InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Misky Dreams ❯ Battle of Words ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome stared off into the darkness of her own mind, she had just come two but couldn't find the strength to open her eyes. She felt the heat of a fire beat against her face, and from what she could tell she was in a cave for the simple fact she was laying on rock.

She groaned when she felt a hand press itself on her arm with a warm cloth. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at Inuyasha, his golden eyes were studying her face slowly. "You hardly changed." He said to her in a low voice.

Kagome never really knew how to answer him; she just turned her head to one side and never looked at him.

"Did I say something wrong? Why aren't you looking at me?" Inuyasha asked as he took the cloth off the wound on Kagome's arm. He sighed, "I was speaking to Sango and Miroku. . ." he continued on after Kagome never looked at him. "When I went back to the village to get an antidote for the poison injected into your veins I asked them why you came back. . .they said you never told them."

Kagome looked at him. "So you want me to tell you?"

"I think I deserve to know the reason why you came back after these few years." Inuyasha said to her. "Don't you?"

`Should I tell him that mother died?' Kagome thought. She quickly went against it. "I just came back to the shrine from New York for awhile. . .I had to come back to see you guys."

"New York?" Inuyasha asked in a low voice. "Where's that?"

"Its in America. . .I moved there after I got out of school." Kagome started to fondle with her ring unconscientiously.

Inuyasha's eyes lowered to the miko's hand, his ears twitched when he saw the ring. He took her hand and brought it up to his face and studied the jewel that was embedded in it. Small carvings that said: "A love that will last eternity" danced along the band of the ring. "Who gave this to you?" Inuyasha's eyes slowly moved to Kagome's face.

Kagome shivered as she sat up. "Hojo. . .my fiancée." She slid her hand away from Inuyasha's.

"Fiancée?" Inuyasha stared at Kagome in bewilderment. "Y-your engaged?"

"Yes." Kagome nodded.

Inuyasha sighed. "Do you love him?"

"Inuyasha. . .I accepted his ring."

"But do you love him?"

Kagome opened her mouth but nothing came out. How was she suppose to answer a question she didn't even know the answer to? "I. . .accepted his ring. . .I live in the same house as him, we sleep in the same bed. . .well. . .whenever he's home."

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you asking me all these questions?" Kagome snapped.

"Because I don't think you're happy." Inuyasha answered her. "Now. . .what do you mean by whenever he's home? Don't he spend time with you?"

"He's a star. He is off almost all the time doing videos and television interviews." Kagome told the hanyou.

"Then how can you love him? How can you love a man who was rarely ever there for you?" Inuyasha asked.

Kagome stumbled to her feet, and when Inuyasha jumped up to help her she shoved him away. "How could you have loved someone who was constantly trying to kill you?"

"Don't you dare. . ."

Kagome cut Inuyasha off. "And you still defend her. Kikyo was an evil woman; how you can't see that I don't know. Even when she was alive and you and her were in love she still had that spark of evil running through her; but when she died and came back was the only time the evil ever broke free. And it showed the real her. . .and still. . .you loved her." Kagome held up her hand in Inuyasha's face, her ring trembled on her shaking fingers. "You have the nerve to ask me how I could love someone who's never there when you have all of this to look at for yourself. When you can answer all of my questions them I'll answer all of yours!" She startled to limp out of the cave.

"Hey! Where do you think your going?!" Inuyasha ran after her and grabbed her shoulders. "You are in no condition to go anywhere!"

Kagome turned around and looked at him. "I'm going to go back to the village, I don't care what you have to say about it." Her eyes softened. "It was nice to see you again Inuyasha, but I am sad to see that you still have that stubborn attitude that drove me away from you so many times."