InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of Pleasure and Shame ❯ My Precious...Sesshoumaru ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Characters owned by: Rumiko Takahashi, Viz Entertainment, ECT.
I make no profit from this story
Chapter 5: My Precious…Sesshoumaru
After that night, I didn't see you again for a whole year. It was as if you had disappeared off of the face of the planet. During that time, not even a day went by where I wasn't longing to be near you, once more. My mind became consumed with thoughts of our first time together. At night, which is often when I felt the loneliest; sometimes I would curl up into a little ball and cry myself to sleep. I didn't understand why you continued to stay away so long and I would often wonder if making me suffer this tremendously, possibly gave you gratification. I was so pissed at you by the time I saw you again, that I just ran. You transported in front of me while I was still running and I ended up slamming right into your body. You scooped me up into your arms quickly and held me to your chest tightly enough, to where with my miniature strength and small frame, I couldn't have escaped even if I tried. But don't think that I didn't. I ended up trying to wiggle my body around as I kicked my legs up and down. My attempt to escape was unsuccessful, however, just as I had figured it would be. I glared at you with rage as you gazed back at me with an indifferent expression. I exclaimed venomously at the top of my lungs, “I hate you! Let me go baka!!!” Your reaction to my words was strange. A cunning grin appeared on your face. I inhaled slightly in shock. You tenderly pressed your lips to mine and although I knew what you were up to, I didn't try to resist.
Everything became silent as I wrapped my legs around you, closed my eyes and submitted to you leading me through the gentle tongue wrestling, lip suckling and nibbling along with the exchange of breath and saliva, usually associated with romantic kissing. I had been longing for this moment for so long, but my anger hadn't completely subsided and so I couldn't allow you to have your way, just yet. I pulled my face away, suddenly. I started to say with hurt in my voice, “Why did you…did you?” I couldn't finish my sentence and I also could no longer hold back the tears, screaming for release. I didn't want to cry. I didn't want you to think that I was weak. Without a word, you released me before placing me back onto my feet. I turned around before watching you drift towards a tree. After calmly sitting down with your legs folded, Indian style; you beckoned me to come and sit down on your lap by tapping your hand down lightly, onto your knee, twice. I slowly walked over towards you, with tears still casually rolling down my cheeks. I submissively sat down between your thies before cuddling up against you as you affectionately held me, in your arms. After a few moments of submerging myself in the warmth of your body, I got up onto my knees before whispering as I gazed up into your eyes, like a timid little puppy, “I'm ready.”
After sitting away, in order to give you some space, you stood up before proceeding to remove your sash, armor, fur and hakama as you gazed down at me with intimacy, vulnerability and intensity. It all ended with me sitting on my legs in front of you as I leaned over my thies. Your legs were spread very wide, as you leaned back against a tree, thrusting your pelvis back and forth very fluidly, as you held the back of my head and your very stiff erection, continued to move in and out of my mouth. “Mmm… sss…Oohhw…….Ooh-nnn…sss…hhmmmm…” You didn't speak much. You mostly moaned, groaned a lot and hissed, but whenever you did say anything, it was drenched with passion and desperation. “Hai Inuyasha kimochi ii…hhh-keep-sucking-that-cock-for me-mmmm. - Oh fuck Inuyasha-oh fuck… Hhaawww…….hhmmm-nnnn…” Yes…you even sweared. Hearing you utter my name in such a way set my groin, aflame. After having my chin utterly saturated in saliva mixed with your pre-cum, it wasn't long before you were overwhelming my opening with your essence as the sounds leaving your vocal chords conveyed your satisfaction, graphically. After that, you laid me down on my back, before reciprocating the gift I had just given to you. “Sesshoumaru…hhaawww…ssss…hhmmm…Sesshoumaru Sama tomaranaide kure…Uuhhh…” Kami, it felt so wonderful. It seemed ten times better than the last time…maybe it was because it had been so long. Once I finally climaxed and the pleasure pangs had subsided, I was very breathless and my voice had become hoarse, from crying out your name so much.
After getting dressed, we ended up flying away together on your youki cloud before arriving at a cave. When I got inside, I noticed that it was lit with a bond fire and there was a fur spread out on the ground in a corner of the cave. You removed your armor but kept on your hakama and kimono. We ended up lying down on top of the animal fur facing each other, gazing into each other's eyes, as we used your fur to cover us partially. After a few moments, I whispered, “What's happening to us Sesshoumaru?” “I don't know Inuyasha.” Everything was quiet for a moment then I spoke up again. “Siblings aren't supposed to feel this way towards each other…are they?” “Hhmm…” There was another pause. “Do you hate me?” I asked softly. “Yes Inuyasha, I hate you immensely,” you replied in a relaxed way. “I lo…hate you too, Sesshoumaru.” I continued after another moment of silence, “I understand now why you went away for so long.” You replied as more of a statement than a question, “You do.” I continued, “Even though it feels so good, we must resist it.” “Right, we must resist it,” you countered. You continued, “After tonight, we will resist.” “Right…after tonight.” You started to stroke my cheek for a moment. Then you sat up and rested on your elbow, as you continued to gaze down into my eyes deeply, along with me gazing intently, into yours. I turned onto my back as I continued to gaze up at you, totally enamored and entranced. Finally you leaned down slowly, as you cupped my jaw delicately in your hand, before kissing me indulgently. I responded to your kiss vulnerably and passionately. As we continued to kiss, we moaned breezily into the mouth of the other.
We ended up with our clothes off again, kissing each other as we pleasured ourselves at the same time. Before everything was said and done, we had gone down on each other, once more. After that, we fell asleep naked, with my back turned to you. Our bodies were snuggled together and your arm was wrapped firmly around my waist with my lower arm and hand rested neatly, over it. As time went by, we would continue to, “resist,” each other. Between the weeks, months, and/or years that we resisted intimate contact with each other; we would spend many of our nights taking turns pleasuring ourselves, as the other watched from a distance while pleasured himself, as well. Our ways of getting off without direct contact became more and more elaborate, over a couple of decades. Once in a while you would find a very handsome male yokai, always older than me, sometimes slightly older than you, but still young and you would fuck the living daylights out of him, as you periodically scent very lustful and fiery gazes in my direction. During those times, the pleasure was almost unbearable and when I finally reached heaven, I thought I would never come back down again. I wanted it to be me, you were inside of. But because I was still a little too young and tight, you would be forced to give the gift that was supposed to be mine, to someone who was completely undeserving of it. But at least it was really me you desired. Knowing this made the idea of your passion being extinguished by someone else's opening much easier to accept.
Sometimes I would find male yokai lovers as well, most of them around my age and I would use what I learned watching you, in order to make them sob with pleasure, as I plundered their wholes relentlessly. I turned many a twelve, thirteen and fourteen aged yokai out. I would always have them screaming out my name, “Inuyasha! Inuyasha!” Ha! It was so cool. Plus, they were always the most beautiful…only the best for you…my precious Sesshoumaru. The ones that were older were never as gorgeous as you, but were more beautiful than all other yokai. They were always your age and they would tie me up sometimes as they did things to me…sucked my cock, licked and sucked my nipples, licked and sucked everything else…placed swords to my neck just enough to cause it to bleed, used sharp objects to cut into my flesh, slapped me and pulled my hair, said dirty and degrading things to me. They did everything but enter me or kiss me. Those two things belonged to you and you alone. I allowed them to do violent things to me because I found out with another one at some point, by accident, that violence and the sight of blood turned you on greatly and having these things done to me, while you were watching, turned me on extremely, as well. (I healed at inhuman speeds, so it wasn't as dangerous as it would have been for a human. Plus, they were always informed as well as sensed that they were being watched by someone very powerful and so they never tried to do anything stupid or that I didn't allow.)
After years and years of doing things of this nature, the ways in which we experimented continued to grow more and more perverse by other's standards. If only my mother had knew how much you had came to, “appreciate me.” But I had already gotten this far. There was no turning back now. The best I could do was to make sure that if I had anyone in my life in the future, which at that point I had doubted greatly; I would just have to do everything in my power, to keep these events buried in the past. Things had gotten to a point where you were killing your lovers very violently, after allowing them to enter you, fuck you and stroke you until you exploded. I think it turned you on so much, because you knew that they were going to die by your hands, afterwards, along with the fact that I was watching, of course. One time you held one of the victims bodies, all the way above your head with one hand, causing their blood to drip all over your face and down your naked body. Then after throwing the body somewhere, you used some of the blood that had fallen over you, to lubricate your cock that you had started to stroke, while gazing sadistically and ravenously, in my direction.
I had become so addicted to and obsessed with you, that I had allowed things to come to such an unorthodox and aberrant place. I found myself extraordinarily aroused but nauseous at the same time. I stroked myself desperately and savagely, until I reached a wild and astringent apex. I vomited afterwards. By the time this happened, I had finally reached the age of fifteen in Inuyokai years. This was the first time that I hid from you instead of you hiding from me. I was just terrified. How much farther could we go after something like that? I didn't want to know the answer. I traveled to another island in Japan and stayed there for a whole year. I got there by boat since I didn't possess the ability to fly like you. You didn't come after me, which was great. I had plenty of time to think about everything that had occurred between us over the past couple of decades. But even though I was away from you, the insatiable yearning for you within me, never ceased. Half of the time I spent on the island, was dedicated to me getting myself off, as I fantasized about you. I spent the other half of that time, in meditation; perhaps trying to redeem myself from the actions I had participated in, when I wasn't.
~ * ~ * ~
OK, let me explain. All of the “perversion,” and words suggesting that what is happening in the chapter is perverse, is just about making things dark…very dark, actually. It's all about the excitement factor…not about me expressing an opinion about anything. That is all.