InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of Pleasure and Shame ❯ Dominate Me ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Characters owned by: Rumiko Takahashi, Viz Entertainment, ECT.
I make no profit from this story
Chapter 18: Dominate Me
Both of their hearts pound vigorously and the blazing energy between them continues to elevate as the fabric of Sesshoumaru's fundoshi are caught between his grasping fingers. Sesshoumaru frees up one of his hands, before allowing it to slide down underneath his pants and underwear, over his groin. It isn't long before his slender fingers reveal his extremely swollen and aching erection. Inuyasha's eyes narrow as he redirects his gaze towards that area while licking his upper lip animalistically. He utters as if casting a spell, “Mmm-you're such a horny, NAUGHTY little puppy. You want daddy to punish you SO badly, don't you?” Sesshoumaru gazes at Inuyasha with a dewy eyed expression as his bottom lip trembles minutely. As if bipolar, all of a sudden Inuyasha snaps swiftly and violently as he flings the bamboo cane he's been holding, behind him, melodramatically, “Hurry-up-and-take-them-off! Do it now!!!” The stick ends up slamming against a wall behind him with a loud thud that causes Sesshoumaru to flinch (Inuyasha = Best Closeted Dominator on Earth). Sesshoumaru hastily removes his pants at this point as Inuyasha walks away in order to pick up his bamboo cane. Once he returns, he murmurs with a penetrating gaze as Sesshoumaru stands before him at attention, completely naked, “Now I'm going to have to punish you extra hard, for making me lose my temper like that.” Inuyasha walks slowly over towards Sesshoumaru before circling around him two or three times, like a tiger stalking his prey, as he taps his palm with his bamboo stick.
Afterwards, he get's right up in Sesshoumaru's face, bogarting him. He holds the bamboo reed down in one hand, as he leans his face into Sesshoumaru's supple, yet powerful neck while pressing his body up against him and placing his other hand against one of Sesshoumaru's stout upper arms. His heated breath tickles Sesshoumaru's erogenous zone as he coos, “Do ya want my love? Beg me?” Sesshoumaru mumbles in reply, “I want your love, I want it really badly?” They continue to stand there, bodies touching in eerie silence as Inuyasha continues to entice Sesshoumaru with the sensation of heated breath massaging his neck. Finally Inuyasha moves his head away before commanding in a low hum of a voice while never looking up, “On your knees.” Sesshoumaru drops to the floor at the speed of light as he gazes up at Inuyasha as if he were a lost puppy. “Beg,” Inuyasha commands coolly as he gazes down upon him mercilessly. “Please, please give it to me,” Sesshoumaru utters tonelessly. “You can do better than that,” Inuyasha soughs. This time Sesshoumaru speaks with emotion as he folds his hands together into a ball in front of him, as if praying to a deity reminiscent of a younger version of his father, “Please…please! I need you to love me so desperately. I'll obey your every whim-just love me, please!” Inuyasha smirks cockily and sadistically as he gazes down at him, “You'll get exactly what you deserve…get up!” Sesshoumaru leaps to his feet. Inuyasha swings his arm out stiffly, as he points his finger in a particular direction. “Get over there,” he demands. Sesshoumaru flies over to the area at the speed of light. Inuyasha deliberately takes his time walking over towards the same spot.
Once Inuyasha finally arrives; as Sesshoumaru stands between two giant pillars in the center of the dungeon, Inuyasha picks up the ropes lying on the ground. He loops a rope around each pillar, before looping rope around each of Sesshoumaru's ankles. Inuyasha ties the rope in such a way where length is left in between his ankles so that he is able to stand with his legs spread apart slightly. Then he ties Sesshoumaru's wrist together in front of him, using elaborately artistic knots and lopes, before leaping up in order to slide the rope through a metal loop in the ceiling, in order to suspend Sesshoumaru's arms above his head, in the air. After Sesshoumaru's body is positioned the way Inuyasha desires, he takes one more rope and wraps it around Sesshoumaru's waist, before using methodic and artful means, in order to create three tight loops around Sesshoumaru's straining erection. Lastly, he creates elaborate loops, which divides as well as constricts each side of Sesshoumaru's sack (its penis torture). As Sesshoumaru now stands there, having the appearance of a bound angel, Inuyasha grabs a hold of his jaw before aggressively thrusting his tongue down Sesshoumaru's throat, kissing him briefly and lasciviously. Sesshoumaru moans breezily before Inuyasha releases his soft, plump lips. Inuyasha continues to hold Sesshoumaru's jaw tightly and dominatingly as he utters forcefully through clenched teeth, with his face only a hairs breath away from Sesshoumaru's, “I'm going to do so many unspeakably depraved things to you…weak little, shit eating, dick sucking bitches like you, deserve to be punished.” He suddenly latches his hand onto the hair on the back of Sesshoumaru's head, before yanking it back violently. Sesshoumaru hisses erotically in response.
Inuyasha shifts his body, so that his lips are barely grazing one of Sesshoumaru's tender, elfin shaped ears. Inuyasha moans quietly and teasingly as he stimulates Sesshoumaru's earlobe with his long, squishy tongue. “Aawwhh,” Sesshoumaru moans breezily as Inuyasha eventually sucks his ear into his mouth. Finally, Inuyasha speaks heavily into Sesshoumaru's ear, taunting him with the energy of a wicked sadist, “You love sucking dick, don't you?” Inuyasha yanks at the soft, thick snow white locks, he still possesses in his hand. Sesshoumaru gasps out in response, “Yes, I love sucking dick.” “Say it louder,” Inuyasha mumbles. “I love sucking dick,” Sesshoumaru exclaims in response. “Do you want this dick inside of you,” Inuyasha questions tensely. “Yes, I want it inside of me tremendously.” “Are you my bitch…say it.” “I'm your bitch.” “Who's a stupid bitch?” Sesshoumaru doesn't respond in an act of defiance. Inuyasha asks again more harshly, as he yanks Sesshoumaru's hair again, “Who's a stupid fucking bitch! Say it!!” Sesshoumaru cries brightly, “I am!” He swallows hard, “I'm a stupid fucking bitch!” Feeling pacified Inuyasha grins wickedly against Sesshoumaru's ear, as he moans breezily. Inuyasha sighs erotically as he takes one more twirling lick and a big heaping suck of Sesshoumaru's ear. Sesshoumaru pants heavily and bights his lip lightly as his cock becomes more inflamed by Inuyasha's actions. Inuyasha finally releases Sesshoumaru's hair. He sneaks in a twist of Sesshoumaru's hardened nipples, completely catching him off guard as he whimpers excitedly in response. Then he slaps Sesshoumaru's taut, round ass, as he utters the words, “Good boy,” before moving back a few feet behind him, standing there for a little while in complete silence.
Sesshoumaru's heart begins to pound in his chest uncontrollably, in anticipation of what is going to happen next. A heavy noise suddenly pierces the air, as the first lash of the bamboo cane against the small of Sesshoumaru's back, is established. The vivid stinging sensation Sesshoumaru experiences, elicits a hiss out of him as he tries to refrain from reacting vocally to the pain. Another lash comes storming down upon Sesshoumaru's lower back. He resists the urge to cry out, as he grits his teeth with tight lips and fluttering eye lids. “Tryin' tuh be a hard-ass are ya? I'll show you who's a hard-ass…scream for me!” Inuyasha takes his sexual frustration out on Sesshoumaru's lower back again, striking even harder. “Un…” Sesshoumaru catches himself as his eyes slam shut briefly and he grits his teeth. The lashes keep coming, with each one being slightly more powerful than the last. Sesshoumaru's sounds of affliction mixed with pleasure, eventually makes themselves evident, as his gasping, hissing, panting, and sighing, transforms into very passionate sobs, whines, moans, groans and whimpers. Eventually he becomes so overwhelmed by insatiable lust, searing pain, and agonizing emotions, that tears begin to stream down his face as he shuts his eyes tightly with a very aroused and gasping expression. The sounds of bamboo bark against flesh, continues to saturate the air. “Who's in control, Sesshoumaru?!” “Ah-hhaaaahh! You are, Inuyasha-sama!!!” “That's right, I'm in control and don't you ever forget it…nghh.” “Aah-aarghh!!!” After a few more blows to Sesshoumaru's back, derriere, and thighs, Inuyasha finally gives him a break. Sesshoumaru pants heavily with tears streaming down his face as Inuyasha returns in front of him, to taunt and degrade him a little more. Inuyasha grabs the back of Sesshoumaru's head before kissing him savagely and raunchily. He swiftly pulls away. He gazes into his eyes condescendingly, before suddenly slapping his face. He mumbles coldly, “You don't deserve my love.” Inspite of knowing logically that nothing that is happening at the moment is real; it doesn't stop him from becoming swept away by all of the emotions being excavated from deep within his being. He shuts his eyes tightly with gritted, partially exposed teeth, as more torrents of tears stream down his face and then he begins to sob mournfully as he drops his head in defeat.
Feeling very alarmed at this point, Inuyasha finds a way to comfort Sesshoumaru without completely destroying the aura of the atmosphere. He snuggles his body up close to Sesshoumaru from behind, as he wraps his arms around him, pressing one hand flat against Sesshoumaru's stomach and the other flat against one side of his chest. He whispers tenderly into Sesshoumaru's ear, “Do you want to continue? We usually never go this deep with things anyway…You know that I love you, right?” With his head still down and his sweaty bangs clinging to his forehead, Sesshoumaru responds sobbingly, “Yes, I can continue…” he sighs his last words, “…just give me a moment.” Inuyasha continues to rest against Sesshoumaru's back, tenderly kissing his neck and shoulders, periodically. After a minute or so, finally Sesshoumaru whispers, “Okay, I'm ready.” Inuyasha gives him one last, lingering kiss between his shoulder blades as he delicately massages his shoulder, before drifting back in front of him. Inuyasha gets back into character very swiftly as he slaps Sesshoumaru's face. “You thought your tears would dissuade me from giving you the punishment you so rightfully deserve? Being a Daiyokai doesn't make you anymore worthy of my love.” Once he is finished chastising him, Inuyasha leaps up towards the ceiling, before swiping at the rope causing Sesshoumaru's arms to stay suspended in the air, with his claws. The rope shreds and Sesshoumaru's arms fall heavily in front of him, with his wrists still bound together. Inuyasha's feet stealthily touch back down onto the ground behind Sesshoumaru, before he walks over to the drawer in a corner of the dungeon. He takes out a silk black cloth.
After shutting the drawer…very loudly, in order to startle Sesshoumaru, he walks back over towards him. He blindfolds Sesshoumaru with the cloth, making sure it's nice and tight before backing away slightly. “On your knees,” Inuyasha commands suddenly. Sesshoumaru does as he's told. He hears Inuyasha's feet tapping against the cold floor as he senses Inuyasha drifting in front of him. Then he hears him coo, “Your body is so fucking sexy…daddy's going to make the little puppy feel really special.” The sound of Inuyasha's voice makes Sesshoumaru's body tremble. Sesshoumaru begins to hear the sounds of metal and clothing, falling to floor. After the noises stop, he eventually feels the warmth of body heat, bathing his face. An astringent scent of arousal overwhelms his supernaturally sensitive nostrils along with his throbbing appendage. He feels a hand against the back of his head, then something smooth, round, slimy and hard pressing against his lips. “Open your mouth,” the voice above orders orgasmically. Sesshoumaru does as he's told as the unseen force above him, presses its tip inside of his gap, gradually. Soon, something extremely big and hard is sliding in and out of Sesshoumaru's mouth, stretching his orifice to its limit as liquid oozes from its corners and down his chin, jaw, and neck, continuously. The voice above him expresses its satisfaction in unbridled, lascivious detail, causing Sesshoumaru's nature to strain against the rope still wrapped around it, with tremendous force. “Aaah-hhh…Aaaw-hhh…Sss-Nnnn-hhh…Such a dick loving slut…” Inuyasha gradually increases the frequency and strength of his thrusts, shoving his dick so hard and deep down Sesshoumaru's throat, that at some point he gags. “Aaaww! Sss-unnn…Awhh…” Inuyasha vocalizes huskily and sadistically, “You love sucking your father's dick SO much...Aw-hhh…That's-right-take-it…Take-it-Aw!” After a few more thrusts, Inuyasha suddenly pulls out without climaxing. Sesshoumaru hears the sound of a hand sliding back and forth against really wet skin (shlick, shlick) along with repetitious panting. “NNNNNGHH!!!” Inuyasha sends an ocean of his milk, splashing all over Sesshoumaru's soft opalescent face, as he climaxes swiftly and vividly.
Inuyasha sighs and pants as the last sensations of pleasure propagate throughout his lower extremities. There is silence for a few seconds. “Uuughh…” Suddenly Sesshoumaru feels something else…a hot, less concentrated liquid, splashing against his face before flooding down his body. The pungent odor causes his nose to crinkle. It doesn't take him long to realize that Inuyasha is giving him a golden shower (urinating on him). The fluid keeps pouring out for what seems like forever, before finally ceasing. Soon Sesshoumaru hears another command, “Lay down on your side.” Once Sesshoumaru is on the ground, Inuyasha gets down on his knees in front of him before untying his wrists carefully. But once Sesshoumaru's wrists are free, he pushes Sesshoumaru onto his stomach before tying them together again, this time behind his back. After sensing his body being turned back around, he feels Inuyasha's body straddling his lower abdomen. Then all of a sudden, Sesshoumaru feels hands squeezing the life out of his throat. He thrashes his legs violently at first in shock, but then quickly stops fighting since he trusts that Inuyasha isn't trying to hurt him along with understanding that he's just being kinky. Inuyasha chokes him for a few more seconds before finally letting go. As Sesshoumaru is panting in an attempt to catch his breath, suddenly he feels the claws of one of Inuyasha's hands, scraping down his stomach. He reacts by gasping and hissing as the scent of his own blood invades his nostrils. He hears Inuyasha coo, “I told you I was gonna punish you extra hard, didn't I? Sinfully beautiful creatures like you, need to be broken.” Inuyasha licks and sucks on the wounds he created, causing Sesshoumaru to hiss as he draws some of his palatable blood into his mouth.
When Sesshoumaru is at a loss as to what psychotically twisted things Inuyasha could possibly think of doing to him next, he is pleasantly surprised, as after a few moments, he senses something hovering over his face. It isn't long before Inuyasha's ass crack is smothering Sesshoumaru's lips. “Lick that ass-hole for me,” Inuyasha utters tensely. Sesshoumaru sticks his tongue out before doing as he's told. Inuyasha releases a delicate moan in response. Desiring desperately to hear a stronger reaction from him, Sesshoumaru wiggles his tongue inside of Inuyasha's opening causing Inuyasha to moan more heavily. Sesshoumaru's mental attention turns briefly towards his own throbbing member along with the aching pain that's been permeating his back, ass and thighs for an eternity now. `Kami, I'm so fucking horny. I love it when you dominate me Inuyasha,' he thinks to himself as he continues to lick Inuyasha's portal. After a few more moments, Inuyasha rises up off of him before moving on to the next state of affairs. He moves between Sesshoumaru's spread legs before moving his head down close to his entrance. After Inuyasha parts his ass cheeks, suddenly Sesshoumaru feels a wet appendage lapping at his anus. Sesshoumaru sighs erotically as the appendage wiggles its way inside of him. After a few seconds, the appendage slides back out. Inuyasha rises to his feet before picking Sesshoumaru up and throwing him over his shoulder like a rag doll. He walks over towards the European style bed, with the canopy, along with the sheer black curtains hanging down and inclosing the bed. Once he reaches the edge of the bed, Inuyasha parts the curtains, before crawling onto it with Sesshoumaru still in tow. He finally places Sesshoumaru onto the bed, on his back, before crawling back to the edge in order to close the curtain. Sesshoumaru sighs with gratitude as he rejoices in the cushiony softness of the bed beneath him while the intoxicating scent wafting through the air causes Sesshoumaru's heart to race and his cock to twitch, in anticipation of what he knows is about to happen next.
Using one of his claws, Inuyasha slices through a part of the rope wrapped around Sesshoumaru's stream-lined waist as if opening a present. Inuyasha tells Sesshoumaru to move his hips up before pulling the rope from underneath his body. After removing the lopes constricting Sesshoumaru's swollen organ, he removes the rope surrounding Sesshoumaru's ankles and reties Sesshoumaru's wrists, so that Sesshoumaru is able to rest his arms above his head, before swiftly discarding the rest of the material left over. Inuyasha moves on top of Sesshoumaru, straddling his lower abdomen. He instructs him saying, “Lean onto your elbows, Sesshoumaru.” After Sesshoumaru moves up, Inuyasha gently removes his blindfold. He then silently presses his hand against Sesshoumaru's chest as he leans forward, causing Sesshoumaru to intuitively lean back down onto his back. While Inuyasha partially rests his body over Sesshoumaru's body with one leg bent and rested over Sesshoumaru's legs, he allows his spread hand to enticingly glide down one side of Sesshoumaru's sculpted chest and stomach as he begins to play with Sesshoumaru's ear with his tongue. Sesshoumaru moans almost imperceptibly before Inuyasha murmurs sensually into his ear, “I'm going to fuck you so hard…I don't think you'll be able to handle it. If you're feeling doubtful, which I'm sure you are, now is the time to back out.” Sesshoumaru proclaims as he grins confidently, while continuing to gaze upward, “This Sesshoumaru can take whatever you can dish out, Inuyasha.”
Inuyasha grins cunningly against his ear before cooing after eliciting one heftier moan out of Sesshoumaru while sucking his ear, “Hm…we'll see about that.” In a flash, Inuyasha jumps back on top of Sesshoumaru, hovering over him on his hands and knees. He lowers his face, nuzzling it between Sesshoumaru's jaw and clavicle before twirling his tongue against a sensitive spot on Sesshoumaru's neck. Sesshoumaru sighs Inuyasha's name sensuously as his erogenous zone is heartedly sucked in. After holding the flesh in his mouth for a few moments, Inuyasha finally sets it free. He places sexually charged kisses and sucks down Sesshoumaru's chest, before reaching his very stiff nipple. He sucks on the hardened nipple powerfully as he stimulates Sesshoumaru's other nipple with his finger tips, causing Sesshoumaru to groan with lust. Sesshoumaru then cries out hoarsely, “Kami, fuck me now.” After Inuyasha stops sucking on the nipple, he replies after taking one more quick lick, “All in due time. It wouldn't be any fun if I didn't get to torment you some…you love it when daddy's in control, don't you?” Inuyasha gazes up at Sesshoumaru like a wild hungry beast, before zooming down between his legs. Inuyasha holds the outer part of Sesshoumaru's thigh before placing very inebriating kisses, sucks and licks down the inner part. “Oh Inu-kun, please fuck me now,” Sesshoumaru sighs, feeling as if he could explode at any moment. Inuyasha sucks in some of his flesh very harshly. Sesshoumaru sobs vividly as the bittersweet pain stimulates his already extremely inflamed organ. Inuyasha spits onto his now magically ( I already established this self-created idea earlier on) humanized index and middle finger before sticking them inside of Sesshoumaru in order to stretch him. Then he only leaves them in for a few seconds, before swiftly sliding them out. He doesn't even bother to place more fingers in. Instead, Inuyasha moves up some before placing Sesshoumaru's long, beautifully sculpted, alabaster like legs over his shoulders.
Suddenly, golden irises meet golden irises in a cataclysmic exchange of heartrending emotions. Finally, as Sesshoumaru's heart is beating so wildly in his chest that he is almost on the verge of fainting…Inuyasha sails his preposterously huge, loaded boat inside of Sesshoumaru's humid and balmy harbor, coasting deeper and deeper until he is finally all the way inside. He begins to glide his extraordinarily large and steely sword in and out of Sesshoumaru's perfectly crafted sheath at a moderate pace, as Sesshoumaru vocalizes his approval with pornographic intensity. The sight of Sesshoumaru's torridly provocative facial expressions, along with the feeling of total domination evoked while seeing his wrists bound in such a wicked and vulnerable way causes the blistering need within Inuyasha to flare up. He begins to thrust with more savagery as he rolls his pelvis; grinding into Sesshoumaru everytime his enchanted portal reaches Inuyasha's base. While the bed Inuyasha is ravaging Sesshoumaru's opening on, creaks repetitiously and their sweaty bodies persistently collide as they humidify what was once the equivalent of a cold, desolate arctic circle: Sesshoumaru vocalizes passionately as he continues to moan, sob, and pant with longing, “Oh Kami, you're so good! Uunnn…deeper Inuyasha! I don't care if you're a hanyou anymore, just please don't stop fucking me!” Sesshoumaru banishes all of his inhibitions as he succumbs to the euphoric bliss Inuyasha's tip, pressing against his very tender, pulsating gland, evokes. He pushes his head back against the bed while closing his eyes briefly and biting his bottom lip erotically. Knowing how crazy it drives Sesshoumaru whenever he talks dirty, Inuyasha exclaims huskily as his grunts and groans prevail powerfully, “Such a piss drinking…Ugh…ass licking man whore! You love gigantic… Nngh…hanyou cock inside of you so much it's pathetic! Who's a hanyou's dick sucking, bottom feeding, bitch hhmmm?” Sesshoumaru exclaims gaspingly, “I am, Aahhw!” “Yea that's right, you like it rough, don't you? Aw-sss! Kami you're so tight…hhaaw…so beautiful…”
They both cease anymore forms of conversation; opting instead to indulge in the excruciatingly bright and heavy pangs of pleasure, saturating both of their lower halves as their pants, moans, sobs, cries, whimpers, along with whatever other sensual sounds that can be produced by a throat, continuously saturates the air around them. As Inuyasha relentlessly rams his thickness in and out of Sesshoumaru at an inhuman pace, Sesshoumaru begins to lose touch with all reality, sucking in his bottom lip while sinking his fangs in below it, as he races towards nirvana, faster than he ever has before. He vehemently bestows Inuyasha's ears with vibrant and explicit sounds of passion, as a rush of electricity begins to overwhelm his entire being. Suddenly his body jerks violently. He pushes his head back as his eyes flash a blazing red and his claws sink deep into his palms, piercing his skin, as the expression of having just immerged from water, in order to come up for air, permeates his features. Then without delay, a massively, pleasurable and bitter sensation surges throughout his loins and bottom. “Oh-father!! Nnnnnn!!!” He sobs deliriously as the spectacularly acute pangs of sexual ecstasy encompassing his erupting organ ripples through him for what seems like a heavenly eternity. As Sesshoumaru is finally beginning to come back down from his extraordinary high, Inuyasha meets him midway; grunting, panting, and groaning thunderously as he spills his divine ambrosia into Sesshoumaru's precious goblet until it overflows, pouring back out, and streaming down between Sesshoumaru's hindquarters like lava streaming down a volcano. He continues debaucherously and erratically to pump his dick in and out of Sesshoumaru, with a salaciously enthralled facial expression, until every last drop of his seed has emptied out.