InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of Pleasure and Shame ❯ Lingering ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Characters owned by: Rumiko Takahashi, Viz Entertainment, ECT.
I make no profit from this story
Chapter 6: Lingering
Once I finally returned from the island, it didn't take long for you to make your presence known. It was an afternoon and the day was very sunny and bright. A calm breeze whistled gently through the air. I was sitting in a tree near the edge of a forest, inconspicuously watching some orphaned children play in a field. I was taken by surprise as I suddenly caught your scent in the air. I immediately rose before hopping away at top speeds threw the trees. But you caught up to me with seemingly little effort. You slammed into me from the front, sending my feet stumbling off of the tree branch I'd just touched down on. You sent me crashing to the ground like a rock as your body pressed against the whole length of mine and you held my waist tightly with both of your arms. The whole forest shook as I finally slammed to the ground with you still on top of me. The earth literally cracked beneath us. “AAAAiittaaa!!! What the fuck did you do that for!!!?” I exclaimed. Panting, you replied, “It's good to see you're still capable of feeling Inuyasha.” “What is that supposed to mean!? Get the fuck off of me!!!” You were quiet for a second as you continued to gaze down at me with a subtle grin on your face. I suddenly gasped under my breath as I noticed a hint of sadness bleeding through your eyes. But it didn't linger long. It was replaced by sexually charged energy. Suddenly you whispered tensely, “I know you still want it,” as you sharply grinded your thigh into my groin. I sighed as the sudden pressure sent a pleasurable and turbulent sensation through me. I could feel my face contorting as you grinded against me once more and I expelled a breezy moan. “I can't continue this way,” I said, voice straining. You thrusted your pelvis into me again and my instinctual response of sighs and groans betrayed the words I was about to speak. “Stop…please,” I whimpered with vulnerability. “I can't do that Inuyasha…and neither can you,” you half whispered laboriously as you continued to grind deeply into me over and over again. It was as if my bones and muscles had turned into liquid and my brain to mush.
My mind screamed for me to take action but my body had decided that it was the perfect moment to rebel. You continued to speak in a smooth tone with a voice lased with tension and poisoned with fiendishness, “You see Inuyasha…hhh…no matter what you do…mmmm…you can never escape me. Your desires will always follow you like a shadow…and there I will linger right behind it. You will submit to me one way or the other…because you're mine…and I'm yours. I'll never allow you to experience peace any other way…hhh…perhaps death would be preferable to you,” “Hhhmmm…Don't threaten me bastard…sss…I'll escape your grasp Sesshoumaru… Un-hhh…You won't have me under your spell forever…hhhmm.” “Does it feel good Inuyasha? Sss-Nnnmm…Do you like what I'm doing to you right now?” I replied belligerently, “Sesshoumaru-you bastard-Aaawww!” you thrusted into me harder at that point. The pleasure was like bittersweet torture. Then you uttered smoothly, “I never fully restrained you. Your arms are free. You aren't even trying to get me off of you.” You grinned coyly before concluding tensely and sensually, “You want this-don't deny it.” Your smug attitude was beginning to rub me the wrong way despite the immense pleasure I was receiving otherwise and I felt that it would be the perfect opportunity to, “try.” Suddenly I used my sharp claws and clamped them down into both of your shoulders.
You expelled a whimper like a dog that had just been pierced in the stomach by an arrow. I then pushed you with all of my strength and to my surprise you went flying into the air. I used that limited window of time in order to get up and start running away as quickly as possible. I didn't bother to look back and see what had happened to you. I knew that more than likely you had just floated back down to the ground. Maybe you were even somewhere right in front me. I wasn't thinking about that. I just had to find a way to get away from you. But just as I figured, I wouldn't be able to. You were simply too stealthy. You appeared in front of me in a flash and grabbed me by the neck before slamming me into a tree. There was such rage on your face and in your eyes. They started to metamorphosize into a tent of flaming red. I was extremely terrified along with being completely without breath for having my air supply completely cut off. Your fangs were growing monstrous in size. Wind started to encircle us both. I feared you were on the verge of transforming. But after a few moments, to my relief, your eyes changed back to their typical golden hue and your fangs normalized. “If this is what you desire, Inuyasha,” you murmured as your eyes became shaded with indifference. You released my neck shortly after. I slid down the tree before desperately gasping in an attempt to get air back into my lungs. You tried to speak in an apathetic tone of voice but animosity still penetrated through, “I am leaving Inuyasha. Since that is what you desire. The next time we see each other in the light...which will be a long time from now…we will be enemies. Enjoy your peace while you can half-breed.” I felt such a panic by the thought of you leaving…for a long time, that I didn't even notice when you called me a, “half-breed.” While still trying to catch my breath, I forced out the words, “Where are you going?” You replied coldly, “You are no longer privileged to that information-hanyou. I am leaving.” You paused before saying, “good bye Inuyasha,” and I could have sworn that I was sensing some kind of melancholy cradled within those words. “Sesshoumaru I…” I tried to think of something else to say, but you ended up disappearing before I could come up with anything. `I love you…'
- Two weeks passed by…then three weeks…then a month. As I rested one night in the forest against a tree with the moon shinning down mistily, my nose suddenly caught your scent and it woke me. As my eyes started to peel open, I caught a glimpse of what appeared to be a mournful apparition, sitting with legs tucked under as it gazed down at me. But as my vision started to become clearer, it revealed the essence of vulnerability, sorrow and beauty. The being before me was like an ethereally illuminated and magnificent deity who had flown down from the heights of heaven with the intention to mercifully baptize me with the holiness and purity of their tears. I gazed utterly entranced into your mesmerizingly golden irises as small streams cascaded down your soft cherry cheeks. My mind eventually drifted back into a deep slumber with the lingering sensation of your soft but chilled fingers brushing delicately across the crest of my cheek. After that night, I didn't see you or catch your scent for a whole year. I started to feel free but at the same time I felt a sense of having been abandoned…quite similar to the type of feelings I felt when my mother passed away. Another year went by and I still didn't have you near me. I hadn't stopped wanting you but I just didn't want to deal with troubling feelings anymore. I wondered if you knew that. I also had been feeling desperately lonely for a long time. Once I eventually met Kikyou; the closer I became to her, the more the dreaded feelings of loneliness, depression and temptation started to disappear. Eventually we fell in love. It was so strange to be in love with someone who was a female, not related and a priestess. But soon our love was shattered when somebody, (Naraku I found out eventually) tricked us into betraying each other all because of a stupid jewel. I felt less pain for myself and much more for Kikyou. Why did he do that to her? …Such a selfish bastard.
Eventually I was revived by Kagome fifty years later after she accidently shattered the Shikon No Tama; a jewel that had came out of her body. A long and drawn out saga began in which we would fight off yokai seeking after the jewel while constantly trying to find and/or defeat Naraku as we made allies along the way. During the beginnings of our adventures, you appeared to me once more. But it was in a completely unexpected way. Things had become so crazy right after the reawakening that I didn't even have the opportunity to really stop and think about where you were and how you were fairing. The thought crossed my mind briefly at some point that maybe you were dead and my heart jumped in my chest, but then after thinking more rationally, I realized that was highly unlikely. You hadn't changed hardly since the last time I'd seen you. The only thing that was different was your hair, which had gotten longer and your boa which had grown somewhat longer as well. You were alluring even when your eyes were consumed with hatred and you had a sinister smile on your face. You wanted to know if I knew the location of some sword (which turned out to be the Tetsusaiga), and used a pseudo version of my mother being tortured by you, in order to get the information out of me. Of course I didn't know what the hell you were talking about. I honestly had a feeling that most of your bitterness had nothing to do with that damn sword. Everything worked out where I ended up possessing a sword I never could have dreamed of having but the only thing; is that I had to battle you as well as cut off your arm in order to get it. To all of my friends I'd put on a tough façade as if I didn't care when I had to cut off your arm and you continued to attack me. But the truth is that I cared deeply.
I felt guilt over leaving you by yourself for fifty years. Sure you were absent two years before I was sealed but that didn't mean you wouldn't have returned eventually. You always had. Or maybe I was just kidding myself. Either way, you hadn't reappeared so I gave my heart to Kikyou instead as a substitute. After definitely keeping your word to make my life a living hell, you had a change of heart once you realized I was dependent on the Tetsusaiga in order to not be completely transformed by my yokai blood into a mindless killer. I don't know what created this sudden since of compassion, but later on I wondered if the girl traveling with you may have had something to do with it. After that moment, I knew that you were not going to pursue the sword any longer. Inspite of us no longer having hostility towards each other, I still figured that surely everything that had happened between us in the past was long buried and would never be excavated again…I mean with me being in love with Kikyou and Kagome at the same time…Kami. But the heart is unpredictable and I was wrong. I guess no matter how beautiful, kind and voluptuous they are; they still don't have an indigo blue crescent moon divinely emblazoned in the middle if their foreheads, nor golden eyes that penetrate deeply, nor soft little elfin ears to lick, nor flowing hair the shade of moon light to caress my fingers through, nor an elegance like no other, nor a huge cock for sucking…
~ * ~ *~
Thanks to everyone who reviewed. Sorry it took so long to update. I hope this chapter was enjoyable for all who read it. To answer one reviewers' question: Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha will more than likely come together in the next chapter. Also a proper explanation for making Sesshoumaru cry: I wanted the moment to create a certain ambiance of lightness and intimacy between him and Inuyasha. I think sensitivity in men is beautiful and I wanted to communicate how much Sesshoumaru is really just as tormented as Inuyasha, deep down inside. It represents a moment that is very private and rare, therefore very special and a secret shared between only them. Well I hope that's a decent explanation. Sayonara.