InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of Pleasure and Shame ❯ Grateful? ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Characters owned by: Rumiko Takahashi, Viz Entertainment, ECT.
I make no profit from this story
Chapter 10: Grateful?
The next morning, Inuyasha wakes up, inside of the cave, feeling refreshed on top of the soft brown fur spread out underneath him. He sits up before peering around him. He quickly gathers that Sesshoumaru has departed from the cave. He figures that he is on his way back to meet Rin, his retainer along with his dragon, Ah-Un. `Dammit! I need to get back to the hut,' he screams in his mind. He jumps up before getting dressed quickly. Afterwards, he runs out of the cave before swiftly hopping off through the forest, back to the hut. Once he arrives back, he peaks his head through the shoji door. He notices that everyone is just waking up. He walks inside only to be immediately interrogated by Miroku. “Inuyasha, have you seen Kagome?” he asks with concern. Inuyasha replies, trying to keep the nervousness he's feeling out of his voice, “No…she's not here?” “No…we haven't seen her since we woke up this morning,” Sango chimes in. Suddenly Shippo shouts, “Hey, look you guys…I found something!” It is the scroll Kagome discovered the night before. Shippo begins to open it. “Shippo - don't! Let one of us read it,” Miroku exclaims. “Why can't I read it?” Shippo whines as Miroku walks over and takes it out of his hand.
He unrolls it before mumbling the words incoherently to himself, as his eyes trace the surface. Inuyasha's sensitive ears however, manage to decipher what he's whispering. His eyes suddenly grow large as he realizes what the note is about. “Miroku, hand it over,” he requests. “Inuyasha,” Miroku utters questioningly. “Just hand it over,” Inuyasha replies, secretly communicating other messages through his eyes and facial expressions. Miroku gazes at Inuyasha with distrust before slowly handing the scroll over to him as he gives Inuyasha a foreboding and admonishing glare. Inuyasha dismissively snatches it out of his hand before saying as he directs his gaze downward and out of the corner of his eyes, “I've gotta go find Kagome.” “Inuyasha what's wrong…is Kagome okay,” Sango asks with dismay. Inuyasha simply turns absent-mindedly in order to leave. She turns to look at Miroku. “Is Kagome alright,” she asks him in a heightened pitch. He just continues to stare ahead with his mouth pinched. “You guys can't just hide things from me. She's my friend too,” she complains. “Just leave it alone, Sango,” Miroku warns in an exasperated tone. By the time Miroku utters these words, Inuyasha is already out of the door.
Inuyasha eventually reaches the well after traveling some distance, but is startled to discover that he is unable to pass through into Kagome's time, after hopping down to the bottom. Frantically, he begins to dig with his claws. Once it starts to sink in that the well isn't going to let him pass, he stops as he begins to breathe heavily, with shoulders slumped in defeat. After a few moments, the thought of the note pierces his brain. He snaps his head up and with rage in his eyes and clinched teeth, he mumbles, “Sesshoumaru…” Not too long after, he jumps out of the well before immediately attempting to find his older brother. Forty minutes later, his mission is accomplished. But Inuyasha's brother is not alone. As Sesshoumaru sits with his back leaned against a tree, he watches Rin and Jaken in a river as they try to catch fish. Inuyasha calmly appears behind and to the side of him. “Inuyasha,” Sesshoumaru states without turning around. “Sesshoumaru…I need to talk to you.” “You are angry.” “I know it was you…You wrote the note Shippo found.” Sesshoumaru stalls for a moment before finally replying, “I thought you would be more grateful, Inuyasha…” “Grateful!?” Inuyasha leaps within Sesshoumaru's view, before continuing to speak in a hushed voice, “Grateful? You already know I didn't want Kagome to find out about us. By the way, how did she find out in the first place if she didn't even show up? What did you do (he slants his eyes)…was that plum you gave me normal?” Sesshoumaru replies, “You are smarter than you realize, Inuyasha…” “…What did you do?” “Hm,” Sesshoumaru vocalizes snidely as a sly grin appears on his face. Finally Sesshoumaru looks up at Inuyasha as he concedes, “The plum was enchanted. She came in and saw us but you were blinded by a spell and couldn't see her.” Inuyasha gasps under his breath before asking, “When…when did she see us?”
A coy expression appears upon Sesshoumaru's face, “When…do you think?” Inuyasha gasps again, in an effeminate way (Heh-heh), as he places his hand over his mouth. Completely enraged, Inuyasha finally loses his cool. “You bastard,” he exclaims at the top of his lungs. Sesshoumaru's eyes grow hilariously large as Rin and Jaken turn around abruptly, at the same time. Sesshoumaru senses that they have become alarmed. “Rin-we're-leaving,” Sesshoumaru calls out hastily. Inuyasha curls his fingers with the most furious and imposing expression Sesshoumaru has ever seen pervading his beautiful, chiseled face. “You're not going anywhere you treacherous fucker,” Inuyasha mumbles tensely. Sesshoumaru's eyes grow wide with alarm again, as Inuyasha suddenly swipes his claws at him. But Sesshoumaru silently transports himself away, before Inuyasha's claws have the chance to strike, appearing again right over Rin.
He quickly grabs a hold of Rin's hand before flying away at the speed of light, within his beaming transport bubble, as Jaken runs after him pleading, “Sesshoumaru Sama, don't leave me,” like so many times before that. After running for a short while, Jaken gives up, before walking over towards Inuyasha. Once he reaches him, Inuyasha is just standing there, frozen in place while gazing up into the sky with an expression of intense annoyance. At the worst possible time Jaken could choose, he chides, “What was that all about and how dare you address Sesshoumaru Sama in such an insolent manner…” Before he can utter another word, Inuyasha swiftly assaults Jaken's soft green head with his hard, powerful fist. After getting enough of his rage out, he lets up on Jaken's poor skull before turning his back to him as he prepares to leave. “Where are you going, Inuyasha,” Jaken asks as he rubs his big, empty, lump covered head. “When you see your MASTER again, tell him that I said, `stay away from me.'” He shifts his head slowly from side to side as he gazes angrily into the sky, “Did you hear that Sesshoumaru, stay the fuck away from me!” He abruptly takes off without another word.
~ * ~ * ~
I hope everyone liked it. I've fixed the misspelled words in the previous chapters for the person who was concerned about that, along with some other small changes regarding my comma usage. Sometimes I have a difficult time with knowing where to place commas, semi-colons, ECT, so I really appreciate any constructive criticism received. Anyways, thanks so much to all of those who still are showing an interest in this story. I'll do my best to make sure everything is spelled correctly and so forth…anyways, sayonara.