InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pieces of The Sun ❯ Victor ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Wisps of light flail, they rise and they fall. Tangled together in broken whispers and promises, the beginning comes to and end. All that has started must come full-circle, but pain never finds place. All that has been will never be again. There are no survivors, much less their destinies. Swords and shattered weapons lie, not belying the ghosts of war.
Wars are fought to be won. But there is no victor and vanquished. Only tattered bits of human and demon souls, lost forever.
Time weaves itself around these fighters, becoming a legend. As long as legends live, the heroes do.
When they fade into ashes and dust, the pedestal is bereft of heroes. Time waits, to capture another in its quiet snare. And the unsuspecting victim waits for his chance to become immortal.
There are no heroes, only the living and the dead, those remembered and forgotten.
For in the end, all that remains are the thoughts of unspoken wishes, and blood-stained shards.
Then time spins its web again…..