InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories Forgotten ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. Rumiko Takahashi does. I am not making any money from this.

Inuyasha sighed from his place in the leaves of a tree on the edge of the forest. It had been several days since he had made those comments and fled into the forest. 'Fled is right' he thought. 'I'm nothing but a coward.' He hadn't been able to bring himself to return. Every time he thought about going back he would see Kagome's stricken face as she clutched at her stomach.

He slammed his fist against the tree. “I can't do anything right!” He sighed as his anger left as quickly as it had come, leaving him feeling empty. He quieted as he saw Kagome glance hopefully in his direction, only to sigh when no other sound or hint of his presence appeared. She went back to preparing the game he had left. At least he could do that much for her, leaving her meat and other food he had found.

“I am nothing but a coward” he repeated as he watched over her from his hiding place. Too afraid he would hurt her again he had stayed away, watching over her from the concealment of the trees. He winced as he detected the salt of her tears. It seemed everything he did made her cry. “I'm sorry” he whispered, brokenly. “I can't be what you want me to be. I can't remember.” He sighed again then froze as he a new scent reached his nose. He went instantly on alert, one hand on the hilt of Tessaiga. “Show yourself!” he demanded with a growl.

“So, this is where you hide yourself, Inuyasha.” Sesshomaru stepped out from between the trees, his face betraying no emotion. “Hiding in the forest like the coward you are.”

Inuyasha flinched as the words hit home. “What do you want, bastard?!”

“From you? Nothing.” The words were stated simply and plainly, leaving Inuyasha confused.

Then Inuyasha saw his brother's eyes glance in Kagome's direction and his hackles rose. He jumped out of the tree, placing himself between Kagome and Sesshomaru. “Stay the hell away from her!”

Sesshomaru merely raised an eyebrow at him. “Oh? And why do you care when you have abandoned her?” A satisfied look flashed across his face at Inuyasha's wince. “I thought even you had more honor than to abandon the mother of your pup at a time when she needs you most. I see that I was mistaken.”

Inuyasha tried not to let him see how closely the words had struck. “What do you know anyway? And why do you care?”

“I know that you are a fool. You hit your head and can not remember the last few years so you abandon your responsibilities.” He fixed an icy stare on the hanyou. “You are a disgrace to Chichiue's blood.”

Inuyasha's growl escalated. “I've abandoned nothing!”

Sesshomaru blurred, his hand wrapping around Inuyasha's neck and slamming him against a tree before he could react. Inuyasha's hands automatically rose to attempt to free himself but he froze as the glowing green claws tightened around his neck, a hair's breadth from breaking skin.

“Listen well, foolish hanyou. This Sesshomaru will not repeat himself.” Inuyasha gulped as he stared into those golden eyes, so like and yet unlike his own. “I care not what happens to you, other than that only this Sesshomaru is allowed to end your life.” The poison claws tightened a fraction, still not breaking skin but ensuring that he had the hanyou's full attention. “You chose to bring a pup into this world, a pup that shares Chichiue's blood, however diluted. Losing your memories is no excuse for not seeing to your responsibilities.” The eyes narrowed at him and then Inuyasha felt the claws release his throat, and he slumped to the ground as Sesshomaru turned to look again in Kagome's direction. “If you will not take care of your responsibilities, then it is up to this Sesshomaru as Chichiue's son to take care of them instead.”

Inuyasha leaped to his feet. “I've been taking care of my responsibilities! I've made sure she's safe, that she has plenty to eat.”

“And yet, you have let her feel abandoned, made her feel that she and the pup are unwanted burdens. Added undue stress at a time when she can least afford it.”

Inuyasha flinched as each accusation struck home. “And what would you have me do?” he demanded.

Sesshomaru fixed a steely gaze on him. “I would have you return to your mate and take care of your responsibilities.”

Something inside Inuyasha broke. “I don't know how! I don't know how to be a husband or a father. All I seem able to do is cause her pain.”

“Then learn. This Sesshomaru never took you for a coward who would run from his responsibilities. Do not prove me wrong.” Without a further glance, the taiyoukai turned his back and disappeared into the trees.

Inuyasha stared after him for several long moments. 'What just happened? It was like... he was trying to help? He didn't even try to attack me, not really.' He shook his head, unable to reconcile the confrontation with his memories. He turned his gaze back to Kagome and watched as she attempted to gather some herbs into a basket. He frowned. 'She shouldn't be doing so much, not in her condition.' A little voice nagged at him. 'Who else is there to help her?'

He watched as she pulled at one stubborn plant, putting all of her weight into it. It suddenly came free and she was tumbling backwards. He was there in a flash, holding her as she caught her breath. “Are you alright?” he asked, unable to meet her gaze.

“Inuyasha?” He flinched at how shaken she sounded. “You... came back?” Suddenly his arms were full of a sobbing miko, begging him not to leave her again.

He sighed and wrapped his arms around her, letting her cry herself out against his chest. Resting his chin on top of her head, he said “I'm sorry.”

“It's alright, all that matters is that you came back.”

He finally looked at her, seeing her face close up for the first time since he had run off. She looked terrible, her face tired and pale with bags under her eyes. She obviously hadn't been sleeping well. He realized that Sesshomaru was right, he had abandoned his responsibilities. No more, he vowed.

He lifted her up, cradling her to his chest. “Let's get you inside. You need to rest.” He glared down at the basket of herbs. “You shouldn't be trying to do so much.”

He ignored her protests and carried her inside, laying her down on the futon. “Rest” he told her. “I'll be here when you wake.” He made to sit near the wall.

She reached for him. “Wait, just hold me, please” she begged. “I just need to feel your arms around me.” Her eyes pleaded with him, and he sighed, setting Tessaiga down beside the futon and laying down beside her. She smiled at him and kissed his cheek, before rolling onto her side so that he spooned her from behind. Nervously, he draped his arms around her, holding her to his chest. He gave a slight start when she grabbed one hand in both of hers and laid it on her belly, holding it there. His arms tightened around her in reflex, and he sensed her quickly succumb to sleep.

Inuyasha could only lay there, marveling at how right it felt to hold her like this. He breathed in her calming scent, and soon found himself joining her in slumber.

His sleep was filled with images, scenes he didn't understand or recognize. Some were battles, some were peaceful but all involved Kagome. His mind tried to make sense of them. One came through crystal clear. He was somewhere dark, surrounded by youkai. They were taunting him, something about Kagome being lost to him forever. He struck out at them. One thought reached him clearly. 'Kagome was born to meet me. And I was born for her.'

He came awake suddenly, not sure what had awoken him. Then he felt Kagome tense in his arms. Her face was a mask of pain, and she clutched at her stomach.

“Kagome? What's wrong?” A strong odor hit his nose, and then he noticed that the bedding was wet.

“I think... my water just broke” she gasped out.

He frowned. “What does that mean? Is something wrong with the pup?” He shoved the images in his mind away, not having the time to deal with them.

“It means” she panted out “that the pup...aah... is ready to come into the world.”

He panicked. “Now?!” He looked around frantically. Not seeing anything that could help, he turned back to her and saw her clothing. “Kaede-baba!” He had to get her to the old miko. He carefully scooped her up and ran out the door. He reached the old miko's hut in record time.

Shoving the door mat aside he called for the miko. “Oi, baba, get your ass over here!”

Kaede gave him a stern look as she turned around. “Inuyasha, have you no manners?” Then she spotted Kagome in his arms. “Never mind. Lay her down over here.” She prepared a spot near the fire.

Turning to Kagome she asked “How long have you been in pain?”

“All day” Kagome gasped out. “It wasn't too bad, I thought the baby was just being more active than usual. Then Inuyasha showed up... gah.... and I fell asleep. I woke when my water broke.”

“Hmm.” Kaede quickly examined her. “It won't be too much longer.” She turned and glared at Inuyasha. “Out. The birthing room is no place for a man.”

Inuyasha bristled. Kagome was in pain and needed him. There was no way he was leaving her. He opened his mouth to refuse.

“No!” Both turned to stare at Kagome in shock. “I want him to stay. I need him.” Her hand reached out, blindly searching for and latching onto Inuyasha's. He winced at the pressure she managed to exert.

“Kagome-sama, this is not for males” Kaede tried to dissuade her.

“Gah! Where I am from, men are expected to be present, to support their wives. I want him here. I need him here.” Inuyasha saw the fear in her eyes. The fear that if he left, she wouldn't see him again. He felt ashamed for causing it.

“I'm staying baba, so get used to it.” He moved closer to Kagome, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze.

Kaede glared at him. “Fine, just stay out of the way.”

Inuyasha almost regretted his decision to remain a few moments later. His ears twitched this way and that, flattening at every cry that escaped Kagome. And the smell, so much blood. He felt helpless. But somehow, he could tell his presence helped. He could see it in Kagome's eyes every time she glanced at him or squeezed his hand.

What seemed like an eternity later another cry filled the air. He watched, filled with wonder and amazement as Kaede approached, handing a small bundle to an exhausted Kagome. “Congratulations” she said. “You have a son.”

Inuyasha stared at the child in Kagome's arms. He had quieted as soon as Kaede place him in his mother's arms, as if he knew exactly who he had been handed to. “He's perfect” he heard Kagome whisper, and couldn't help but agree. He stared at the raven black hair that covered his head, and the little flaps that would soon unfold into triangular puppy ears. For once, he could see why Kagome thought his ears were so adorable. Tentatively, he gently ran a finger along one, feeling how soft it was.

His eyes rose to meet Kagome's, and he saw the same awe he felt reflected there. “Would you like to hold him?” Before he could protest, she placed the pup in his arms.

He stared as the pup's nose sniffed before his eyes opened to peer at him. His gold eyes. Inuyasha swallowed hard. He felt Kagome lay her head on his shoulder, and he felt complete. He hadn't felt so whole and complete since Kagome returned to him through the well.

He gave a start as everything clicked into place in his mind. “Kagome” he breathed turning wide eyes on her. “I remember.”

He watched as first understanding, then love and joy filled her eyes. He tilted his head down and kissed her, gently. “You're right, he is perfect. But he needs a name.”

Kagome smiled at him, seeing the light in his eyes. “Any suggestions?”

He smiled at her before gazing down at the now sleeping pup. “How about Jomei? He certainly brought the light back to us.”

“I agree.” She gave him a teasing look. “He certainly spreads light if he was able to reach your thickheaded self.”

“Oi!” He mock scowled at her before sighing and pulling her close. “Kagome, I am so sorry for how I treated you. I can't hope to make it up to you.”

She shook her head. “It's alright. I don't blame you. I'm just glad you're back to your normal self.”

“Keh. Me too.” He handed Jomei back to his mother, and held them both close to him as Kagome joined their son in sleep. He held his family throughout the night, grateful for his second chance and vowing to let nothing tear them apart. He would never allow anything to tear his memories away again.

Jomei means spread light.

So please let me know what you think. This was my first multi-chapter fic that I completed, even if it was a short one. I hope to have the next chapter of Difference up soon, but even if I don't I will have something new to post.