InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ New Life ❯ Chapter 18 ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Year: 1535
Month: March

Kagome opened her eyes blearily as the sun rose. Her throat no longer felt sore. “Do not fret. Your healing expands to even this. Not just life-threatening wounds. Kagome grunted in acknowledgement. She looked around and saw that the others were just beginning to stir. Looking to the side, her eyes softened as they came to rest on Shippo's form. He was asleep still. Her eyes widened in surprise as she noticed Rin sleeping next to Shippo's form. A soft smile made its way to her lips. The girl was truly good at heart. Rising from her bedding, she began to gather her belongings. As she finished packing, she felt Shippo join her.

Once they were finished, she looked at the others. They were moving slowly but surely, cleaning up their camp site. Once things were finished, Kagome found her gaze turning to Sesshomaru shyly. Anger burst within her chest. The memory of his claws around her throat came to her but she suppressed the anger. She found Chi was silent. Far more silent than usual. `Are you well Chi?' There was silence and Kagome thought she wouldn't answer.

I am well Kagome. There is much within the dream we dreamed that have stirred my thoughts. I will be well. Kagome nodded to herself. So be it then.

As they began to walk, the silence was thick. It was… uncomfortable. Rin was the only one that seemed oblivious. She walked with Shippo, chattering about anything and everything. Shippo replied in stilted words, feeling the tension in the air. This atmosphere continued into the night and the next 3 days. They had entered the Northern Lands on the second day. They reached the Northern Palace at night on the third week of travel.

Kagome, Kikyo, Sango and Miroku stared up at the castle in awe. It was oddly beautiful and yet imposing at the same time. Shippo tugged on Kagome's hand as Rin tugged on Kikyo and Sango's hands. Kagome looked down and frowned. “Shippo?” He pointed ahead.

“Sesshomaru is leaving us.” Kagome looked ahead and a cross look came over her features. Sesshomaru was indeed leaving. He was already at the gates. Darting forward with the others, she caught sight of Inuyasha's disgruntled look. She slowed by him and tossed him a warm smile.

“Don't worry Inuyasha, I'm here.” She saw the surprise in his eyes before he scoffed.

“As if that counts for anything wench.” Kagome let out a light laugh.

As they reached the gates, the guards stared at them suspiciously but with a look from Sesshomaru, they stood down. Rin trotted forward, making sure to remain behind Sesshomaru. Feeling Chi's calming sounds throughout her body, Kagome was able to keep her anger from overpowering her senses. She made certain to keep herself in the middle of her group, knowing that her presence would be enough to incite a riot.

As they reached the courtyard, a kitsune youkai appeared in royal kimonos. A dark green leaf with gilded edges rested upon his forehead. Kagome couldn't help but stare in awe. He was beautiful. He had flowing red hair that went to the bottom of his back and soft grey eyes. He had what looked to be 10 tails. Half of them were wrapped around his waist while the other half were moving freely behind him. “Sesshomaru-Sama. What do I have the pleasure of your visit here?” The kitsune's eyes moved beyond Sesshomaru to rest on the group. His eyes lingered on Rin and he winked, a small smile appearing. As his eyes landed on Inuyasha, curiosity appeared.

Kagome kept her head lowered and waited. “You have a half breed in your pack.” Kagome's head shot up in anger as Inuyasha growled. Even Chi was angry at the term the kitsune had used.

Sesshomaru spoke then. “Do not be foolish Hiroki-Sama. The half breed is not a part of this Sesshomaru's pack.” The kitsune nodded. His focus turned to them, this time inspecting each of them.

As his eyes landed on Shippo, curiosity appeared. Then his gaze turned to Kagome. Kagome was still fuming inside, her eyes flickering between blue and purple. A cold look appeared in his eyes. “Come. We will speak within.”

Kagome saw the others glance at her in worry. She gave a tentative smile. She herself was uncertain. `Chi?'

Have no fear for I am always with you. The words filled her with contentment. It did not sound as something Chi would say but somehow it was. Nodding to the others, she followed Sesshomaru in. A servant appeared and instantly Rin moved up to the servant, nodding to her as a Lady would. The servant whisked her away. Ah Un had been taken within the courtyard. Jaken glared back at them but followed the servant.

Another servant appeared next to Shippo. “Young one, shall we go to place you in a room whilst the adults talk?”

Shippo narrowed his eyes, growling. “I will remain.”

Kagome instantly placed a hand on Shippo's shoulder, catching the disgusted and infuriated look in the servant's eyes. “Shippo, go. All will be well. Perhaps you can keep Rin company while we are talking.” Shippo nodded.

“Yes Mother.” As Shippo moved to go toward the stairs, the servant cast Kagome a sneer. Inuyasha moved next to her but Kagome shook her head.

“No Inuyasha. It is something that is not worth it. All that matters are what my son sees me as and what I see him as. Only my close friends could have any understanding of us.” Her eyes were warm as they gazed at Inuyasha. He nodded.

As they caught up with Sesshomaru, Kagome walked between Kikyo and Sango with Inuyasha before them and Miroku at the back with Kirara. As they arrived at the study, they followed the two Taiyoukai within. The kitsune settled in his seat before motioning for the others. They watched Sesshomaru settle on a pillow. The girls settled on three pillows next to each other. The guys settled slightly to their right. Kirara leaped off Miroku's shoulder and settled in Kagome's lap, staring at the kitsune as if daring him to come after her. Sango nodded to Kirara approvingly.

Hiroki, Lord of the Northern Lands, watched the group before him. Having witnessed Sesshomaru's arrival with not only his human ward but four humans and a half breed had started the curiosity deep within. And yet when he had viewed the young woman with the flickering eyes, he had sensed the great power within. This human had far too much power for her own good. It was the power of a Taiyoukai. The thing was, it was far more powerful than himself or even Sesshomaru. It reminded him of an ancient power that had long been forgotten. The power of the miko Midoriko. That miko had defied the four cardinal lords. She had sealed each of them into a jewel that burst from the woman's chest as a last act of sacrifice to save the humans. His gaze studied each of them. Only one would be the alpha and yet there appeared to be two within this group although the pair were not mated. His gaze looked to the hanyou. “Why have you come here?”

Inuyasha grunted, crossing his arms. “I didn't come here of my own free will fox.” Kikyo glanced over at him and his ears flattened. “Ask Kagome. She's the one that wanted to come here.” He turned away. They watched surprise appear in the kitsune's eyes as he focused on the females.

“Which of you is this Kagome?” Kagome lowered her eyes and was about to speak up when Kikyo spoke up. “I am Kagome.”


`Tell me what needs to be said Kagome. I do not like the way he looks at you. Answer to my name here.' Acceptance flooded through her mind.

Kikyo bowed her head in respect. “I came here to ask youkai-sama to join us in our fight against Naraku. We have need of allies. It was suggested by Bokuseno-Sama to come find the Cardinal Lords and ask for their aid.”

Inuyasha was feeling very uncomfortable. “K…” He caught Kagome throwing him a look and swallowed. “Kagome is right.”

Kagome mentally smiled. “Your friends love you Kagome. You have no reason not to trust them. Kikyo is correct in her assumption. They must not know until the time comes that their trust is gained. Currently, you are still vulnerable as you are not whole. Kagome understood what Chi was talking about.

Hiroki studied the one that called herself Kagome. She was strong. That was for certain. His gaze turned to the others. “You're companions?”

She motioned to each of them. “This is Sango, a Taijya, Kikyo, a priestess in training, Miroku, a Houshi, and Inuyasha, our hanyou companion. This is Kirara, Sango's neko companion.” His eyes turned cold as he stared at Kikyo (Kagome). Within him, his beast was screeching to destroy her. She was not pure his demon stated. He could tell that this girl was far different than most people. She didn't even smell human. The scent of death wasn't mixed within her scent as most humans had.

Finally, he spoke. “I will think on this. Stay for a couple of days and I will have your answer then. Feel free to use any of my facilities.” He rose, signifying that their meeting was over. The others rose and headed out. Servants appeared then, motioning for them to follow.

Kagome looked at the servant leading her. “I wish to be taken to my son.” The servant glanced at her in surprise.

“We did not see any human child with your group Milady.” Kagome's eye's flickered and became purple.

“My son is a kitsune youkai called Shippo.”

The servant's eyes darkened in anger. “A youkai would never be family with a human.”

A growl escaped Kagome's lips and she grabbed the youkai by her throat, lifting her in the air.

“You will watch your tongue youkai before I purify your existance. This one does not wish to, but I will be forced to do so if you do not heed my words.” Fear was in the youkai's eyes as she couldn't escape from Kagome's grip. Kagome tightened her grip just a little bit more before dropping the servant. “Now you will take me to my son.” The servant rose, clutching her throat as fear filled her. This was no ordinary human. She hastily moved down the hall.

As they reached a door, the servant bowed and then fled. Kagome sighed heavily and shook her head. Opening the door, she entered a decent sized room. It was beautiful. “Mother! I was worried.” Shippo barreled into her side, hugging her tightly. “They told me that I would no longer be able to be with you. They said a youkai and a human did not belong together.” There were tears in his eyes.

Kagome's eyes flashed purple as she kneeled by him, pulling him to her in a hug. “No one will tear us apart my son. There is no youkai or human on earth that will be able to do so. I would fight through them all to have you by my side. You are pack. You are my son. Nothing will change that.” Shippo nodded against her shoulder and sniffed.

Pulling back, the tears in his eyes were gone. He saw that her eyes were purple and felt warmth flood through him. It was a relief that the other side accepted him as pack and family. He did not doubt her words. “Mother…”

At that moment, the door opened and the kitsune lord entered. When he saw Kagome there, his eyes flashed in anger. “Which servant brought you to this room human?” Kagome rose, placing Shippo behind her. He moved willingly, accepting her protection.

“The servant wasn't going to bring me here. I forced her to. No one shall separate this one from my son. Not even you.” She stood proudly in defiance.

Before she could blink, he was there before her. His hand wrapped around her throat, squeezing. “No youkai willingly stays with a human. You have bewitched him.”

Shippo growled. “She did not bewitch me. She is my mother. Would you great Lord have taken in an orphaned kitsune? Would you have raised it as your own and made him strong?” Hiroki glanced down at the kit.

Dropping the human, he sneered down at her. “She shall be removed from your presence kit. That will not be changed.”

Chi completely took over at that moment. Rising from her spot where she had crumbled, she lunged at the youkai lord. He caught her form but immediately released her as his hands began to burn. Chi flashed her teeth in a silent threat. “You will not remove this one from her son youkai. It matters not whether you deem it wrong. He is mine!” She curled her fingers as if she had claws.

Hiroki stared coldly at her. “You are an abomination.” Chi growled low, keeping herself between Hiroki and Shippo. Her kit was hovering in the background, ready to fight if necessary. Chi brought her hand to her sword at her hip. She knew that she would need to use it against this one. She would do her best not to kill him though.

They remained like that, staring at each other for what seemed like hours. “You can remain with the kit but know this human; I will not protect you against others.” He turned away and left the room. Chi watched him leave coldly.

Shippo's words brought her back to the present. “Mother, what did he mean?”

Chi looked down at Shippo. “There will be others that will attempt to take you from my side. Other youkai does not approve of a human caring for a youkai such as I do for you. It is one thing when a youkai takes a human as a ward for the idea that the human will never surpass the youkai. It is considered that the human is a pet. So, if you place it to the opposite…”

Shippo nodded. “Others will view me as your pet.” Chi nodded.

Placing her hand on his head, she looked around. “I believe that whilst we are within these walls, it would be better for me to stay in control. For all the changes within Kagome, she still wishes to only see the good and can be oblivious to other intentions.” Shippo nodded in understanding.

Chi moved to the closet and surprisingly found a few outfits within. They were apparently for guests. She didn't see anything that would fit her of course. A frown made its way to her lips. Shrugging, she pulled one out for Shippo. Placing the dark green hoari and Hakamas on the bed, she then turned to her own bag. Delving into it, she smiled as she pulled out a simple green kimono. The obi was a beautiful blue. Donning the kimono, she turned to Shippo. A proud smile appeared on her lips. It was nothing more than a small twitch but Shippo recognized it. He puffed with pride.

As they moved to the door, Chi paused. “They will not only come after this one Shippo. They will come for you as well. They will view you as weak.”

Shippo's eyes became cold momentarily. “They will find that I am anything but weak. You taught me to be strong Mother.” Chi nodded.

“Perhaps we shall go to the dojo for a demonstration.”

Shippo's eyes began to laugh. “Just don't kill others even if they do have evil within their hearts Mother?” Chi hesitated. It would be best. After all, it would benefit turning the Cardinal Lords to their side. She nodded slightly, a smirk playing on her lips.