InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pandora's Box ❯ Plans ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Last Time:

As Inuyasha began to pace around his living room, he spotted his phone. Mentally smacking himself, `Duh! The phone…' he thought, as he picked it up and began to dial Kagome's number…





Kagome Higurashi's Shrine: June 2004


As Kagome closed her front door she leaned on the sturdy wood before crumpling to the ground as tears unbidden come to her eyes. Unable to hold them back, she just let's them flow, the tears of two betrayals, two heartbreaks, her own twin sister, and Inuyasha.


Suddenly, she was momentarily snapped from her wallowing by the ringing of her atrocious phone. Choosing to ignore it, for the opportunity to wallow in the chasm of pain, which was currently taking up residence in her heart. She must have deserved it somehow. She began to think of times when she may have misread Inuyasha, and when she might have done things wrong, anything to alleviate the pain, when she heard her own voice on the answering machine pick up.


"Hey! You've reached Kagome and Sango, we are currently out partying (Kagome laughed slightly at that), or just plain ignoring you. So leave a message at your own risk…" an annoying beep sounded and a deep piercing voice left it's message, "Kag, please sweetheart, pick up! I know you're there! It wasn't what it looked like! I need to talk to you! Please, call me back! I'm sorry." Another resounding beep sounded, as she heard footsteps padding towards her.


She looked up to see Sango standing above her looking concerned. Kagome tried to put on a smile for her, but failed miserably, and just ended up launching herself into Sango's open arms, to cry her bleeding heart out, while listening to her attempt to lessen the ache.



Quinta Publishing Office: July 2004


"Thank you Rin, say hi to Sesshomaru for me. I have to be heading home. You can tell our clients I am taking my work with me." Kagome declared tonelessly to her secretary.


"Yes Ms. Higurashi… Kagome, are you alright? Do you want to talk about it? You seem… I don't know… Empty, and your movements throughout the day seem mechanical as if you're acting on pure instinct. Do you need some time off? I can ask Sesshomaru for you…" Rin asked hopefully, attempting to get some sort of response from her employer, who had seemed dead inside for the past couple of weeks. One minute Ms. Higurashi was all happy, bubbly, giddy, school girl type, and the next she had chronic depression. It was hard to keep up with her and her moods.


"I'm fine Rin. Thanks, but no. There is nothing to talk about. I usually work on instinct perhaps I have been stressed this week, causing me to act overly so. If I have been making things hard for you I apologize. I- no, I don't need any time off but I appreciate the gesture. Good night." With that said Kagome turned of her intercom, and prepared to head home.



Kagome Higurashi's Shrine: July 2004


Sango was enrapt in her book when the phone rang. Getting up and putting her book down she cursed the phone and its squealing tone.


"Hello? Kagome and Sango residence, how many I help you?" Sango asked politely.

"Hello Sango. You're Kagome house-mate aren't you?" the man on the other end asked anxiously.


"Why yes I am, are you looking for Kagome?" Sango asked trying to keep from rolling her eyes. `No I'm not the Sango who lives here, I'm a different Sango that has come to steal stuff, and I was dumb enough to answer the phone!'


"Actually, you're just the person I was looking for. I need your help." The man requested.


"And with what, pray-tell, could you require my assistance?" Sango stated all pretence of politeness gone.


"I need to speak with Kagome. This is Inuyasha, she may have told you about m-" Inuyasha began but was interrupted by Sango.


"I'm not helping you." Sango replied without emotion or hesitance.


"What? Why not?" Inuyasha asked. He hadn't even told her what he needed help with yet!


"Because you are an arrogant jerk! Do you know how many nights I come home late to see Kagome crying herself to sleep! How much she hurts!? She is like the shell of her former happy-go-lucky self and YOU did this to her!" Sango supplied brutally.


"Sango, Listen to me! I NEED your help! Kagome won't listen to me otherwise! I need to make it up to her! It was all a HUGE misunderstanding! If I could take it away then I would, but I can't! Her sister maybe evil and conniving but she's GONE! Please, I need your help." Inuyasha whispered the last part desperately. He had been thinking up plans all week and this was the only thing he could come up with. If Sango refused to help him, he might never see Kagome again.


"I don't know… I love Kagome, and I feel like I'm betraying a sister, a good sister." Sango responded quietly.


"Please Sango! I can't do it without you! I can't get Kagome back to normal if you don't help me!" Inuyasha declared not even attempting to keep the desperation from his voice.


"Alright… What do you have planned?" Sango asked warily.


"Well I was thinking…"