InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of Pleasure and Shame ❯ Betrayal ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Characters owned by: Rumiko Takahashi, Viz Entertainment, ECT.
I make no profit from this story
Part: Two
Chapter 9: Betrayal
In the year sixteen-sixty two, on a crisp morning at twilight, the evil yokai known as Naraku; is finally annihilated by the hanyou hero known as Inuyasha along with his many friends and allies. But right when all believe that the battle is finally finished for good, the human girl from the future, known as Kagome, abruptly disappears. After three days, she is discovered by Inuyasha inside of the Jewel of Four Souls and is able to completely destroy the ominous gem by making the “right,” wish. Once she is out of the darkness, and back into the fresh air and morning light, she is reminded of the dreams that she has had for a long time, to settle down with Inuyasha. Now that everything is over, she believes her dreams will finally come true. But she is in for a big surprise.
For the next few days after Naraku's demise, everyone takes time off to rest in order to revitalize themselves from the long struggle they all have endured over the last year. Then one night, as everyone is fast asleep inside of Kaede's hut; a mysterious figure appears above Kagome, before placing a small scroll beside her matt. When she wakes up the next morning; after clearing her eyes, she looks down and spots the object. She picks it up and unrolls it. She begins to read the words in her mind, `for your eyes only: I know where Inuyasha disappears to at night. If you'd like to know too, don't fall asleep this evening. Instead, after Inuyasha wakes up tonight, which he will, follow these directions after he leaves. Wait twenty minutes before your departure. (Signed) Anonymous.' She analyses the map and notations at the bottom of the scroll. `How does this person know this? Who could have written this…and how the heck did they get in here?”
After analyzing it a little longer, she swiftly thrusts the scroll into her bag, peering around her cautiously in order to make sure that no one else is awake or watching her. Later that evening, after the day is over and everyone has fallen asleep, sure enough, Inuyasha get's up after he thinks everyone has drifted off and disappears outside of the hut into the night. Soon after he leaves, Kagome's eyes spring wide open. `Kami, I thought he'd never get up. I can't believe the note was right…even after Kikyou died he continued to leave during the night…who else could he be going to see besides her…was he ever even going to see Kikyou in the first place?' She periodically glances at her watch, waiting for twenty minutes to pass. She stands up still dressed for the day, as soon as the clock strikes twelve (although that's not the exact time since there are no references for telling time, that accurately, in the period she's currently in) before tip-toeing with her bow over her shoulder, through the hut and then out of the shoji door. Once she gets outside, without a second thought, she wakes up Kirara. She hops onto her back before quickly and courageously flying off into the night.
After following the directions on the scroll composed of star constellations as well as other clues, it isn't long before she finds the entrance of a cave. After Kirara lands, she hops off before instructing her quietly, “Stay right here Kirara and stay quiet.” After reaching up, she clasps her hand tightly against her bow, before commencing her trek inside of the cave. - Inuyasha bites into one of his favorite things, a rare plum, given to him as a present from Sesshoumaru. The succulent nature of the fruit causes nectar to run salaciously from the corner of Inuyasha's mouth, down his chin, as his eyes close in sheer bliss of the sweet and delectable taste of it. Sesshoumaru licks his lips with lust, unbeknownst to Inuyasha, as he observes him with intent. Suddenly, Inuyasha notices a strange feeling overtaking him. “Sesshoumaru, something's…I'm feeling light-headed,” he utters. With a neutral expression, Sesshoumaru replies simply, “Interesting.” Inuyasha is to out of it to recognize the slight sarcasm and sadistic amusement in his brother's voice. - As Kagome finally reaches the innermost chambers of the well lit cave, what she beholds as she turns the corner, causes her to freeze in shock as the wind is completely taken from her lungs. The dog eared, silver haired, hanyou that she has grown to love so deeply, while on his hands and knees; is being invaded from behind, still partially clothed, by his silver haired, older, yokai brother, also still partially clothed.
Sesshoumaru looks up a few seconds after she arrives, although the truth is that he had smelled her coming way before she actually entered the cave. She notices that Inuyasha hasn't turned around in order to look at her, but is still moaning with every thrust of Sesshoumaru's pelvis. She breaks out of her shock enough to be able to call his name. “Inuyasha…” see utters languishingly. At this point Sesshoumaru has stopped thrusting but has not removed himself from Inuyasha. “Why are you stopping,” Inuyasha asks obliviously. Sesshoumaru glares at Kagome with a wicked grin on his face. “He can't here you, ningen,” he utters icily. “He can't even hear ME talking to you.” “I don't understand,” she utters absent-mindedly. As her eyes start to become overwhelmed with tears, she cries out again, while completely ignoring Sesshoumaru, “Inuyasha!” He continues to remain unresponsive. “It is useless. He is under a spell and remains blinded to your presence. He doesn't love you…go back to your own time.” She gasps before saying, “How did you? How did you?” “Hm,” is the only response Sesshoumaru gives her. With a hazy expression and tears unconsciously running down her face, she turns around slowly, before stumbling away, back towards the entrance of the cave. After getting halfway towards the entrance, she hears Inuyasha saying, “Come on…fuck me already. We still have more positions to go and you know I have to get back before Kagome wakes up in the morning.” Kagome begins to feel nauseous.
She places her hands to her face, sobbing violently as she runs the rest of the way out of the cave. She hops onto Kirara again before flying away. After arriving back at the hut, she sneaks inside before gathering the rest of her things and sneaking out again into the night. Once she reaches the well, as Kirara silently pleads with her eyes, Kagome utters mournfully with tears rolling down her cheeks, “I'm sorry Kirara, but I can't stay.” She turns her head away before uttering to herself with a wispy sob, “How could he?” She sniffles before concluding as she glares up into the heavens with her fists clinched to her sides, “I don't care…I hate you for doing this to me! You're such a hentai!” Kagome completely turns away from Kirara before feeling in the short gap between her and the well. After placing one hand on top of the opening of the well while looking down into it for a moment, she turns around before walking back over towards Kirara. She kneels down before proceeding to caress the back of Kirara's head and neck. As Kirara purrs indulgingly with closed eyes, Kagome utters softly, “We'll see each other again Kirara…I promise. Look out for everyone while I'm gone, OK.” After stroking Kirara a few more times, Kagome stands back up again, before heading back towards the well. Once she reaches it, she looks back at Kirara one more time, before placing one leg over the well and then the other. It isn't long before she is completely inside, vanishing into its depths.
So, I have to be honest…I wasn't planning on continuing this story. But because someone wanted me to do something with Kagome, I decided to give it a shot. This means that I have to write more chapters because I can't end it on this one. It wouldn't make sense. Anyways, I hope people are still reading this story. I apologize for it taking me so long to update. Sayonara.