InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ New Life ❯ Chapter 28 ( Chapter 28 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Year: 1536
Month: January

Kagome waited. She waited for them to take notice of her wakefulness. Even her son did not sense it. She wanted to laugh. Then again, they were so deep within their conversation on how to destroy Naraku that they were completely oblivious to everything else. Closing her eyes once more, she listened patiently. So far, they had no solid ideas. Finally sighing, she rose and looked over at them. “Perhaps this conversation should be had with our allies and not with just ourselves.”

Immediately, the group turned. Sango and Shippo threw themselves forward, wrapping her in a hug. Inuyasha hung back some although there was a relieved look in his eyes. Kikyo couldn't seem to stop the smile that lit her face while Miroku laughed with his eyes. Finally disengaging herself from the two, she slid out of the bed and stretched. Her kimono was wrinkled. A frown marred her face. She had loved this kimono. Shrugging, she turned back to her friends. “Why don't we take a break and relax for a bit. We are welcome here in this mansion of a place and I for one want to explore. Maybe take a nice long soak in the hot springs and check out the dojo.” Sango grinned in acceptance as Shippo let out a cheer. Kikyo grinned brightly.

The days passed slowly, the group enjoying themselves. Zia was often found tagging along with Kagome and Kikyo. Shippo and Rin were constant companions, going everywhere together. Shippo had surprisingly taken on the role of a big brother to Rin. The two often trained with each other in mock battles. Both were devoted to becoming stronger. Kagome had upped her training by battling with Hiroki, Kouga and Inuyasha at once. It was becoming almost a game to the three. Often, many would hear Kagome's laughter in the dojo as she battled. When not battling, Inuyasha spent his time with Kikyo, both still on uncertain terms on their standing as mates. Sango and Miroku had become closer and she had only had to knock Miroku out about 3 times for caressing the backside of a female. He was behaving himself. Hiroki and Zia had spent quite a bit of their time with each other and they were progressing very well. Sesshomaru was rarely seen. He had sent Jaken back to his fortress to take care of matters, so he no longer lingered with them. Amahiko spent her days taking care of matters that needed to be tended. Arie was Kagome's constant companion though. She would beg and plead for stories of her adventures and would ask in private of the future.

The day before departure, Amahiko finally called on Kagome. Kagome entered the study to find Arie already there. She had been wondering where she had gone. Bowing, she settled on her knees before the low desk. “You summoned me Lady Amahiko?”

Amahiko nodded. Her expression was warm, but her eyes remained distant, as though her mind were on other things. “It is time for the ritual Kagome.”

Kagome nodded. “So, what does this ritual entail?” Amahiko motioned for Arie to stand next to Kagome.

Once that was done, she rose. “Allow Chi to come to the surface. The bonding will work better if it is to both sides of you.” Kagome nodded. Chi moved forth until they both were attentive and ready. Moving forward, she placed Arie's hand in Kagome's and began to speak an odd language. Chi was baffled.


“It is reminiscent to my language. The language of the guardians…” A bright light began to glow from the place they were connected. It grew until it enveloped the two of them.

Neither were sure how long it lasted but it almost seemed instantaneous. When finally, they could see, they could feel each other. Kagome looked at Arie in amazement. They couldn't believe this feeling between them. Amahiko cleared her throat. She looked pale. “Go and rest. You leave tomorrow.” Arie moved to her mother but she motioned her away. “You are tied to her now Arie.” Arie nodded in acceptance and both watched her leave. Linking their hands, the two headed out. When Arie moved to go to her room, something pulled her back. A silent understanding passed between them. Arie would remain with Kagome no matter what. They headed into her room.

As morning dawned, the group gathered out front. Kouga and Ayame remained separated. Apparently, their fight had been a big one. As they headed out the gate, Kagome pulled Arie close, feeling her sadness and pain. Sango and Kikyo immediately closed in on them. They understood the pain of leaving a loved one. No one had asked anything of the two's attachment. It simply was.

As night descended, Kagome and Arie walked into the forest. The two settled nearby along a small cliff. Arie remained within the shadows, unseen. They would be boarding a boat in the morning for the mainland. They remained sitting like that staring up at the moon. Both felt the shift as someone came upon them. Arie slid closer but Kagome helped to ease her spirit. It was well. He wouldn't harm her.

After a few moments of silence, Kagome raised her eyes and studied Sesshomaru. “Hello Sesshomaru-Sama.”


Rising, she bowed to him to show respect. “I am honored by your presence.” She wasn't really but she wouldn't let him know that. Sesshomaru moved to stand at the edge of the cliff, his gaze upon the growing moon.

“You will send your shadow on its way.” Arie immediately gave a huff. Kagome raised her hand and shook her head. As Arie moved away, not too far but enough so that it wasn't too uncomfortable, Kagome waited quietly.

“Remove the seal.” Blinking in surprise, Kagome stared at him baffled. At his annoyed look, she removed the seals on her appearance. The markings glittered in the night. Her ears had become pointed and her fangs were a little bit longer and sharper. Her nails had grown out only partially, but they could still be deadly. Her locks had gained purple streaks and was long and silky. Her eyes remained purple with flecks of blue in them, although at times it seemed as if the blue took over and there were purple flecks. She waited.

Sesshomaru moved forward and gently took her chin in his hand. He moved her face to the side, studying it carefully. After a few moments of this, he brushed her hair back to reveal her ears. Warmth blossomed within Kagome. She felt nervous and skittish. Chi was growling within, but it wasn't as violent as usual. Everything about his touch so far had been surprisingly gentle and soft. It enticed her. As his claws ran over her ears, she let out a small whimper. The pad of his finger came down her cheek and ran along the stripe on the right side of her face. She shuddered, her eyes closing in pleasure. Finally, he took his hand away only to raise a hand to inspect her claws. His hand traced her palm causing shivers to course through her.

Why was Sesshomaru doing this? This was confusing her. He was acting almost… tender. When he finally dropped her hand and took a step back, she suddenly felt cold. She hadn't known how warm Sesshomaru could be. She waited but he said nothing. After a few moments, Kagome scowled. “Well, what was that about?” She waited but he said nothing. Her anger took hold and she stormed up to him. Waves began to surge against the cliff. “Of course, you wouldn't speak to a stupid, worthless, disgusting human.” She had jabbed him in the chest with each degrading word. He growled.

“You will refrain from placing your hands on this Sesshomaru's person woman.”

Kagome growled in return. “You think that you have every right to touch me and me not touch you? I will touch you just as much as you touch me!” Her eyes flashed.

Sesshomaru immediately slammed her up against a tree by her throat. Kagome's hands came up to his wrist and let loose her miko powers. She also began yelling at him to let her go. It was extremely sudden what Sesshomaru did next. His moko-moko came up, wrapping around her body holding her up against the tree. He used his hand to immediately pin her wrist above her head to prevent her from lashing out at him. When she continued to scream, he leaned forward, kissing her brutally. He caught her lip with his teeth, biting down on it.

Almost immediately, everything within Kagome stilled as her blood rushed from the puncture in her lip. His grip was still hard on her wrists, his moko-moko practically squeezing the breath from her. The only thing she noticed was that his lips were soft. She then growled and lashed out the only way she could. She bit down on his upper lip. As blood filled her mouth, she found it to be almost sweet. This seemed to cause Sesshomaru to snap. She watched his eyes fill with red as he growled darkly. He released her bottom lip and forced her teeth apart, plundering her mouth with his tongue, scraping his teeth across her lips enticingly.

Heat flooded Kagome's body and she went limp. She felt breathless. As she moaned, he froze and immediately dropped her as though she were made of fire. Lying at the base of the tree, Kagome was dazed. She stared up at Sesshomaru in shock. “You may appear to be progressing well into whatever you are becoming woman, but I find you lacking still. You are weak. Too weak for this Sesshomaru. When Naraku is dead, you shall answer this one's questions. Once you have done so, you will die.”

Kagome watched Sesshomaru walk away. As he vanished, her anger burst within her. How dare he! She let out an enraged growl as Arie appeared. Instantly, she wrapped her in a hug. “It's okay.” Her voice was soft and soothing. She would show him. She was not weak. She would not let him use her.