InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ New Life ❯ Chapter 27 ( Chapter 27 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Year: 1536
Month: January

Menacing eyes watched the mirror sadistically. Foolish miko. It wouldn't matter what the foolish woman did. Even with the joining of the four lords to their mismatched team, they would be unable to defeat him. The fact that those foolish creatures that called themselves Kamis had deigned to resurrect the miko after all the effort he had made to ensure that she would die. Then again, he should have expected it. After all, according to them, he was growing too powerful. It was a good thing that they did not know his true intentions.

Motioning with his hand, a young girl with silver hair and empty eyes lowered the mirror and moved away. Rising, he moved out of the room, the girl following him silently. As much as he wished to end this battle, it had to be played out. It wasn't like the girl would turn to join him in his quest to end their existance. To allow those of this land to deem their own fate and not be toys of those creatures. How foolish he had once been as a human. Scoffing, his red eyes moved to study the land outside one of the windows.

His mind moved through his past. As hanyou and human. As a human, he had been devoted. He had once been a priest of Izanagi. He had been devoted to serving the father of all of Nippon. And then he had been betrayed. There had been an attack placed on the shrine he had served. He had managed to flee, saving his life in the end but had vowed to enact vengeance on behalf of his brothers. He had become a thief, knowing it the best way to find the ones responsible.

He had spent years hunting down the ones responsible before finally, he discovered them. He had gone into their home and began to take his vengeance out on them. He did not kill them though. He still refused to kill. Finding their leader, he discovered the truth. It had been his own Kami that had demanded the destruction of their temple. In fact, it had been known that he himself had escaped and a price had been placed on his head. He left the place, disenchanted and lost. He allowed his new life as a thief to engulf him.

It had been a year later when his end had come close. He had been hunted but none had been able to take him, having grown strong and powerful. Kagu-tsuchi was sent to destroy him. Out of anger for his father, he merely burned him alive. He had been left to suffer. Anger had spurred him onward. He hadn't been sure how far he had traveled until finally he found his way into a cave. He had laid there, knowing his end was near but anger had refused to let him die.

It was then that Kikyo had found him. She had not looked deeper and yet he found that she was beautiful and caring. Over time, his heart craved to be able to hold her to him and whisper his loyalty to her and her alone. She had given him light. She had given him a future. She had given him a reason to live on. So, when the spider had come, brought by his own craving, he had taken the offer given. A new life to live out his days serving Kikyo.

When he had gained his new body, he had sought her out and found her with the hanyou Inuyasha. He had been prepared to leave them be to be happy. Then one of the minor gods had found him. It had been Kono-hana. She had come to him with ominous sayings. She asked that he make Kikyo and Inuyasha think that they had betrayed each other and in the coming years take the place as a villain. He had been hesitant to accept. She then told him that if he did so, the fallen ones would be brought down. This had intrigued him and so he had devoted his entire life into doing so. He became hard, cold and dark. He had become twisted.

Even to this day, he held on to that hope. Kono-hana had come to visit him throughout the years but lately it had been less and less. Closing his eyes, briefly, he internally sighed while growling outwardly. Opening them once more, he moved to a side room and settled in a chair. Soon it would be time to act. The sudden feeling of being watched had him narrowing his eyes. “Leave me.” The girl bowed and exited the room. Once all was silent, he waited.

“You are well…?” Her voice sounded weak. Staring at the amazingly beautiful woman before him, he found a small smile appear.

“Kono-hana-hime.” The woman's black hair fell past her shoulders down her backside. A small smile appeared. Her eyes were a brilliant pink that seemed almost red. They were very much like sakura blossoms. It was one weakness he held to. Sakura blossoms were still treasured by him.

“You have done well in the time since I last saw you.”

He nodded. “The miko is gathering the Lord's of the land to stand against me. Why is it she had to die if she would come back?” Kono-hana laughed softly, hiding her smile behind a hand. Moving over to him, she settled on the ground near him, grass springing to life underneath her. Settling on the ground next to her, he folded himself into a kneeling position.

“It was needed for her to find her destiny. She will come for you now.” He nodded.

“I still do not understand what is so important about that miko.”

Kono-hana tilted her head with a small smile. “She is the key to their end. Already those like me have begun to see the tyranny of the fallen ones falling short. They are beginning to fear.”

A dark smile appeared on his lips as his eyes danced darkly. “Good. I will enjoy watching their fall.” In that moment, he caught sight of Kono-hana's expression. It was sad and worried.

In that moment, he felt uncertainty. “She will kill me then before that battle.” Kono-hana's eyes grew soft. She gently stroked his cheek.

“You will have a choice coming. It is through that decision that will decide your fate. One will lead to death and eternal torment. The other will lead to life and new hope. I cannot tell you when this decision will take place. You will know when it comes to it. I can tell you now, the end is coming to this round of the game. They will find you in the course of 6 full moons. I ask you to begin preparing.”

Naraku studied her. “Of course, Hime.”

He watched her rise to leave. Rising as well, his gaze took note that the grass faded and wilted away. He watched her take a few steps away before pausing and glancing back at him. “I would suggest releasing your incarnations to go their way as well. Give them the choice to remain. Inform them of our path and let them decide.” His gaze narrowed and he scowled. Kono-hana giggled. “You have brought them up through tyranny. Only one knows the truth of all. She would follow no matter what.” Kono-hana's gaze moved to the door. He followed and found Kanna there. For a moment, he saw life within her eyes even though he had kept her soul from her. There was loyalty and devotion within her eyes.

When he looked back, Kono-hana was gone. Sakura blossoms drifted to the ground lazily. He watched Kanna move forward until she stood before him. For once, she stared straight into his eyes. Once more, her own eyes were void of emotion. “Hime-Sama is right. Let us make our own decision Naraku-Sama.” Naraku studied her for a long time. In that moment, his eyes warmed at the sight of his oldest, his daughter, asking for his children to make their own decisions. Had he truly been so wrapped up in his own darkness and twisted desire that he had truly forgotten the entire purpose of doing all that he had done? Could he truly be forgiven? It blossomed like a warm fire deep within.

“Yes, I will do so.” As he released everything, he watched an amazing warmth and love glisten in Kanna's eyes. She revealed a loving smile.

“Thank you, Father.”

Kagura stared sadly out upon the land. She had been contemplating her sad life. A sudden pain in her chest caused her to grasp it. Red eyes were veiled as she closed them against the onslaught of pain. It came as though it were a whisper, coming on slow like a faint breeze. A thump. After a few seconds, there was another. It came on slowly, growing faster until it pounded within her chest. Eyes widening in shock, she clasped her chest in shock. It was here. It was within her chest. In the back of her mind, she heard the soft whisper of Naraku. He asked for her to return home. He asked! What was this? Naraku was vile, evil and sadistic. What purpose would it be to give it back? Even though she thought to flee now that her freedom was secure, she knew she had to go back. Her elder sister remained by his side. She had to go back for Kanna.

Kohaku froze as suddenly he felt Naraku completely release his mind, allowing him full access to it. This was… disturbing. He had spent so much time hiding the fact that he remembered everything from Naraku and now, it seemed as if Naraku had released him. He heard Naraku's request for him to come to the castle and this baffled him. He was free. Glancing up at a gust of wind, he caught sight of Kagura. Their eyes connected for a moment and yet it seemed as though it were eternity. Finally, both nodded. Kohaku leaped into a tree as Kagura lowered her feather, allowing him to leap on. He had to see what was going on to warn his sister.

Lifting his head, Hakudoshi gazed toward the castle. In his arms, Akago did the same. What was this? He could feel his soul returned to him. Akago also had gained a new scent. He was no longer connected to Naraku. He was no longer Onigumo's heart. What was this? Looking down at Akago, the child appeared to be thinking things over before nodding to Hakudoshi. They would go to inspect what was happening. There weren't many of Naraku's incarnations or servants left, most of them having fallen to Inuyasha or Sesshomaru. At one point, they had thought that Kagura had fallen to her death after protecting Kohaku, but they had found that not to be the case. Strange things were happening.

Lifting his gaze, Byakuya rose from his bed. He could feel his own control coming back to him. It was strange, to suddenly begin to know the thought of free will. Moving out of his room, he headed to the receiving room, wondering what was happening. As he reached it, he could see that Naraku was sitting as usual in his chair. Kanna was standing near him as usual. That was odd. She appeared…. Different. Had something happened to her? In that moment, he watched Hakudoshi and Akago enter. Both looked to be contemplating. After a few more minutes, Kagura and Kohaku appeared. Was this all that was left? They had all mostly gone their own ways since they had been in hiding. He had only recently returned himself. His attention turned to Naraku as he rose and began to speak.