InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Paper Doll ❯ ...Forgotten ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Paper Doll

Part 3: …Forgotten

Inuyasha was confused. Like a little child he looked around in awe as if he saw it for the first time. He had always wanted to go outside and his master let him earlier in the gardens. But then this demon, he found familiar but didn't know, took him out of from the walls of the castle. He thought this was something his master had planned. But as they got farther away he realized that that wasn't the case. He stopped and looked back wondering if he should go back. His master would be very angry if he stayed out too late without informing him.

He was so confused. He then looked towards the demon leading him away and looked back in the direction they came from. Inuyasha decided to pick the latter and go back. Before he could take at least five steps he was pulled back and was looking face to face of his captor.

"Where do you think you're going to Inuyasha?" Sesshoumaru said sternly. He wanted to go back and abandon this task but he promised Rin. He could say that Inuyasha was killed but that would set the group of wannabe demon killers off. Then they'd go looking for his half-brother and when they find him 'alive' they'd bring him back and probably say bad stuff about him and go back to the way things were before.

When he received no answer he was puzzled. Inuyasha would've reacted with a sarcastic, unmannered remark but he didn't hear anything. He grasped Inuyasha's chin in his hands and tilted his head up. As he looked he just realized something.

Inuyasha wasn't in there at all.

His eyes almost turned demonic but he was able to contain himself. Whoever this Arashi demon was Sesshoumaru would make sure to kill him if they ever crossed paths. He shook that thought. He wondered when did he become so possessive.

"Speak," Sesshoumaru said sternly.

"Yes?" Inuyasha asked.

"Never mind. Maybe that wretch of yours could bring you back." He took Inuyasha's wrist and proceeded to drag him towards the village. He couldn't wait till this was over.


They made it back to the village. The scent of humans filled Sesshoumaru's nostrils as he walked casually in the town towards Kaede's hut where his brother's wretch, friends, and Rin were waiting for him. He was very angry right now and would like to be left alone. Of course they didn't sleep for one night just brining Inuyasha back.

"C'mon Rin, we've got to get going," Sesshoumaru said taking Rin's hand and proceeded to walk away as Rin waved to say goodbye to the group.

Inuyasha stared at the retreating form of Sesshoumaru's. It felt like…he didn't know. But somehow staying with these group of humans and a kit were starting to make his head hurt. He wondered why was he here. He was so lost in thought that he didn't notice Kagome talk to him. That is, until he went face first in the ground. He wondered how could a couple of words do this. Then he remembered his master talking about the rosary around his neck and how it was enchanted. Inuyasha slowly stood up and went on the defensive.

"Inuyasha what's wrong with you?" Kagome asked. She walked towards him and reached out but her hand was knocked out of the way and Inuyasha stepped back. Kagome noticed that she was scratched. She didn't know what was going on but she hoped that Sesshoumaru had nothing to do with this.


Right now Sesshoumaru was actually thinking of what happened. He did notice the odd behavior of his little brother. Plus he couldn't get it out of his mind. As he noticed just traveling for one night, Inuyasha didn't object to anything and just accepted whatever was given to him. Sesshoumaru growled in annoyance. Why should he care? At least Inuyasha is unresponsive, vulnerable to everyone, and could get taken…by someone else…

He gave up. He stood up and went to go back and retrieve his bother. There was no way that the reincarnated miko could actually do anything because he knew that Inuyasha wouldn't recognize her. Before he could make it out someone appeared in front of him. He glared at the bowing figure.

"Greetings, my lord."


Inuyasha stayed a distance. He had nothing to defend himself with except his claws and mere strength. He had a sword but his master kept it somewhere saying that it would be useless to him. Right now it could've worked but he didn't know since the sword looked ragged and chipped. Since the odds were against him he began to run the other direction. He never expected to hit face first on the ground when the girl with the strange clothing said two words. Then he blacked out as something else hit the back of his head.


Sesshoumaru glared at the trespasser. He wondered how she came in without him noticing. The woman was a demon. There was no way she could get pass his senses.

"What are you doing here?" Sesshoumaru asked coldly like he is known for. The woman wasn't intimidated.

"It will interest you my lord. You will not be wasting time for what I have to tell you," she said in equal coldness as he used.

"And what would that be?"

"It's about your half brother."

"Why would I be interested in the hanyou?"

"Because…my master is coming for him at this very moment. And might destroy all of his friends."

"Why would I care for a group of humans?"

"Because if your half brother turned back into himself he'd probably think you killed them. And I'm sure that you don't wish for any more interaction with the hanyou."

"Why would I care what he thinks?"

"Because, if you hate something you love it even more."

She stated before disappearing.

Sesshoumaru cursed his conscious before rushing out back to the village.


Kinshin: Sorry I took so long! I had ideas but I just didn't know how to type them up. So I hope this will satisfy you people for now and I'll try to get this up as fast as I can! Please don't be bored of this yet! Thanks for your visits and reviews!

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