find the ramen ice cold, and Inuyasha in the same position. And not once had he said anything to her.
“Sounds like a shard. When do we head out?” Kouga asked gruffly. With Inuyasha in his depression, he had taken up the role of unofficial leader in his place. Needless to say, Sango and Miroku, returning to a sad hanyou and an irritable wolf, were questioning. Kagome had given the simple explanation that Kouga was coming with them. Of course, they wanted to know more. No doubt, the first time they came to a hot spring, Sango would expect the story, and would relay it to Miroku.
“We can head out as soon as you, Kagome, and Inuyasha are ready.” Miroku answered.
“Kagome, are you ready?” he asked. She nodded. “Fine, then we leave now.” he said, getting up. Sango watched him picked up Kagome's backpack.
“What about Inuyasha?” she asked. Kouga snorted.
“He can catch up.” He said. Kagome sighed as the three followed Kouga out of the hut. Kagome looked out into the forest.
“Inuyasha, we're leaving!” she called out. She waited for a response, and after a few seconds, he jumped onto the path, head down. Kagome felt another wave of sadness. For once, she knew exactly why he was depressed. She was regretting her choice to slap him more and more with each passing second. What he had done was unforgivable, but at least he was trying to make amends, even if he was in denial. That had to mean something, right?
“Inuyasha?” she asked. He didn't answer, again. She reached to touch his hand, and pulled back as he flinched. She sighed and looked up at him. “Inuyasha…I'm sorry.” She told him. He stared at the ground and turned to followed the group. Kagome blinked away more tears and followed.
- - - - - - - - - -
A few hours into the journey, tension still ran high. Kouga and Kagome had taken the lead, followed by Miroku and Sango. Inuyasha, arms crossed, was bringing up the rear. Shippo was perched on Kagome's shoulder.
“How much longer until we reach the village Miroku?” Kagome called over her shoulder.
“We may reach it within a hour.” He responded.
“Are you sure there's a shard there houshi?” Kouga called.
“I'm quite sure there are, Kouga.” A voice called out. Kouga stopped and sniffed.
“Naraku.” He growled. Naraku's low laughed filled the trees around them.
“Ah, Inuyasha. I see you and the miko are not so close. What has happened? Perhaps she learned that hanyous are not to be trusted after all.” He chuckled. Beating Inuyasha to the punch, Kagome snapped back.
“What do you want with us this time Naraku?” she yelled.
“Ah, so dense miko. What have I always wanted from you? How many shards do you have now, five? Or is it six? I thank you for collecting them for me, but now I shall take them off your hands.”
“You'll have to go through me first Naraku!” Inuyasha snarled, drawing Tetsusaiga. Kagome was somewhat relieved. He talking at least, and protecting her.
“And me.” Kouga snarled.
“A wolf and a hanyou in partnership? This shall be interesting. Allow me to introduce you to…Kagemusha.” As the last word faded, Kouga sniffed, looked left, and gasped.
“Kagome!” he yelled. He grabbed her and forced her to the ground as a streak of red flame shot overhead. The ball of fire shot up into the sky and hovered above them.
“So Master Naraku spoke the truth, you use the shards of the jewel to increase your speed. How impressive wolf.” the fireball said in a guttural voice. The flames died down to reveal Naraku's newest incarnation. Kagemusha was six feet tall with long, bright red hair that rose into small spikes. He had red eyes and long red claws. He was dressed is a crimson kimono with a black trim. Two large black wings flapped in the air behind him.
“You must be Kagemusha.” Kouga growled, climbing to his feet.
“Your powers of perception are remarkable wolf.” Kagemusha laughed. “I wonder which may be more amusing, you, or the human wretch you keep in your company.” Kouga growled and leapt at Kagemusha. He slashed as the incarnation flapped and flew out of range. Kagemusha drew back his lips in a sneer. He slowly raised his hand to the air.
“Pitiful wolf, is that all the might you can muster?” a small red fireball appeared in Kagemusha's hand. “Kaze-no-Bi!” he roared, flinging out his hand. The fireball roared up as a jet of flame shot at Kouga. The wolf dodged and leapt again. This time, he sank his claws into Kagemusha's shins, dragging him down. The incarnation growled and lowered his hands to Kouga's chest, and fired another jet of flame. Kouga cried out as Kagemusha pushed him to the ground with a smoking wound in his chest. Kouga hit hard as Kagemusha landed crouching behind him.
“Tetsusaiga!” Inuyasha yelled, jumping. Kagemusha rolled and kicked the hanyou across the jaw. Inuyasha's snapped back. Kagemusha grabbed his wrist and snarled as he summoned more flame to his hand. Inuyasha's wrist smoked, and he punched Kagemusha away as Tetsusaiga dropped to the ground.
“Hiraikotsu!” Sango yelled, throwing the boomerang. Kagemusha flew above the giant boomerang and fired another Kaze-no-Bi at it. Sango dove as the flaming weapon dug itself into the ground, putting itself out. Miroku growled and raised his hand, prayer beads grasped.
“Enough of this! Wind Tunnel!” eh flung off the beads, opening the hole. The void immediately began to suck up anything in its path. Kagemusha scowled and dug his claws into a tree to hold himself steady. He chuckled and raised his palm to Miroku.
“That's quite a weapon you have there, houshi!” he taunted. He sneered as another ball of flame appeared in his hand. The Wind Tunnel picked up the flame and drew it in. Kagemusha kept the flame up as the fires were drawn into the wind. Miroku began to sweat as even more fire went into his palm. Finally, he closed the tunnel, cringing in pain.
Kagemusha ripped up the tree he was holding and held it to block a slash of Tetsusaiga from Inuyasha. The sword cut through the bark, and Inuyasha was met with a blast of heat. Kagemusha spun and flung him into Kouga, who was trying to get up. Sango retrieved Hiraikotsu and flung it again. This time, Kagemusha went for the direct approach. He caught the weapon and flung into the forest. Kagome fired an arrow, and a blast of flame reduced it to ashes. He dashed to the miko, tossed her bow to the ground, and wrapped his claws around her throat.
“Now, miko, tell me. Which one of you has the shards? Is it the hanyou, the houshi? Tell me!” he growled. Inuyasha and Kouga climbed to their feet. Kagemusha looked at them and smirked. “You two seems to care for this miko. I am quite sure you would not want my claws to spill her blood. Now, give me the shards my master desires, and she may live.” He threatened. He looked between the two. Neither of them moved. Kagemusha looked at Kagome again. “Perhaps you will tell me now?” he asked. Then he noticed the string around her neck. He grabbed the string and snapped off the vial of shards. He tucked it into his kimono and smiled.
“There, you got the shards, now let go of Kagome!” Kouga yelled. Kagemusha laughed.
“But of course, wolf. You want her?” Kagemusha spun around and threw Kagome into the trees. Kouga snarled and ran to catch her. Kagemusha turned to block a blow from Tetsusaiga. Inuyasha landed a punch however, and Kagemusha was sent flying into a tree. He growled.
“You are becoming a nuisance hanyou. Your kind will just not die!” he raised his hand, but Inuyasha dashed and slammed him back through the forest and into the ground. Kagemusha rolled as Tetsusaiga slammed into the ground. He fired another blast of flame, sending Inuyasha out of the forest to a cliff overlooking a chasm. A narrow bridge spanned the gap. Inuyasha stood as Kagemusha dove at him. He caught the dive and rolled onto his back, throwing Kagemusha onto the bridge. Before he could react, Inuyasha was on top of him, his knees holding his hands down, and Tetsusaiga against his throat.
“Any last words?” Inuyasha growled. Kagemusha smirked. He dug his hands into the wood beneath them and summoned his powers. The wood began to smoke and burn.
“I hope you can fly.” He snarled. The wood broke, and the bridge snapped in two. Inuyasha grabbed the falling bridge as it hit the cliff. Kagemusha fell, flapped his wings, and flew away to deliver Kagome's shards to Naraku.
Well, that was my first fight scene. How was it?
Kagemusha; Shadow Warrior
Kaze-no-Bi; Flame of the Wind