InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ New Life ❯ Chapter 46 ( Chapter 46 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Year: 1536
Month: August

As Amunet entered, she gave a small bow to Sango before she turned to Kagome. Her bow was likened to a servant bowing before its master. It was obvious the woman greatly respected and cherished Kagome even though this was the first meeting. “Lady Kagome, it is truly an honor to finally meet you. With me are Hestat and Sutat.” The children gave their own bows to Kagome, their curiosity and wonder shining brightly in their eyes.

Kagome stuttered, trying to shift away from the trio before her. She still wasn't used to all this fuss that came with her new status. She heard Chi chuckle softly in her mind and she almost rolled her eyes. Motioning for them to seat themselves, Kagome spoke softly. “Please, just call me Kagome. I don't like all that Lady stuff. I'm just a regular girl that wound up being gifted with something much better.” Kagome didn't really believe it, but she was happy with her current life. She would be able to remain with her son and she would have her friends for a time.

Amunet gave a small nod. Once she and the boys were seated, she focused on Kagome. “Kagome, we have come to alert you to the things that have taken place in the world. I am one that will willingly be one of your council. You have already started choosing those of your council and I wish to simply offer myself as well.”

Sango decided at this point to speak up. “What do you mean by council? You act as if suddenly Kagome is some great and powerful Lady of the Lands, no offense Kagome.” Kagome gave a small nod and a small smile at Sango. She knew what Sango thought of her, so she wasn't hurt by what was said. She was also curious about this council of hers that she supposedly had and why she had it?

Amunet gave a small smile. “Sutat, please use your gift.”

The little boy rose gracefully, the smaller of the twins. Lifting his hands, he formed something like a silver puddle before him. Within the puddle, it began to show figures. The two females watched as one by one; their close female companions appeared.

In the process of the revealing to Sango and Kagome, outside the others were arguing. Near Goshinboku, a younger figure stood watching the arguing between the pack. Her near crimson locks fell to her ankles while her bright blue eyes calculated her chances at entering the shrine. Rather than revealing the curiosity that burned deep inside her being, her eyes were hard and distrustful. The only one who could reveal her true nature had unfortunately been taken down in a battle on the way over. They had tried to leave him behind but with the fact that it was only her and him now, her parents having been killed, she had refused to allow that. Thankfully that Egyptian woman had accepted the fact and brought her brother along. He now rested in a small home that they had been given to reside in as she was considered old enough by standards of the humans to live alone.

She appeared fully human except she wasn't. Her mother, although human, had married a hanyou. The Irish Wolf Hound in her came out every so often, especially when those she cared most about were in danger. The only other sign of her heritage was the fact that out of all hanyou, she was able to turn into her more instinctual form even though it was the size of a normal wolf hound.

Seeing her opening, she darted forward but unfortunately, she had not been wise to the fact that two of the members had not been involved. A hand reached and grabbed her collar, lifting her off the ground. Turning her gaze, her eyes dove into bright golden eyes that were dispassionate and uncaring. A growl escaped her lips in anger. “Pup, you would do well to hold your tongue.”

“Let go of me you stupid ass.”

At that moment, the rest of the group turned their eyes to the events happening. Inuyasha gave a short chuckle which earned a glare from the girl. Dropping her, Sesshomaru stepped back, leaning back against a tree. “Hn. Foolishness.” The girl turned her gaze back to Sesshomaru.

Kikyo moved forward, speaking softly and sweetly. “Are you okay? What do you need?”

The girl straightened her spine, crossing her arms across her chest. “I don't have to tell you nothing.”

Inuyasha growled angrily when the girl threw away Kikyo's arm causing her to cry out in surprise. “Kikyo! Hey brat! Don't do that kind of stuff.” Inuyasha cradled Kikyo to him as he inspected her arm. It was bruised badly.

“Ah, is the stupid mutt offended?” Inuyasha whirled and without thought darted toward the girl. “Inuyasha!”

Kagome's voice was sharp and strong in the air, causing everyone to turn to her in surprise. They hadn't even heard her arrival. “Kagome…” Inuyasha's voice was soft and shamed.

“How many times have I told you not to attack children!” Kagome stormed over to him, her hands on her hips, her eyes flashing.

“She attacked Kikyo first!”

“That doesn't matter. She's just a kid. Now, why are you attacking my friends?” Kagome had turned her gaze at last on the girl. The girl instantly looked down, fidgeting.

After a moment she lifted her chin proudly. “I'm Aoifi Alexandrov and you're going to help me!” Aoifi grabbed Kagome's wrist and attempted to yank her down the steps of the shrine. Unfortunately, she wasn't expecting a very human looking Kagome to have greater strength than herself.

Kagome raised a brow at her companions. Everyone simply shook their heads in confusion. Looking down, Kagome studied this girl. It was obvious that she was one of the foreigners that came. Her mind hovered briefly on what was spoken of with Amunet. Her council. She wasn't the only one that would need one as well. Rin was going to need a council as well. Shippo was indeed her heir but it would be Rin that would take the reins of the youkai and human world by storm. She would need to be guided. Shippo would become Rin's shadow in this.

Finally, she spoke, interrupting the girl's grunts. “Perhaps if you ask nicely you will find me far more receptive to your wish for help Aoifi.”

Aoifi tilted her head, fighting back the brief blush. She bowed her head, thinking it over momentarily. “Please come with me.” Her voice was rigid and harsh, and she refused to look Kagome in the eye.

Kagome couldn't stop the smile that appeared on her lips at Aoifi's plea. It sounded so Inuyasha like in his younger days. “Come along then Aoifi, lead the way.” She watched the momentary softening of her features before they hardened once more. Taking her hand, Kagome allowed Aoifi to lead her away.