InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Brother...My Son ❯ Sweet Home Tokyo ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Today was the day that Kagome, Souta, Azari,Azari's mom Tsuki and Ryuho were moving to Tokyo, she hadn't told Sango and the rest that she was coming back she wanted to surprise them. Over five moving vans had left Azari's mansion,one moving van held Kagome's,Souta's,And Ryuho's stuff in it.While the others held Azari's,Tsuki's and the servants stuff along with the furniture of the mansion.As they drove to the airport, Kagome wondered what life was now like in Tokyo. There were so many memories back in Tokyo good and bad.She looked at the now four year old Souta and she hoped she was doing the right thing by moving back.When they finally reached the airport Kagome looked at her friends, with them there she was sure everything would be okay, she couldn't wait till she met Azari's brothers.They all got out of the limo and followed Tsuki to where a black airplane waited it had the symbol of the west on it.A large silver dog demon in its true form howling at the moon. It read Tashio Inc next to it.An elderly man spotted them and came over and bowed.
"Lady Tsuki everything is ready for you to board, is there anything else you will be needing?" Myouga asked.
"Yes" Tsuki said "Can you be a dear and call to see if my mansion is complete?"
"Yes lady Tsuki I will call them, but please go aboard with the childern we're scheduled to leave very shortly." he said.
"Very well" Tsuki said,as she walked onto the plane,Kagome picked up Souta not trusting the stairs for Souta to walk alone as they followed Tsuki on.
Every one took a seat and waited for the plane to take flight, "Kagome are you happy to be going home and seeing your aunt and cousin?" she asked her(Tsuki).
"Yeah" Kagome said "Im also happy to see my friends its been four years since I've seen them last"
"They'll be happy to see you, I'm sure of that ." Tsuki said as the plane took off, Myouga came back and sat by Lady Tsuki.
"Myouga" Tsuki said "Have you news of the house?"
"Yes Milady" Myouga said "It is finished,but they seek to know what colors you want the bed rooms" Thats when an announcement came on.
"If you will please buckle your seat belts" The voice said "We will begin our flight to Tokyo" Everyone buckled up as the plane took off Souta seemed to not be afraid of the plane, she thought he would be, then again he was Naraku's son, why would he be afraid.
"So milady" Myouga said "Have you decided upon colors?''
"Go fetch a pad and a pen,we will discuss colors now" Tsuki said.Myouga quickly got up and found a notepad and a pen and went back over to Tsuki.
"Mommy where are we going?" Souta asked Kagome.
"Were moving" Kagome said "To tokyo" He seemed to understand as he looked out the window,Tsuki was getting colors from everybody.She had choose a fairytale pink for her self,Azari had choosen loves first kiss red,Ryuho chose a midnight blue and now it was Kagome's and Souta's turn.
"Kagome" Tsuki said "What color would you like?"
"Umm" Kagome said "Could I use more than one color?" She asked blushing.
"Of course dear" Tsuki said "You can have anything you want"
"Then could I have it neon purple with paint splatters of neon green, and neon orange?" Kagome asked.
"Yes" Tsuki said "Did you get all of that Myouga?"
"Yes" Myouga said,writing quickly.
"Now Souta" Tsuki said "What color do you want your room ro be?"
"Nonsense"Tsuki said"Souta is a big boy now besides I have already made a special room for him,it connects to your room so you can get to him quickly if need be"
"Thank you Tsuki-sama" Kagome said.
Tsuki growled at her. "Kagome love for four years I have known you and I love you like a daughter,now please call me mom or Tsuki no need for titles"
"Okay mom" Kagome said with a smile.
"Now Souta what color do you want your room to be" Tsuki again asked.
"I want purple and black." Souta told her. "You like that color Mommy right?" he asked her.
"Yes those are lovely colors" Kagome said smiling at her son.
"Now Myouga please go and ask the servants what colors they would like for their room and call back the people about the house" Tsuki said. Myouga left and got all the information of what the servants wanted in their rooms, his poor hands were tired from doing all that writing,after he made sure he had everyone he called back the people about the house.
"How much longer?" Kagome asked.
"Not much longer." Azari said as she streched her legs. "Mom are you ready to see the the two idiot boys?"
"You mean three idot boys" Her mother corrected "And his mistress,sure am ready as ill ever be" The plane touched down at the tokyo airport, where a limo was waiting for the VIP passangers and a van waited for the servants.
"Were here" Kagome said "Home sweet home" Kagome carried Souta out of the plane as the chauffer opened the back door of the limo for the passangers once every one was inside.Tsuki gave directions on where she wanted to go.They were in uptown Tokyo,Kagome had never been up here before or she didn't remember ever being up this far. This was the richest part of Tokyo where all the mansions were.The farther they went the bigger and richer the houses became. Kagome didn't know when they were gonna stop,until the driver pulled into drive way type thing. She looked out the window they had stopped infront of a large black iron gate.The gate had two doors,on each door there was the symbol of the west but this symbol was different from the airplane. It was of a large female dog demon in her true form sitting on her haunches with a tiara on her head.Kagome could only guess that it was Tsuki. Then Kagome took in the mansion.It wasn't a mansion at all.It was like a huge castle,white in color like something you would see in the feudal era but it had a modern touch to it. Next to the castle was a large garage that looked more like a car lot. There was acres of land and Kagome could see a pool if she looked hard enough.Kagome noticed as she looked up and down the street there was only one house bigger. It had the same flags as her new home besides the symbol on the larger houses flag matched the one on the air plane, and the symbol on the flags of her new home matched the gates carvings.
"Wow Azari I knew you were rich , but not this rich" Ryhou said as they got out of the car .
"You just never paid attention when I showed you the photo album." she said. Tsuki was ahead of them making sure the house was perfect. Kagome was still looking at the house up the road. Souta was staring aound,he had never saw a house bigger than the shrine besides Azari's mansion but the mansion in Kyoto looked like wacdonalds compared to this.
"Thats fathers place" Azari said,seeing what had caught Kagome's eye.
"Oh" Kagome said as she took hold of Souta's hand.
"Let's go inside shall we." Tsuki said as she made her way to the house.
"Azari how many times have you moved?" Kagome asked.
"We didn't always live in Kyoto" Azari said "We lived in tokyo all are lives before,dad said that he had been cheating,thats when we moved to kyoto to get away as me and mother thought but really we were just moving closer to father's mistress,thats when he brought the mistress into are home and she lived with us up until the time i told you when Sesshomaru went with them"
"Oh so how many times is that?' Kagome said.
"Three I think" Azari said "We actually lived on this same road" she said pointing to a mansion across the street and a few houses down, Kagome gasped when she saw it.
"Whats wrong Kags?" Azari asked.
"Nothing that house just seems familliar" Kagome said,brushing away the memory of her sitting in a room with a silver haired male dog demon,a small boy that looked just like the silver haired man,a younger version of Azari,and a younger version of Tsuki,there was also a black haired man that looked alot like her but he was a demon and the younger version of her had claws and fangs along with black puppy dog ears,there was also a younger version of her mom talking to the young Tsuki but she had the marking of the east.
Kagome picked Souta up and walked towards the house with Azari and Rhyou. "So let's go and unpack So we can pay a surprise visist to my aunt and cousin." Kagome told the two.They walked into the house and took in its beauty,it had spiral stair cases and a large chandalier. There were pictures of Azari,Tsuki,who she guessed was Sesshomaru,a half demon that she guessed was Inuyasha,An older demon that looked like Azari who she guess was her father,there was also a picture of Kagome on the wall along with a picture of Souta and Ryuho.Tsuki had sniffed them out and was now ordering servants to show them where there rooms were.
"Mom" Kagome said "Why is there a picture of me and Souta on the wall it seems to be just for family?" she asked.
"You said it your self" Tsuki said "You are now my daughter just as much as Azari is, and as you live under my roof I will treat you just like I treat Azari no difference same goes with Souta"
Kagome smiled at her. "Ok mom." she said. The servants came in and Showed, Azari, Ryhou and Kagome and Souta to their new rooms while Tsuki went and made some calls.Kagome and Souta decided to check out Kagome's room first. It was huge almost as big as the well house. The colors were perfect it looked like the paint had came that way.Her furniture matched the walls. Her eyes landed on her large canopy bed,she was in pure bliss.Her boxes were stacked orderly to where they would be put away.She loved everything about her new room, it was bigger than the room she had at her old house, thinking about her old room , bought back memories of her mom, and how much she missed her.
Souta could smell his mothers sadness. "Lets go check out my room" He said.Kagome smiled as the two walked to the adjoining door and into the black and purple room. It looked like KB toys had threw up in it.
Souta jumped around his room he was so happy, he had never seen so many toys before in his life. "Mommy!Mommy look at all the the toys." he said excitedly.
"Yeah look at all those toys" Kagome said smiling at her son "What did she do buy out KB toys?"
"No she already owns it" She heard Azari say behind her.
"Your kidding right?" Kagome asked her.
"Nope" Azari said "She bought it out along time ago,now she uses it to give toys to childrens hospitals and to the poor"
"That's so sweet of her.", She said. "Souta let's put your things away so we can go and see Sango and them." Kagome told her hyper son.
"Don't bother" Azari said "I'll get the maids to, its what their paid to do"
"Well then Azari are you ready to go and meet the friends and family I left behind?" Kagome asked her as she picked up Souta.
"Yeah" Azari said "Let me round up Ryuho first,you might wanna call and see where they are"
"Okay" Kagome said "I'll just block the number" Kagome went in her room and picked up the phone and called Sango first, if she didn't answer than she would call Her Aun'ts number.She let the phone ring quite a few times before hanging up,she called her aunts house.
"Hello" Came her aunts voice.
"Aunt Kimi" Kagome said.
"Hello Kagome"Kimi said "I just got off the phone with mom she said you would be calling soon"
"Yeah thats grandma for you" Kagome said "Anyways is Kikyo there?"
"No baby doll" Kimi said "They went to the mall not to long ago"
"Okay I'll be over later" Kagome said "Don't tell them but Im gonna go to the mall and surprise them"
Kagome hung up and took Souta downstairs where Azari and Ryhou were waiting. "You ready Kagome?" Azari asked. "Yeah we're going to the mall instead." Kagome told them.
"Did I hear you say shopping?" Tsuki asked.
"Yeah that and to surprise my cousin and friends at the mall." Kagome told her.
"Okay" Tsuki said "Let me go get my purse, you'll need money to go school shopping with"
"Mom I couldn't use your money" Kagome said as Tsuki came back.
"Nonsense the good thing about a human divorce is you get half of everything" Tsuki said "Besides Im still his mate I could use every last penny I own and Id still be rich,he must take care of me even though he has a new wife"
"But-" Kagome began but shut up when Tsuki growled at her.
"Besides" Tsuki said "Ive got two new platinum charge cards for my daughters"
"Well in that case let's go shopping." she said handing Souta over to Ryhou and pulling Azari out the door by the hand.
"Why is it" Ryuho said "I get stuck holding everything that belongs to Kagome and she holds my girlfriends hand" he said as he took the two platinum cards from Tsuki.
"Tell them to take anything in the garage" Tsuki said chuckling at Ryuho who nodded and walked out of the mansion scoffing.
Kagome pulled Azari into the garage and looked at all the cars there were so many to choose from. "Which one should we pick?" Kagome asked Azari. Azari was busy getting the feeling back in her arms to answer.Sometimes she swore Kagome was a demon. But she shook that thought from her mind as the girls began squealing at the cars and thats the site Ryuho came into see two teenaged girls running around pointing and squealing at every car.
Kagome looked at the cars and her eyes landed on a silverish blue Jag, "That one" Kagome said . Ryuho grumbled as he got in the back of the car with Souta. Azari got in the drivers seat and Kagome got in the passanger seat, Azari started the car and drove off towards the mall.