InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Made 4 U ❯ Unconditionally ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Made 4 U
Chapter Six: Unconditionally

Miroku's eyelids felt heavy. He'd been watching the camp and waiting for Inuyasha and Kagome. Sleep was getting to him. He gazes from the fire to Sango's sleeping figure. He watched the tajiya's face. /Gods she's beautiful/

Sango began to stir. She was having a dream...

* Sango's Dream *

"Kohaku? Kohaku! Where are you? Kohaku!"

She turns around. Instead of seeing her younger brother, she sees Miroku.

"Houshi-sama where's Kohaku?"

Miroku smiles and says, "Don't worry Sango, I'll find him for you. Just stay here."

He kisses her forehead and whispers to her ear "I love you Sango. I'll always be here for you, I'll bring Kohaku back" He turns around and starts walking ahead.

"Hou- I mean Miroku"


"Be careful ok? I love you and I don't want anything to happen to you"

Miroku turned around and walked over to Sango. He gave her a kiss full on the lips and smiled. "I'll be careful, besides I have someone to return to"

Just as Miroku was about to turn around, Kohaku appeared behind him Sango was about to say something when Kohaku stuck his blade into Miroku's back.

"Miroku! Kohaku why? Why did you hurt him"

"I had to Sango or else he'll take you away from me. You're all I have left and I won't let this lecherous monk take you away from me."


"Sa...San...go help me..."

Sango looked at the man in her arms. He was bleeding and losing blood quickly.

"Miroku! Don't die please! I love you Miroku, please don't leave me! Miroku! MIROKU!"

* End dream *


Sango jerked up, she had awoken from her dream turned nightmare and was sweating. She had called out the houshi's name and he was right there by her side with a worried look on his face. She turned around and faced him.

"Miroku! You're okay!"

She wrapped her arms around him and held him close. She started sobbing in his arms.

"Shh... It's alright now Sango I'm here, it's alright now, don't cry Sango please"

He placed a chaste kiss on her forehead to calm her down. He held her tight as if something was going to take her away from him. He hates to see her cry and would do anything to take those tears away. He loves her and he'd be damned if something were hurting her.

"Miroku... I had a bad dream and you... you were killed. By... Kohaku."

Sango held on to Miroku as if her life depended on it. That dream scared her, big time. Right now she's in Miroku's arms. /Miroku don't ever let go. Please, don't leave me/ She stayed in his embrace, not worrying about that cursed hand of his reaching for her behind. /His hand... the wind tunnel. It... it could take him at anytime/ the thought of this got to Sango hold on to him even tighter. She had fallen for him and had always loved him. The thoughts of him not being here by her side made her want to cry. Tears started falling from her eyes.

Miroku noticed that Sango held on to him tighter and rested her head on his chest. He also noticed that tears were falling from her eyes. He looked down at her and wiped the tears away.

"Sango don't cry. Tears don't belong on your face. Please Sango, why are you crying?"

Sango just clutched tighter to Miroku's robes. He knew he couldn't get anything out of her so he tried something else...

He kissed her.

Miroku placed a kiss on her lips and Sango surprised her by letting him and by kissing him back. He pulled her closer to him and deepened the kiss. It seemed that time suddenly stopped and at that moment, it was only he and Sango with no worries, no responsibilities, no problems, all that mattered was the person in their arms. All that mattered was each other.

Miroku broke the kiss and looked into Sango's eyes "I love you Sango. I always have. Ever since I met you, you were the one that I wanted. I wanted to love you. I wanted for you to be the mother of my children. Although I showed it in a way that you didn't appreciate and at moment's glance at other women, I wanted you. It's just that if I did, I didn't know it I could fully be there for you. My life has been shorted due to this curse and I was afraid that if I loved you I would also hurt you. Sango I'll never, ever intentionally hurt you"

Sango looked deep into the houshi's eyes. She could see that he was sincere and that he was willing to take the chance of loving her. She has always thought of herself being alone with nobody there with her. He was taking the chance of loving her, filling the emptiness in her heart, her soul he was taking the chance.

And so is she.

"I love Miroku. I love you so much! I had always thought that you only thought of me as a friend, a companion never in the ways that I had wish you did. I was too afraid to tell you how I felt because I was afraid that you didn't feel the same and I was afraid of my heart breaking"

Miroku kissed her again. He pressed his forehead against hers, "Sango my love, I'll never break your heart, I'll take those tears away and I will love you unconditionally. If I were to die now, I'd die a happy man knowing that the woman I love, loves me back. There is one question that you have heard many times and I swear Sango when I asked those other women, there was no intention of me doing it but with you... will you bear my child?"

"Yes Miroku! I will! I love you so much Miroku"

"I love you too Sango"

They stayed in each other's arms for a while, enjoying the warmth and silence.



"Haven't you noticed that you haven't been calling me Houshi-sama?"

"Why? Do you want me to?"

"That's like me asking you if you like being felt up. By the way, since everything has been cleared up between us I-"

"Here's the deal. If you keep on feeling me up at inappropriate times, I'll keep calling you Houshi-sama. I you behave and be a good monk, I may let you have a little feel or two"

"If I be really good, will I get the chance to start expanding my family name? To get started on having that child that-"


"Sorry my love" /Damn. For a minute there I thought that I was going to get laid. Ah, well/

"Once a lecher, always a lecher. /He'll get some... eventually ;) /