InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of Pleasure and Shame ❯ Tra Me e Te ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Characters owned by: Rumiko Takahashi, Viz Entertainment, ECT.
I make no profit from this story
Hi, everyone. I'm so wrong for writing what's going to be in the following chapters, but I wanted to be original so there ya go. First of all, I decided to incorporate a more European style setting. I used the excuse of it being an otherworldly type of environment to support this. I just wanted to point this out so that no one still reading, will think I didn't carefully consider these things. This chapter or maybe the next, will include some BDSM, role playing and another shocking surprise that has been hinted at forever, so for those who aren't into things being switched up, be warned. One more thing that I'd like to explain is that often times, I tend to have this problem of being overly detailed. If I write, I have to explain everything in detail; if I draw, I have to draw every little detail. Sometimes I like to spell out the sexual sounds that the character's make in my stories. Plus I like to explain other little nuances that occur as they're in the mist of sexual activities. It may come off as a bit explicit and pornographic, but like with everything else, I'm overly detailed in that area as well. I have tried to tone it down with the spelling out of sexual noises, because I did realize while writing my previous story that I was going totally overboard with it, but I still can't help but do it sometimes. I also like things very raunchy and X-rated, with swearing and all of that, because that's what floats my boat. I understand the whole argument about it being OOC for certain characters, but in my opinion, if you depict anything that is not illustrated or spoken of by the characters in canon, such as characters having sex, they are automatically being OOC. Nobody truly knows how Sesshoumaru or Inuyasha would behave while participating in sexual activities. It isn't illustrated or spoken of in the canon in any way. If I want to read something that is canon, I will just read the Manga. But if I don't, I will write and read Fanfiction. Fanfiction's wonderful! Okaaay, now that I got that out of my system…the title of this chapter is in Italian for anyone who is curious. It means: Between you and me. B-bye.
Chapter 17: Tra Me e Te
After Inuyasha is finally finished talking to Miroku, he bids him farewell before heading off in order to find Sesshoumaru. After leaping and flying about in pursuit of Sesshoumaru's scent, he eventually discovers him walking meditatively under the cool shade of the forest. Sesshoumaru turns around, just as Inuyasha touches down onto the ground behind him. “I thought you would never arrive,” Sesshoumaru expresses coolly. Inuyasha fills in the few feet of space between them before amorously wrapping his arms around Sesshoumaru's waist, as he gazes up at him beguilingly. He then utters smoothly, “I know that it took me a while. But now you'll have me all to yourself.” Before another breath can be inhaled, their lips are pressing together, and they are kissing each other as if they will never be able to kiss again. Once they finally set each other's fleshly pouts free, it isn't much longer before Sesshoumaru's armor, obi and Mokomoko are on the shady forest floor and his hakama are down to his ankles, as Inuyasha, on his knees in front of Sesshoumaru, is stroking and sucking his extremely engorged, throbbing erection, with ravenous inhibition. With his back rested against a giant tree, Sesshoumaru thrusts his hips fluidly in coordination with Inuyasha's head. He also groans and sobs with delight and passion while holding the back of Inuyasha's head with one hand as the claws on his other hand pierce the bark of the tree he's leaning against, causing some of its flesh to melt within because of the leaking of some of his corrosive shoki (poison). With the immense pleasure radiating throughout his very long, thick, hard organ, making itself explicitly evident throughout Sesshoumaru's facial expressions, he urges Inuyasha on with a tense, quivering, impassioned voice, “Oh god, yes! Make me come Inuyasha…I need you to make me come…Uuuhhnn…it feels so good.” With devotion and reverence, Inuyasha continues to take Sesshoumaru back and forth into his mouth, causing his chin to drip heavily with saliva amalgamated with pre-ejaculate until finally, “Aw-hhh! Aaawwhh!! Nnnnnnnn!!!” Sesshoumaru's sleek muscles tense and his teeth and ass cheeks clench as he experiences the heights of ecstasy. He releases load after load of his creamy ambrosia into Inuyasha's, warm, wet and deep orifice.
Sesshoumaru eventually drifts back down from paradise after the last pangs of pleasure have radiated through him. After his cock slides out of Inuyasha's mouth and Inuyasha wipes his lips and chin with his sleeve, Sesshoumaru begins to lean downward as Inuyasha gazes up at him still on his knees. Sesshoumaru then mumbles with his face close to Inuyasha's as he glides his fingers through Inuyasha's hair, “That was so amazing…” “…Mmm,” Inuyasha moans breezily as Sesshoumaru kisses him sensuously while tenderly clasping the side of his neck. Once they stop kissing; with an alluring gaze, Sesshoumaru leans back up with his fingers lightly hovering underneath Inuyasha's jaw until he is fully standing again before mumbling as Inuyasha gazes up longingly at him, “How do you want it?” Inuyasha answers cunningly, “In the usual…” Sesshoumaru grins before uttering in a smooth and deep tone of voice, “Mmmm…very sexy.” After Inuyasha lies down onto his back, Sesshoumaru pulls down his hakama and fundoshi, before moving in between Inuyasha's spread legs. With his legs tucked underneath his thighs and one of his forearms resting against the ground, close to his knee, Sesshoumaru engulfs Inuyasha's raging hard-on into his mouth. Inuyasha immediately begins to thrust his pelvis up and down in a continuous fluid motion; bestowing Sesshoumaru's sensitive ears with delicate moans and sighs as he satisfies Inuyasha, manually and orally. Blue skies and fields of colorful flowers float through Inuyasha's mind as he closes his eyes, allowing his fantasies of Sesshoumaru to run away with him. Sesshoumaru's voluptuous lips continue to hug Inuyasha's straining erection like two soft pillows as Inuyasha grinds into him, everytime his mouth reaches his base. His sounds of rapture continue to become more vociferous as he verbalizes lustfully, “I need it so badly Sesshoumaru…Uuhh! Don't stop.” Inuyasha senses the heat surging through his body along with the extravagantly pleasurable sensation swelling through his cock as his sweat drenched bangs cling to his forehead and he realizes that the inevitable is quickly approaching. He throws his head back dramatically as he finally goes over the edge. “Hhaaww…Hhhaaww...Uunnnnnn!!!” His hips jerk erratically and his entire being vibrates as he indulges in the euphoric bliss of his bitterly fantastic release.
Once the fiery sensation in Inuyasha's loins finally dissipates, Sesshoumaru releases Inuyasha from his mouth, with a string of saliva lingering between his lips and Inuyasha's tip momentarily as he swallows the last bit of ejaculate, coating the back of his throat. He leans up into a new position where his legs are tucked underneath him and his arms are situated vertically and paralleled, in front of him as his palms press down flat against the earth, in front of his knees (reminiscent of the sitting position of a dog). Inuyasha repositions himself as well, sitting up before combing his fingers through Sesshoumaru's opulent hair for a moment as he gazes at him lovingly. Then he repositions himself again with his legs tucked underneath him, seiza style, before placing his hand gently against one side of Sesshoumaru's face. He leans in slightly before gliding his tongue over the entire surface of Sesshoumaru's face, with long, canine like strokes. Once Sesshoumaru's face is completely glistening and free of Inuyasha's seed, he grins as he gazes at him with a gleeful gleam in his eyes. Suddenly he leaps up, before pouncing Inuyasha which causes him to fall back onto his back with Sesshoumaru ending up on top of him. Sesshoumaru proceeds to lick his face very enthusiastically as Inuyasha chuckles playfully, half-heartedly pushing his hands against Sesshoumaru's upper arms while turning his face from side to side, in an attempt to evade Sesshoumaru's display of canine like affections. They begin to wrestle as Inuyasha rolls Sesshoumaru onto his back. Inuyasha pants out between giggles, “Who's on top now?” Sesshoumaru reciprocates Inuyasha's actions before panting out in response, “It looks like I am…” “Hm,” Inuyasha vocalizes before finally rolling Sesshoumaru onto his back again. He utters breathlessly, “Are you sure about that?” Sesshoumaru is silent for a moment as he gazes up at Inuyasha. He grins cunningly before uttering smoothly with an alluring gaze, “Maybe…I'm not.” “Hhmm,” Inuyasha vocalizes as he watches Sesshoumaru with a knowing gaze and a smirk. Eventually, Inuyasha mumbles, “You wanna go to father's castle, don't you?” Sesshoumaru's pulse begins to quicken as he bites his bottom lip, erotically. “Hhmmm,” he moans delicately with a flirtatious gaze. That along with Sesshoumaru's scent pretty much answers Inuyasha's question.
After Inuyasha silently rises up to his feet, Sesshoumaru follows his lead. They dust off and get dressed before departing on Sesshoumaru's youki cloud. It isn't long before they are floating through the sky, as Inuyasha snuggles up to Sesshoumaru from behind with his arms wrapped around Sesshoumaru's waist, as both of their hearts beat and their minds race in anticipation of all of the wonderfully explicit, mind-blowing things they are going to be doing together once they are finally alone, somewhere within the castle walls. The knowledge that they are going to have each other all to themselves for the next couple of weeks only makes them more anxious. It isn't long before they arrive at what is technically both their castle. It's architecture is like that of a later day Japanese Sengoku Jidai castle without the maru, and it appears as if it were made of pure gold as it settles perched amidst misty white clouds, shimmering like the sun itself. Once they are closer, all of a sudden it is as if they are in a different world as they walk through an actual grass field and then a garden, leading up to the castle entrance. Once inside, it is more like that of a European style castle than a Japanese one. There are portraits of different people who look similar to Sesshoumaru on the walls (ancestors). There are hallways, and strange looking beds in the rooms (European style beds). There are all kinds of strange looking furniture (European style furniture…Inu No Taisho has been around). There is a certain eerie quality to the inner parts of the castle and yet at the same time, it still maintains an aura of regality and charm.
- Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru decide to play out some of their fantasies in the dungeon of the castle. Once Sesshoumaru has walked into the dungeon, Inuyasha locks the door behind him, before heading off in order to change into something more special, just for Sesshoumaru. After thirty minutes or so, with Sesshoumaru's back turned away from the entrance as he sits in the middle of the dungeon room; suddenly he hears the door creak open and then the sound of feet plodding down the stairs. His heart begins to race with anticipation as the tramping of feet continues to grow louder and closer. It isn't long before the presence traipsing down the stairs finally makes itself evident as it stands not too far away, behind Sesshoumaru. The voice utters calmly and commandingly, “Stand up and face me, Sesshoumaru.” Sesshoumaru slowly rises before turning around. Within the constructs of these cold gray stone walls; with two giant stone pillars and iron loop holes attached in different spots all throughout the space, in order to support chains and ropes used to tie down and subdue whatever helpless and vulnerable body happening to be residing in the room at the time (most likely, Inuyasha or Sesshoumaru's); along with a European style, queen sized, canopy bed draped with sheer black curtains and a drawer, hiding all kinds of interesting instruments inside of it: Sesshoumaru's heart begins to pound heavily within his chest as his lips part slightly in total astonishment of what he beholds.
It is Inuyasha…adorned from head to toe in their father's regalia, with his hair craftily tied into a high ponytail at the top of his head just like their father used to wear his (with exception to Inuyasha's long side bangs, which remain hanging down over the sides of his face along with his cute doggie ears, protruding from the top of his head). To Sesshoumaru, it is as if his father has come back to life as a younger version of himself. As Sesshoumaru is standing in front of Inuyasha completely breathless; Inuyasha utters in a deep, cool, commanding voice, with his legs spread in a dominant stance while holding onto a long, hard, stiff bamboo cane that he is using to repeatedly tap the palm of his malignant hand, “Start taking off your clothes…do it slowly.” Sesshoumaru submissively begins to remove each article of clothing and armor, starting with the removal of his Mokomoko and blue and gold obi. After the obi gently floats to the ground beneath him and the Mokomoko falls off of him like a fluffy cloud, he begins to remove the metal pieces to his armor. He drops them to the floor without kneeling down or bending, and without taking his gaze off of Inuyasha. He slides off the leather part of his armor, pulling at it before removing it from his feet, one leg at a time. He removes his boots swiftly and gracefully. Inuyasha continues to watch Sesshoumaru with unflinching fervor, as he removes his kimono with a deliberately timid demeanor and a withering gaze. Inuyasha coos as his eyes trail over Sesshoumaru's delectably muscular frame as if he were a piece of meat, “Mmm…such a tight, hard little body…” His gaze stops at Sesshoumaru's crouch where he notices the gigantic bulge residing there, “…I'm sure other things are tight and haard as well. Now take off those hakama for me.” Sesshoumaru places his thumbs underneath the tops of each side of his hakama as the rest of his fingers curl outside of the hakama's outer fabric, before teasingly proceeding to pull them down. Sesshoumaru's seductively docile gaze and expression coupled with the sight of the sinewy contours creating the “V” shape which accentuates his lower abdomen right down towards the crest of his groin, causes chills to prickle down Inuyasha's spine, as his eyes flutter and his lips pucker subtly.
~ * ~ * ~
To be continued…