InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ New Life ❯ Chapter 29 ( Chapter 29 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Year: 1536
Month: February

One week. An entire week of battling the ocean before they finally saw land. In that time, Kagome and Arie grew close with their bond. Through the bond, they discovered they had access to some of the other's power. They spent their nights on the deck of the ship, learning of each other and how to use these abilities. One such ability Kagome gained was to shift her form to gain a tail. Arie gained the ability to form barriers of miko energy. Kikyo, Sango, Zia and Ayame had become almost inseparable with Arie and Kagome. Arie, Ayame and Zia pointed out upon one night of laughter about the subject that they were Kagome's guard and council. It was how youkai courts would term them.

It was Inuyasha that noted the rising view of land. As the ship docked in a village, the group moved off and instantly Sesshomaru, Hiroki and Inuyasha headed into the woods. Kouga followed not soon afterward. Kagome had grown tired of the silence between Ayame and Kouga and gently took her arm. The other females, Miroku and children followed them, sometimes drifting off to acquire supplies. They remained quiet as they moved, finally coming to rest under a tree. Ayame gave Kagome a weary look.

Seeing the look, Kagome couldn't help the smile that formed. What is going on with you and Kouga? It's been two weeks and the two of you have not spoken. You are with child and it is not good for you to be so angry.” Ayame sighed. She knew that Kagome would have stepped in at some point. The miko did not know how to leave things well enough alone.

“He refuses to allow me to continue with him. He wishes for my return to the north, to my grandfather's den.”

Kagome frowned. “He is merely worried for the sake of the pups. We go into battle Ayame.”

“That isn't the only reason. I know he means well by wishing for me to return to the north for the sake of our pups. He doesn't want the pups around you.” Kagome blinked in surprise and hurt filtered through her.

Ayame dropped her gaze. “I told him that side of you will not harm the pups or myself, but he refuses to listen.”

Kagome's expression turned dark in anger. “He is scared that I would harm you…” It wasn't a question. Ayame flinched. Feeling her mate's youki, she watched him hover at the edge of the trees, focused intently on Kagome. His hand was clenching, prepared to take her away from Ayame. Suddenly, Kagome smiled a sad smile. She reached out and gently took Ayame's hand. “You have nothing to worry for Ayame. I would never harm you.” Ayame blinked as she felt something prick her finger. Blood welled up. Almost instantly, she could feel Kouga coming. Before anything could be said or done, she saw that Kagome's finger was welling blood as well and then the blood mixed. Kagome's smile was serene and sweet.

Ayame couldn't look away. Within Kagome's eyes, she saw something within. There was something else there within Kagome. It was fierce and caused fear to race through her and yet she knew that she was safe. Kagome spoke softly, her voice stubborn. “I will never harm you Ayame, nor your pups. I would never harm my sister.” Ayame's eyes widened in shock. She now understood what had happened. In that moment, she smelled the scent of wolf on Kagome. It came from within her. Before anything could be noted, Kouga pulled Ayame behind him, growling at Kagome.”

Kagome stared up at Kouga, her eyes sad. “You think I would harm your mate and pups Kouga? How dare you?” Her anger reflected in her eyes. “I would never harm them. I cherish life. I would not be here today, devoted to fighting Naraku and ending his tyranny if I did not.” She watched Kouga sniff and then shame entered his eyes. Kagome rose. He moved to speak to her, but Kagome shook her head. “No, Kouga. I do not wish to speak with you. Leave me be for now.” She turned and walked away.

Ayame stormed in front of Kouga, growling. “I can't believe you mate. You spent so long chasing after her and telling of her forgiveness and light that you think she could have done as you had mentioned.”

Kouga grunted. “She isn't the Kagome I knew. That Kagome is long gone, and it didn't take that long for me to notice. I don't trust her near you. She doesn't feel right.”

Ayame raised her hand and slapped him. “Until you apologize to Kagome, do not speak or come near me again.” Ayame whirled and hurried after Kagome.

“You really screwed up Kouga.” Kouga turned growling towards Shippo. He shook his head. “Don't bother Kouga. You messed up and you know it. No matter what, you should know that my mother would never do something to harm anyone. She is light. She is hope. She is life.” Shippo turned to leave. “You'll have quite a time making up to my mother.” There was laughter in the kitsune's voice. Kouga clenched his fist. He had been an idiot, but his beast was telling him not to trust that other side of Kagome. He grunted before taking off into the forest.

As night fell, the females settled for bed. Kagome found her gaze moving to Miroku. “Why did you accept the blood bond?”

Kagome mentally rolled her eyes. `It was needed Chi. Besides, I do not mind it. I know you found it… wrong but it felt right to me.' Chi was silent for a while. Miroku was rubbing his hand. He had been silent since before they left the Southern Fortress. She had often seen him rubbing his cursed hand. Was it paining him?

“Thing is, it did not feel wrong. It was… it simply was.” Kagome's eyes burrowed in confusion. Deciding that she would talk to Miroku later, she leaned back against the tree she was leaning against and closed her eyes, focusing her attention on Chi.

Chi was confused. That was for certain. Kagome was able to recognize this quite easily. `What is it exactly Chi?'

“It appears I do not know my past clearly. In the dream we had many moons ago. The… strange one.” Kagome knew instantly which one it was. She kept her mind silent though, to allow Chi time to sort her thoughts. “I was there during that time. I could see myself and yet, it wasn't myself. I was the one against the tree and yet it wasn't me. Confusion filled her own mind. How was that possible? “There was a dark one there as well. My past self fought with her. Then… we joined to become one… I am not pure. I am of the light and dark… I know not my own path.” Chi's voice had grown soft within her mind until it died away. She could feel Chi's shame. Had her eyes been opened, they would have flashed in anger.

`Enough Chi. You belittle yourself. It matters not whether you find yourself pure or not. You are Chi. That is enough. Do not think yourself less. It matters not.' Kagome's thoughts were harsh and cold.

It snapped Chi out of her melancholy. “Kagome…?” Then she felt warmth suffuse her. Kagome smiled softly. This was good.