InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miroku's Lyric ❯ Session Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]





Chapter 2- Midnight Sonata





She took another sip of her glass, tapping her fingernails against the table. She kept her lips against the glass, looking at the person across from her through it. A small candle sat in the center of the table, it's dim glow setting off what was supposed to be a romantic atmosphere in the restaurant. She licked her lips. Maybe another drink would be nice.

'Where the hell is he?' Her fingers tapped harder against the fine wood. Despite her many protests due to her tight schedule, he had practically forced her to bend over backwards to have dinner with him. The least he could do was show up. But of course he was Kuranosuke Takeda, soon to be one of the most influential men in all of Japan.

If he ever learned to get out of diapers first…

"Ma'am?" She looked up towards the waiter, "your date called. He said he couldn't make it."

"Figures," she muttered, lightly setting the glass to the table. A muffled beep came from her purse. She pulled out her beeper, reading the message. 'Hospital, of course.'


"Ow! Don't touch me, dammit! I said I'm fine!"

"Sir, we still need you to get checked out."

"I don't need to get checked out!"

"Mr. Inuyasha, you suffer a head injury and several broken bones."

"What is all the commotion here?!" Sango yelled as the young man was wheeled into the hospital.

"Car accident," said the ambulance driver.

"Take him to the ER, nurse go get Kagome from anesthesiology!" she yelled, despite the patient's protests.

"Sango!" came a call from the hallway.

She stood frozen in her tracks. "Kuranosuke? What are you-"

"Oh thank goodness! Look, I'm sorry about canceling our date. As a matter of fact, let's go, I know this special place we can-"

"Kuranosuke!" she pulled her hand from his grip, "I have a patient who's in critical condition, I can't go with you right now!"

"There are lots of doctors around, they can fill in for you," he replied.

"That's not the point!" she shot back, "Despite what you think, I cannot keep flexing my life just so I can have the dinner, especially when half the time you don't show up. I'm sorry if you're business schedule is tight, but there are people in here who need me more than you. If I have to keep putting you before my patients, I suggest we end this now."


"I said I'm getting out of here, NOW!"

Inuyasha pushed pass the doctors, neglecting the pain shooting through his leg and his constantly blurring vision. The doctors pulled him back, despite his slurred protests. He jerked away, sending a shooting pain in his shoulder. He clutched it tightly, as if trying to squeeze the pain out, cursing himself for his stupidity. He limped away, only to have the exit blocked by one of the nurse, one whom was holding a syringe with a long needle attached.

"Hold him down."

Two surgeons came out from behind her, pinning him face-forward against the wall. Kagome softly placed a hand on his back. "Hold still, this will only hurt for a moment," she said in a serious voice. She removed the cap from the anesthetic, gently pushing a drop a fluid out to make sure the passage was clear, before lifting up his shirt and sliding it into his spine.


Sango rubbed at her temples, throwing her briefcase in the backseat. With a slam of the car door and the click of the seatbelt in the socket, she sped out of the parking lot, leaving her ex-boyfriend fruitlessly chasing after on foot.

She had to get away…

'Why?' That's what she asked herself. Of all the dates she had been patient about, maybe she had finally had enough? What had bothered her most, however, was how easily she had shoved him off. She had known him since childhood, practically growing up with him. He had always fancied her, making innocent passes at her in an immature way, despite his constant desire and belief that he was to be the most powerful man alive.

She had never really been one to have romantic interactions with the opposite sex, being the tomboy that she was at the time, and knowing too much about the male race, having so many friends falling in that category to actually become interested in them. After she had entered medical school she had attained a more feminine demeanor, becoming more sophisticated, finally polishing off the last of childhood's wine. But she had always felt she had drank it a little too fast, never getting a chance to savor it.

She looked out the window, gently rubbing against it with her sleeve, removing the thin layer of fog forming on it. Now when had she driven here?

She shook her thoughts away, good memories coming up, only bringing up bad ones. She had sworn she would never come to this place again, but something that night had brought her out of that car. Or maybe it was just deja vu? Besides the soft clicking of her heels against the cement path, lined by glowing lanterns, a waxing crescent glimmering it's energy through the dark tree branches.

The woman stopped dead in her tracks. Her feet had had unintentionally brought her this far, standing in the dead center of the area, but before her was a small path, one she would never forget. It looked older and dirtier than the other walkways coming out from the circle she stood in, since no one had bothered to repave it when needed. It rooted out from the center of the park like a misshapen root, loud cracks forming through it like it had been ripped apart by strong hands.

The path where it happened…

She quickly turned around, heading for a different direction, anything to get away from the flashes of an unrequited memory that she tried so hard to forget…

She stopped, collapsing on a park bench, checking her watch. Midnight. She quickly reminded herself of who came out at this time, what type of people resided in this park at this time of night. She slowly stood up, about to leave when something on the bench across from her caught her attention. Just lying strewn across the bench, was a man.

She slowly took a few steps forward, so she was about an arm length away from him, just enough to move away in case he decided to attack her. Her brown eyes carefully scanned him, wondering whether he was homeless or had just decided to come here a fell asleep. His deep midnight hair was disheveled and desperately looking like it needed to be cut, his front bangs covering his eyes as he slept. He was a wearing khaki trench coat, a common ensemble for a passing hobo in the city. But… he seemed… so young.

She quickly hurried to her car, popping open the trunk, pulling out a small blanket from the compartment, using it for the many nights she had to spend at the clinic. But she felt that she would put it to better use as she came back to the bench, slowly draping the quilt over the its resident before whispering, "Good night, sweet prince."







Sorry about the LONG wait, I wanted to finish my other story first, but now it's done, so I'll be updating more frequently. This is going to be my first actual dramatic story, so I'll have to break the habit of doing comedy.

Until next time!
