InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Making Things Right ❯ Regression ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
(**) a dream/vision
(~~) a note/letter
(*****) a scene/time change

A/N: I want to think all who reviewed so far and a special thanks to w_j because I didn't even realize I had anonymous reviews turned off. So now you can leave a review if you aren't logged in and I hope you will. Anyway here is the chapter, sooner than I expected, and I hope you enjoy.
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Wait? Fuck that. I'm going to find out what the hell is going on around here. InuYasha got out of bed and looked down at himself. What the fuck am I wearing? Where are my clothes?

He searched the room and all he could find were some torn bloodstained clothes similar to those Kagome would wear, but larger. InuYasha sniffed the clothes but found that his senses were dulled. They'll have to do for now. I sure as hell ain't going around in this. He ripped the gown off and threw it on the floor. Struggling into the strange clothes, he ignored the shoes that were with them.

He turned to leave and caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. What the hell? Who the fuck cut my hair? He pulled the bandages off his head. I've got to get out of here and find Kagome. She'll tell me what is going on and she might know where my clothes and the Tetsusaiga are. He went to the room's only window, opened it and glancing once over his shoulder, jumped out.


Miroku headed straight back to InuYasha's room after speaking to the doctor. He was informed that InuYasha's memory loss was something he had considered as a possible result of the injury. The doctor also said that it would either be permanent or it wouldn't, but that there was no way to tell. He started to go on about how even if InuYasha never fully recovered, he could still live a full and happy life, but Miroku was done listening and left the doctor standing there, still talking.

Miroku opened the door to InuYasha's room. He took in the missing clothes and the open window. “Shit,” he said.

Damn. I should have known he'd take off. Miroku left the now empty room. He first checked to see if Kagome was awake yet, but found her still sleeping. He decided to see if Sango was awake, and if not, he would have to leave a message to be given to them when they woke, and then he would go after InuYasha.

Miroku opened the door to Sango's room and found her sitting up. She smiled at him. It was a welcome sight and he rushed to her side. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her gently on the lips.

“My darling Sango,” he said. “For a moment I feared I would lose you. I have been a fool. I love you. Can you ever forgive me the pain my actions have no doubt caused you?”

Sango couldn't keep a few tears from escaping. “Of course I can,” she replied. “I love you, Miroku.”

He wiped her cheeks with his thumbs. “I didn't mean to upset you,” he told her. “I was just so relieved to see you well. I hate to leave you, but I must go. InuYasha was seriously injured last night and has finally woken up.”

“Well, that's good isn't it?” She asked.

“You would think so, but not in this case,” Miroku told her. “His thinks that Naraku is still alive and that he and Kagome still travel through the well. As far as I can tell, he has no memory of this life, or of his relationship with Kagome. I have to find him.”

Sango nodded.

Miroku kissed her once more and headed out. On his way out, he flipped open his phone and dialed.

The great taiyoukai and Demon Lord of the West answered his phone. “Hello.”

“It's Miroku. InuYasha is awake, but we have big problem,” Miroku said. “He left the hospital-”

“I do not see why this is a problem,” Sesshomaru interrupted.

Miroku wanted to tell him that if he hadn't interrupted, he would know why it was a problem, but thought better of it considering who he was talking to. “It's a problem because he thinks he's the InuYasha from the Feudal Era. He doesn't remember this life.”

“I see. Who else knows of this?” Sesshomaru asked.

“I told Sango and she'll probably tell Kagome, but no one else had time to see him before he took off,” Miroku replied.

“I assume you know where he is headed?” Sesshomaru asked.

“He was asking for Kagome. He would go to the shrine to find her and the well,” Miroku replied.

“Good, we are in agreement. Go after him and keep him there. I will send a car to bring you both here,” Sesshomaru said, and he hung up.

Miroku hailed a cab and made it to the shrine in five minutes, thankful that it was so close to the hospital.

At the base of the steps, there was a large sign. It appeared as if Sesshomaru and InuYasha's company was going to rebuild the parts of the shrine that had been damaged as a service to the community. Miroku briefly wondered why InuYasha hadn't told anyone about it, but put his thoughts aside and raced up the steps.

InuYasha found it difficult to navigate the city without the aid of his nose, and cursed whatever they had done to him to dull his senses so badly. Luckily, he could see Kagome's school not to far away and he knew his way to the shrine from there. He was careful to stay out of sight since he didn't have the hat Kagome always made him wear.

When he finally reached the shrine he didn't want to believe what he was seeing. Kagome's house was gone, as well as many of the out buildings. The well house was one of the few that remained completely untouched along with the Goshinboku. He sniffed over and over trying to catch some sign, some trace of Kagome or her family to tell him if they were alive or if the fire had killed them, but it was no use.

His thoughts drifted back to Miroku.

How is he here? Why is he here? Why wouldn't he tell me where Kagome was. Could it be that she really is... no... fuck that... She's not. She can't be. Not like this.
InuYasha felt the same prickling behind his eyes that he had felt after the fire that had almost killed all his friends. He went to his knees before the Goshinboku. Kagome can't be... We need her. I need her.

Miroku was surprised that InuYasha didn't turn at his approach. The hanyou's shoulders were slumped, and occasionally a shudder would over take him. Is InuYasha crying...? Miroku looked around the shrine. He must think Kagome's dead. Nothing else could upset him this much.

“InuYasha, Kagome is fine,” he called. “I can take you to her.”

It took a moment for InuYasha to realize what Miroku had said. He hastily wiped his face and turned around. “Why the hell didn't you tell me you knew where she was when I asked you?” he yelled.

“InuYasha, a lot has happened, and because of your injury, you don't remember,” Miroku told him. “For starters, Naraku is dead and the jewel no longer exists.”

“Yeah right, bouzo, like I'm just going to take your word for it,” InuYasha said. “How do I know this ain't just some sort of spell or trap to trick me?”

“You will just have to trust me, InuYasha,” Miroku replied. “If you come with me, I'll explain everything.”

InuYasha approached Miroku and sniffed him. “Damn it,” he growled. “I still can't smell anything. I guess I don't have any choice but to go with you, but if this is a trick, you're as good as dead.”

“InuYasha, will you allow me to conceal your ears so you don't attract so much attention?” Miroku asked.

“How the hell are you going to do that?” he asked. “I know you can't have a hat hidden in those.” InuYasha gestured to Miroku's pants.

“It's a simple spell,” Miroku told him. “If you prefer, I will tell you the incantation and you can use your youki to do it yourself.”

InuYasha nodded.

Miroku told him the spell and once it was in place, he led the way to the base of the shrine steps where a car was waiting.

“Hell no. I ain't getting in that thing,” InuYasha protested.

“Please, InuYasha?” Miroku pleaded, but the stubborn hanyou just crossed his arms and scowled. “I thought you wanted to see Kagome and find out what was going on?”

InuYasha glared at the monk and growled a little, but he got in the car. “Now tell me what the hell is going on.”

“After what you remember, Kagome came back. The next day we prepared for battle, and that night you took Kagome off into the woods while Sango and I camped just outside the village,” Miroku told him. “You returned the next morning with Kagome as your mate, and we set out to face Naraku.”

“WHAT!” InuYasha yelled. The driver jumped and the car swerved a little. “Kagome - my mate? Now I know you're full of shit. Why would I want that clumsy wench as my mate?”

Miroku rolled his eyes, and noticed InuYasha was blushing. “Please, InuYasha, even back then we all knew you wanted to be with her. Not only have I heard you tell her you love her, I have seen you kiss her, and have on more than one occasion heard you 'loving' her in your room at night.”

InuYasha's mouth opened and closed like a fish.

“Now, I'll continue. We fought Naraku. We all died - even Shippou, Kouga, and Sesshomaru. All of us, except for Kagome. She killed Naraku and made a wish on the jewel that everyone who had their lives effected by the jewel would get a second chance at the lives they were meant to have. Since Kagome already had a life in another time, our souls traveled with hers into this one, so we could start our lives again. None of us remembered our previous life until Kagome brought us all back together and awakened our memories.”

A ringing cell phone interrupted Miroku and he answered it. It was Sesshomaru letting him know that the girls were on the way to his house and would be there when they arrived.

“Anyway,” Miroku started. “You and Kagome started dating, not realizing that you had been together before. Not surprisingly, Kouga found his way to Kagome as well, but just as before, she had no interest in him. It took lot less time for you to take her as your mate this time around. You have been mates for several months. I warn you InuYasha, you may not remember being with her but she remembers being with you, and if you aren't careful, you could really hurt her. We're almost at Sesshomaru's and she'll be there waiting.”

“What the fuck?” InuYasha yelled. “First you tell me I have a mate, which is impossible, since I would know if I did. I would be able to feel her connected
to me, and I can't. Now you tell me you are taking me to my bastard of a half brother, and that Kagome is with him.”

“InuYasha, you and Sesshomaru have come to a truce in order to defeat a demon who would see all humans enslaved and ruled by youkai,” Miroku told him. “I guess I should also warn you that his mate is Kagura.”

They pulled through a gate and into a driveway just as InuYasha decided that he had heard enough bullshit for one day. The car had barely stopped when he jumped out. He had only taken a step when someone crashed into him and he felt himself wrapped in a tight embrace.

“Oh, InuYasha, I'm so glad you're all right. I was so worried. I wanted to help you, but I couldn't!” Kagome cried.

InuYasha was blushing furiously as he noticed all the people staring at him. He pushed Kagome away. “Oi, wench, get off me!” he yelled. “What the hell are you doing?”

Kagome looked up at him with wide, hurt-filled eyes. She blinked and tears began to stream down her cheeks. “InuYasha... I ... I'm sorry,” she said before running away toward
the house they shared.

Miroku looked at Sango. “What did you tell her?” he asked.

“I didn't have time to tell her anything,” Sango replied. “Sesshomaru had to give her the tea to restore her energy, and as soon as she woke up, she ran out saying she could feel him coming. I'll go explain things to her.” Sango left to go find Kagome.

“Baka,” Miroku said. “Did you have to be so cruel?”

The truth was InuYasha felt like shit after he'd seen how hurt Kagome was by what he'd said. He'd panicked and reacted the only way he knew how and gotten angry.

“Keh, she'll get over it,” he scoffed.

Miroku only shook his head.

A few moments later Sango returned with a red-eyed, but no longer crying, Kagome. She walked up to InuYasha.

“Sango explained and I'm sorry I acted that way,” she said quietly. “Sesshomaru wants to see you now, if you're up to it.”

Kagome brushed her hair back off her shoulder and then he saw it. She definitely bore the mating mark of a demon.

InuYasha nodded and followed her, trying several times to get her scent, but he still couldn't smell a damn thing. He watched Kagome walking on front of him. She looked different - older, more mature. Could everything Miroku said really be true?

He rubbed his forehead with one hand. He was getting a headache.

As soon as he saw Sesshomaru he started growling and reached for his sword, only to remember that he didn't have it.

“Relax, little brother, I have no desire to fight you,” Sesshomaru said. “Please sit.”

Kagome sat down and InuYasha glared at his brother but sat down beside her. She reached for his hand and he pulled it away. He barely heard her fight back a sob.

“Kagome I-” he started.

She shook her head. “It's all right. I'm sorry... I'll try harder to remember,” she said. “I just want you to know that it doesn't matter to me if you never remember. I'll always be by your side and we'll get through this together.”

Sesshomaru watched the exchange. Not for the first time he wondered how his brother managed to find such a woman and make her his mate not once, but twice. She had just proved that she understood and accepted what it truly meant to be the mate of an inu youkai. She was indeed a worthy mate for a son of his father's blood.

His brother blushed and tried to look unaffected, but as always, his eyes gave away what he was truly feeling.

“InuYasha, while I am aware that you cannot control your condition, I must ask that you not leave the premises until you are able to at least act as though you are completely recovered,” Sesshomaru said. “Our enemies would love to exploit your lack of knowledge of this era and of the situation. It is a dangerous time. I am sure your miko as well as those living under your roof will be able to tell you all that you need to know.”

Kagome stood up. “I'll tell him everything,” she offered. “Come on, InuYasha. I know this is a lot for you to deal with. I'll take you to your house and then if you want to be alone for a while, I'll show you to the gardens.”

InuYasha followed her out. She led him down a path to a much smaller but still impressive house.

“This is where we live. Sango and Miroku live here, too,” she said. “Do you want me to show you where the gardens are?”

He nodded.

She led him down a different path. Spread out before him was a large area with plenty of trees and other vegetation. “I'll leave you now. Just come inside when you're ready and I'll tell you whatever you want to know.”

She turned to leave but InuYasha grabbed her arm. The sadness in her voice was unmistakable. He pulled her close and sniffed her neck.

“Damn it, I still can't smell anything,” he growled. He released her and she stepped back.

“You can't smell anything?” she asked.

“I can, but it's almost like it's the new moon and I'm human,” he told her. “Is tonight the new moon?”

“No,” she replied. “I'll try and help you with that later if you want.”

InuYasha wondered how she could possibly help him but decided to let it go for now.

“Kagome, about what you said in there with Sesshomaru...” he trailed off.

She smiled a little. “I know, InuYasha, and your welcome,” she told him and she walked away.

InuYasha watched her walk away. Even though he couldn't smell her and still wasn't certain that this wasn't some sort of a trick he knew one thing for sure: the girl who just walked away had, without a doubt, been his Kagome. No one understood him like she did. She knew he needed to be alone and she knew the things he couldn't say. He found a tree and jumped. Settling himself onto one of the branches, he closed his eyes.

It was a lot to take in - Naraku being dead, him having a whole life he couldn't remember, and not least of all, Kagome being his mate. If he were only to get one memory back, mating Kagome would be the one he would pick.

He thought about what Miroku had told him. He had resolved not to tell Kagome how he felt, but knew that it was entirely possible that he could have given in and told her, despite his reservations, and according to Miroku in this new life, he had told her with absolutely no reservations at all. Was he really so different this time around?


InuYasha woke hours later as the sun was starting to set. He cursed himself for falling asleep, as well as the fact that his sense of smell was still dulled.

Jumping down and following the path back to what he supposed really was his house, InuYasha hesitantly opened the door and went inside.

He didn't see anyone as he made his way through the house. There were three doors across the room. One was closed, one was open, and one was cracked. He went to the open door first. It had a small bed and various toys. He recognized one of the things Kagome's brother had called a 'video game'. He wished he could smell who this room belonged to. Did he and Kagome have a pup that he would hurt by not remembering? Miroku hadn't mentioned one...

He skipped the closed door and went to the one that was partially opened. Inside he found Kagome curled up on the bed. She sat up and looked at him and he felt a pang of guilt when he saw her tear stained face. She motioned for him to come inside, so he entered and shut the door behind him.

She patted the bed beside her and he sat down.

“Kagome, I'm sorry,” he said quietly.

“It's not your fault,” she replied. “Is your nose working any better yet?”

He shook his head.

“Will you let me see if I can help you?”

“How?” he asked.

“With my spiritual powers,” she replied.

He gave her a wary look and when she spoke next, he heard absolute despair in her tone.

“If you don't trust me to-”

“Do it, wench,” he interrupted. Things may be different, but she was still Kagome and he trusted her with his life. He never wanted her to think otherwise. “I trust you.”

“I have to touch you,” she said softly. “Is that all right?”

He nodded.

She put both hands on the sides of his face and closed her eyes. With her power, she could feel the extent of damage his head had suffered that had yet to heal. It was bad and she knew she couldn't fix it. Her powers were warning her it was dangerous to even examine his head, one small mistake while trying to fix him could kill him. Fortunately, restoring his sense of smell was a simple matter.

The first scent to reach his re-sensitized nose he recognized as Kagome's, but it was different. He breathed deeply as she pulled her hands away. Her scent was mingled with his, not only on her, but it filled the room around them. The air was thick with it. There was no doubt. She was his mate and they had definitely mated in this room more than once.

“Did it work?” she asked.

He nodded.

“I'm glad. I know how much you hate being human because you can't smell, so you must have hated it now, too.”

He reached out and touched the mark on her neck. He heard her moan softly which confirmed again what he had come to accept. Only her mates touch on his mark would evoke such a response from her. Her aroused scent reached his nose and it was all he could do not to groan. He removed his finger and she looked at him.

“I'm sorry I can't remembe,.” he admitted quietly.

“Like I said before, it's not your fault. You were protecting me when it happened,” she told him. “I know I said I would answer your questions, but healing takes a lot of energy. Would you mind if I took a nap first?”

He shook his head. “Go ahead and sleep, wench. I can wait.”

“I guess I'll be in Shippou's room then,” she said getting up.

He grabbed her arm. “This is your room too ain't it?” he asked, and she nodded. “Then stay.”

“You don't mind?” She asked. He shook his head, so she moved around to the other side of the bed and lay down. He was going to ask her about Shippou living here, but he noticed she was already asleep.


It was about an hour later when Kagome stirred. InuYasha adverted his eyes unwilling to have her know that he had been watching her sleep. She stretched and when he glanced at her he could see her bare stomach as her shirt rode up. He looked away again.

When she finally sat up she looked at him and smiled. “I don't suppose you'd let me take a bath before we talk?” she asked.

“I've waited this long,” he replied. “But it better be a quick one, wench.”

She smiled brighter and suddenly her arms were around him. Almost immediately she pulled back, her eyes cast downward. “I... I'm sorry,” she whispered.

“Keh,” he replied. “Go take your bath.”

Kagome glanced at him and saw the blush he was trying to hide. It made her feel better. Things will work out. Remember he loved you then too. He just can't show it yet and you loved him as much then as now. It may take time but I can wait. She found it in herself to smile.

On the way to the bathroom she opened the chest of drawers and pulled out pair of sweat pants and a T-shirt for InuYasha to change in to.

“You can put these on,” she told him. “I am sure they'll be more comfortable and smell better than what you have on.” He just looked at her, so she set them on top of the dresser and went into the bathroom.

InuYasha heard running water for a while and then it stopped. He put on the clothes she had set out and then he waited… and waited. Even more time passed, and he grew impatient. He knocked on the door, but Kagome didn't answer. He called her name and knocked again. When he tried a third time and still got no answer, he decided to force the door open.

He pushed hard and the door swung open.

Kagome was stretched out in the water. Her eyes were closed and her head was tilted back. She had something over her ears and she was humming softly. He stared at her taking in every inch of her exposed skin. He didn't feel right looking at her, but he couldn't look away. Kami, she's perfect.

Kagome was completely relaxed and listening to one of her favorite songs when she felt someone's eyes on her. She raised her head to find InuYasha staring at her. When his eyes met hers he blushed brightly and looked away muttering apologies. Kagome got out of the bath and wrapped a towel around herself. She put a hand on his shoulder and he turned to face her.

“Kagome, I... You didn't answer me... wanted to make sure...” he rambled.

“InuYasha,” She said to silence him. “I'm not mad at you. I'm yours. I always have been, and even if you never remember, when you're ready, I will be again.” She walked past him and into their walk in closet. When she was dressed she came out again.

She sat on the bad and he joined her, though he still refused to meet her eyes. They talked and she answered his questions about Shippou, the final battle, the jewel, their lives in this time, and this new demon. She told him everything she could, hoping that it might help him remember. It was very late, or early when they she was satisfied that she had told him everything.

InuYasha had another headache. He still didn't remember anything, wanted to kill Kouga more than ever, and to top it off, they had a new demon to deal with.

Kagome yawned beside him. “I'm going to go to bed,” she told him. “After I get some sleep I'll start teaching about this era, so that you don't have to stay cooped up in here all the time.”

She lay down, and this time InuYasha did as well. He wasn't tired but he hoped if he slept for a while his headache would go away. He was just drifting off when he smelt salt and noticed that Kagome's breathing was ragged.

“Oi, Kagome, what's wrong?” he asked.

She sniffled and cleared her throat. “Nothing,” she replied. “I'm sorry. I'm just being silly... I won't cry anymore... I just... it's nothing.”

“It ain't nothing or you wouldn't be upset,” he told her.

“I just miss you,” she whispered and then covered her mouth. She hadn't meant to say that out loud.

“Fuck, Kagome,” he said. “You think I'm happy about this? It's worse than being fucking human. Nothing feels right. I want to remember. Damn it. I don't know how to make this better or I would. Tell me what the hell I can do to make this better.”

“Could you just hold me?” she asked, so quietly he barely heard her.

He was shocked by her request. When the seconds passed and he didn't say anything, Kagome started to cry again.

“Forget it. It was stupid of me to ask. You don't have to-”

Kagome cut off abruptly when she felt his arm come around her pulling her close. She cried harder as he stroked her hair.

“Don't cry. I fucking hate it when you cry,” he said. “I'll fix this, I promise.”

He growled softly in an attempt to sooth her and it worked. Soon she fell asleep in his arms and he let himself follow her.