InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ New Life ❯ Chapter 19 ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Year: 1535
Month: April

When the two reached the dojo, they were pleased. Already they had had to deal with three youkai that had determined to destroy them. They of course hadn't killed them, merely knocking them unconscious. It would not exactly work too well if they killed during their stay. Chi slid into an unoccupied room after checking with her reiki. Shippo followed close behind. Letting out a relieved sigh, she cracked her neck.

Shippo winced. “Mother! Don't do that!” Chi sent an amused smile toward Shippo. Shippo rolled his eyes.

“Put up a barrier with your youki Shippo. I do not want the youki in the vicinity knowing the strength of our miko power.” Shippo nodded. He was able to use his youki more fluently than the miko power that coursed through his veins. It wasn't extremely powerful, so it didn't affect his youki. It hurt like hell though whenever he used it though.

Closing his eyes, he called on his youki. It surged to life. He felt his mother's miko power spark but nothing more. Once the barrier was up, he let a soft breath escape. Opening his eyes, he smirked as he saw his mother with her eyes closed, inspecting his work.

Finally, she nodded. “You are getting better Shippo.” He immediately beamed under her praise. Opening her eyes, she smirked. “Now, let us let off some steam.” Shippo nodded, sliding into a combative stance.

Hiroki was settled in his study. The humans were keeping to their rooms, as was the hanyou. He was glad for that. He didn't very much like their presence here. The only human that moved freely in his gardens now was Sesshomaru's ward. His servants knew better than to harm the child. He himself had a soft spot reserved for her in his heart. The child was simply too pure to simply be human. Yet she was. He could tell that much with a sniff.

His thoughts turned dark as they moved to the human he had spoken to. This Kikyo. It left a bad taste in his mouth. His eyes narrowed in thought. His beast wished for the woman's death. In most Mikos, his beast found humor in their attempts. With this one miko, there was a feeling of rage, anger and possibly fear? Nonsense. He feared no one. His beast was powerful and did not cower before some creature such as this Kikyo. A growl echoed in the room. He did not like this feeling.

Focusing back on the proposition brought forth by the one known as Kagome, he mulled it over. Naraku was indeed a pest in his lands. Too often he would arrive at a village to find it filled with miasma and the inhabitant's dead. Although he detested the humans that lived on his lands, he was an honorable youkai. He ensured that his human villages prospered and were well protected. The humans tended to fear him, and he preferred it that way. He tended to provide for his land much like Sesshomaru did. Of course, Sesshomaru was his elder by at least 300 years. He had at one time worshiped the Inu youkai. That was a long time ago of course. Perhaps a much-needed sparring session with Sesshomaru was needed. Or perhaps he would venture to the garden.

Kikyo remained seated at the balcony of her room. Inuyasha had already joined her within the room. He was slumped against the door of the balcony. No doubt Miroku and Sango would soon be arriving with Kirara. “How come we have to call you Kagome?” His voice was a hushed whisper to keep others from overhearing.

Kikyo sighed. “If this Lord refuses to help us, he may go after her. Would you rather they go after her, still learning how to use her powers and skill, or would you rather him go after me, who can defend herself quite adequately.”

Inuyasha shrugged, acknowledging the fact. “It'll come out sooner or later. Kouga won't fall for it.” Kikyo sighed.

“We'll have to find a way to get in contact with him. He would most likely be willing to go along with the tale.” Inuyasha was silent. She was right. Kouga would do just about anything for Kagome. Then again, last time they had seen Kouga, he had been rather… angry at his being unable to protect his woman. Inuyasha snorted. Kagome would never be his woman.

Almost as if on cue, the door opened and Miroku and Sango entered. Kirara was in her large form behind them. Apparently, she felt just as uneasy as the rest of them. “Are you certain, Ki…Kagome?” Sango's voice was soft. Kikyo rose, silencing Sango with a finger to her lips. Motioning Inuyasha to move, she closed the door. Raising her hands, she placed a barrier around the room. Once it was set, she nodded.

“It is safe to speak now.”

Sango let out a breath. “So, we have to call you Kagome now?”

Kikyo smiled. “Just around the kitsune. I don't trust him with Kagome. The way he looks at her… it's disturbing.” Sango and Miroku nodded, accepting. They had seen the looks the Kitsune Lord had bestowed on their dear friend.

“Should we let them be alone?”

Kikyo sighed. “Honestly, she should be fine. If we know Kagome, she doesn't let anything stop her. For the time being, we must ensure that we do our part. We must gain the acceptance of the Kitsune Lord, even if it means to get him to travel with us.”

Inuyasha growled, crossing his arms. “I don't like it one bit. I can tell the fox hates hanyou.” Kikyo sighed and gave Inuyasha a stern look. His ears flattened.

“Inuyasha, you really don't have much of a choice in this. We need the Cardinal Lords to defeat Naraku.” Huffing, Inuyasha turned and moved to the door. Kikyo dropped the barrier.

“I'll be in my room.” The humans watched him leave.

Miroku chuckled. “That is much like Inuyasha.” Sango nodded. Kikyo had turned her attention away, seeking Kagome's mind. It was new to her and she wasn't quite sure how it was done. When she finally touched it, she felt pleasure. Kagome was safe then.

Evening was coming on when the two stopped training. Shippo panted from the place he had fallen. Kagome had her hands right above his neck, glowing. He tilted his head to reveal his neck. She allowed her miko power to fade. Rising, she chuckled. “You'll get better.”

Shippo growled softly. “You've been holding back Mother.” He had an accusing tone.

Kagome's laughter spilled across the room. “I didn't want to hurt you little one.”

Shippo grunted. “I still think it isn't fair.”

Kagome ruffled his air lovingly. “Bring down the barrier. We have a guest.” Shippo tensed but she shook her head. “It's Sesshomaru-Sama.” Shippo nodded warily and pulled down the barrier.

The moment it dropped, the door slid open and Sesshomaru appeared. Kagome looked toward Shippo. “Why don't you go to the others? I am assuming that dinner will be ready soon.” Shippo nodded and darted away, using his inherent speed. Kagome turned to Sesshomaru and bowed. “What can I do for you Sesshomaru-Sama?”

“You claim you are the miko Kikyo.”

Kagome sighed. “It was a decision made to protect myself.” She remained straight. Chi was hovering at the forefront, watching everything and yet not giving away her presence. She would be ready just in case. During her and Shippo's training, Chi had relaxed, allowing Kagome to take control. Once they left, she would take back control. Thankfully Kagome accepted this. Sesshomaru studied her for a few more moments before turning.

Kagome spoke up once more. “Please do not tell my secret Sesshomaru-Sama. I must remain alive to defeat Naraku.” She dares not inform him of the after. She hoped by then that she would have been able to gain his trust as well as the trust of the other Cardinal Lords. She knew she could count on Kouga but that was it.

Sesshomaru paused by the door. After a few moments, he continued walking. “Hn.”

Kagome allowed a smile to appear. “You understand his meaning?

Kagome chuckled and spoke aloud. “After so many years around Inuyasha, you tend to start understanding that kind of language.” In her mind, she could sense Chi shrugging.

Let us catch up with our kit. I do not wish him to be alone long. Kagome moved after, her laughter spilling forth, bright and cheerful.

When she caught up with Shippo, he was standing over a boy a little older than him in appearance. He was growling. The boy had claw marks on his shoulder and a wound in his leg. Chi watched carefully. The boy growled at her son. Pride filled herself as Shippo merely sniffed in indignation and inspected his claws. “You dirtied my claws. Go before I remove your head from your shoulders.” The boy instantly darted off, fear coming off him.

Chi stepped out at that moment and Shippo turned in surprise. He bowed. “Hello Mother.”

She gently laid her palm on his head. “You did good kit.” Shippo instantly puffed up happily. They continued their way where he could scent the others. As they reached the room, they felt a barrier. Shippo hesitated. Chi looked around, feeling who was inside. It was Kikyo, Miroku, Sango and Kirara. Inuyasha was sulking in his rooms. Ignoring Inuyasha for the time being, she opened the door and stepped through the barrier. Shippo followed.

Kikyo and Miroku whirled as they felt someone step through the barrier. Sango whirled as well, her hand going to the sword around her waist. They froze when they saw Kagome and Shippo. Yet it wasn't Kagome they were seeing. It was that other side of her. The side that frightened them. “I believe it is almost time for dinner. Are you three hungry?”

They nodded, dumbstruck. Finally, Miroku tried to speak. He hadn't had the pleasure of meeting this side of Kagome. He recognized that this was not the Kagome they knew. Inuyasha would be too blinded to really notice much of a difference. Chi's eyes moved to Miroku. “Houshi, it would be best to refrain from placing your hand anywhere on my body while I am in charge. This is your only warning.”

She turned away, breaking Kikyo's barrier easily. Shippo grinned toward Miroku. Miroku was at a loss for words. He glanced at Kikyo and Sango, but they shook their head. Kirara was still on Sango's shoulder but she was antsy.

Chi looked to Shippo and without a word he nodded, understanding her silent request. Get Inuyasha. Once the Inu hanyou joined them, she began to move. Inuyasha moved near Miroku and Sango, often watching Kagome's back warily. The power that was coming from her made his skin shiver. There was something about her power that made him think it was so completely pure and yet so completely evil. Shoving his hands in his sleeves, he glowered at Kagome's back. He didn't like the fact that Kikyo was walking next to her, talking quietly.

Chi listened quietly as Kikyo spoke. She was telling her about their decision. Once she finished, Chi nodded in acceptance. “You are wise Miko. I agreed with the decision when it was first thought of. It would not do.”

Kikyo nodded and then shifted. “Since I named you as a priestess in training, perhaps you should speak more like Kagome.” Chi turned to stare at Kikyo. She merely smiled. “It is only advice.”

Chi nodded. “It is wise advice. Many would become suspicious.” Focusing on Kagome's way of speech, she studied it in her mind. “How's this?”

Kikyo smiled. “That's good. Just don't talk like a Taiyoukai.” Chi nodded in acceptance. She would need to gain Kagome's help in how to respond to anything they may say to her in the beginning. Once she got used to it, it would be a simple matter. It would also help to blend the two of them together. “I won't be completely taken over when we become one will I?

Chi mentally sighed. `No, you will not Kagome. You will gain some personality traits of myself. We will simply become one. Our personality will blend until it matches evenly. You will still be you; you know but the difference will be that you will have the focus that I have.' She felt Kagome slip back into the back of their mind.

As they reached the doors where they smelled the food and where Inuyasha claimed the others were, they waited. A servant appeared, bowing. Chi caught the nasty look the servant threw her and she narrowed her eyes. The doors opened and they entered. At the low table was Hiroki, Sesshomaru and Rin. There was also another male Kitsune and a female youkai that appeared different than what she was used to. Delving into Kagome's memories, she inspected the animal traits of the youkai. This youkai appeared to be cat of some sort. She then made the connection. A bobcat. They were native to a place known as America to Kagome.

The female had brown hair that fell to her shoulders. Her claws were dainty. A smooth tail waved behind her. Instead of pointed ears, she had a pair of brownish black ears on her head. They flicked toward them in curiosity, but the woman kept her head bowed.

Hiroki rose. His eyes were cold. “So good of you to join us. You are prompt.” He motioned to the pillows surrounding the low table. As they settled, Chi found herself sitting next to Rin and Kikyo. She was also facing the strange youkai. As the servants entered with the food, silence reigned. Once they left, Hiroki spoke. “How has your stay been so far Miko Kagome?”

Kikyo didn't immediately answer. When Chi touched her mind to get her attention, she jolted a little. “It has been well Youkai-Sama.”

Hiroki nodded and motioned to the bobcat. Chi waited with bated breath. She was curious about this one. There was… something about the youkai. She was extremely small for her size. “This is Ziah.”

The female raised her head suddenly. Bright forest green eyes with golden brown flecks looked toward him. “Zia.” She pronounced her name slowly.

He nodded, amusement flashing. “She has come from a place called Turtle Island.”

Chi tilted her head some, staring. The bobcat looked at her carefully. There was a calm acceptance in her eyes as she too studied her. “You are not quite human.” She had spoken in her own language. Chi could see the others were confused.

She nodded. “Not quite but I am.”

The bobcat bowed her head in respect. “Niiji, I am honored by your presence here. I thought to be completely alone.”

A smile flashed in Chi's eyes. “How come I know what she is saying?

`As I am a guardian, it is natural to know other languages. You will learn how to access this ability.'

Chi bowed her head in respect. “I am honored Niiji. May we speak later?” The bobcat's eyes danced in laughter and curiosity. She nodded.

Turning to Hiroki, she spoke in slow Japanese. “Will learn Lord Hiroki. Permission spends with guests?” Hiroki furrowed his brow in confusion. She wished to spend time with the humans. He nodded his acceptance.

He had found the bobcat roaming his lands perhaps a month ago. She had no knowledge of the language and apparently thought eluding him was some game. He had been baffled by this youkai. He had never seen one like her before. It was baffling. He had taken in the youkai and with much devotion she finally managed to grasp some of their language. In stilted replies she had told her story. She had been sent to find the one to save their people. She had journeyed far until she had come here. He knew of youkai residing on the continent, but he hadn't realized there were a lot more or that their world was so massive.

His gaze roamed the faces of his guest until they landed on the Miko in training. He narrowed his eyes. How had this woman known his ward's language so easily? It was yet another puzzle he needed to solve. He would find the secrets this woman held and once he found them out, he would relish in her death.

As dinner ended, Hiroki dismissed the others, intending on speaking to Sesshomaru. Once they were all gone, he turned to him. “Tell me of the miko.”

Sesshomaru's eyebrow rose. “She is the half breed's woman.” Hiroki rolled his eyes. Usually he was more emotional around those he considered close to him.

“Not the one called Kagome. I mean the other one. I believe they named her Kikyo.” He watched Sesshomaru carefully.

There was no sign of anything. “The woman is an irritant.”

Hiroki was surprised. “Why isn't she dead yet then? Usually things that irritate you die.” Sesshomaru sent him an annoyed look. It was only a flicker, but it made Hiroki grin.

“She has not answered my queries. Until she does so, she will remain alive.”

This had Hiroki gaping. “You're intrigued by the abomination?” Sesshomaru rose, intending to leave. “Okay, okay! What kind of questions hasn't she answered and why couldn't you just threaten her with her life to reveal those answers?”

Sesshomaru was silent for so long that Hiroki thought he wouldn't answer. “She refuses to stay dead.” Hiroki blinked in surprise. Well that was one of the questions answered. He watched Sesshomaru leave the room. Now he was curious. What about this woman had Sesshomaru so intrigued?

Chi had told Shippo to go join the others while she spoke with Zia. They wandered through the gardens, the stars shining down. It was a half moon out. After about twenty minutes walking, they settled by a tree. Zia curled up on a rock and almost looked as though she were sunbathing. “Tell me of your people Niiji.”

Zia tilted her head, her eyes half closed. “They are a good people. We are Panawahpskek. Our human companions live near a great river near the great water. We hunt the forests in peace, the game plentiful. We sing of the glories of Tabaldak and Gluskabe. We fight against the evils of Malsumis.” Chi nodded. Zia opened her eyes fully. “Tell me spirit, how is it that you are human and yet not?”

Chi shifted. “You name me a spirit as a guardian?” Zia nodded. Chi closed her eyes breathing deeply and letting the air out. “The one I protect was in danger. The evils have focused on her. They wish to destroy this world in which we live in. If she does not survive, youkai will fade away into myths and legends.”

Zia's eyes widened. “It cannot be spirit. Tabaldak loves all of us. Why would he harm a creation of his own?”

Chi sighed. “Youkai are not a creation of… Tabaldak.” Chi frowned. From the hierarchy of what Zia had told her, it was like the hierarchy of her Lord. Perhaps they called him by a different name. She continued. “Malsumis's followers created youkai as an affront to the creator. Those that follow the creator are safe for now, but his vengeance will be swift and deadly.” Zia's eyes grew troubled. Chi frowned. “What ails your mind Zia?”

The bobcat youkai raised her eyes to Chi. “I was sent away by our Sagamas to find a savior. The youkai is producing less young. More die each year. Our human companions fear for their safety. We believe that Malsumis has come into our tribes.” Chi's eyes grew troubled. “Our tribes are still large, but we fear our end.”

Chi gently touched Zia's hand. “Listen well Zia. Send a messenger to your Sagamas. Heed him to come here to this land. The one the evil one seeks will give sanctuary. By the time they arrive, her task will be completed. A new war will begin but as long as she lives, youkai will be safe with her.” Chi knew that the promise was hollow. She herself had no idea what would come to pass once Naraku was defeated.

I will find a way to keep them alive. I will not allow youkai to die out. If they do… Shippo… Chi mentally agreed. It would mean Shippo would die. As well as Inuyasha and Kouga. All the friends she had made would die. They would go to see Bokuseno to speak with him when they got a chance. Perhaps he would know a place.

Zia's smile was all she needed to know she had said the correct thing. “I will send a messenger bird to my people.” Zia rose and moved to leave.

Chi hesitated. “Niiji… tell them… should they come across more youkai, tell them to come as well.” Zia nodded. She bowed gratefully and headed inside. Chi sighed. She was getting soft.