InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Presenting, My Slave, My Mate ❯ Mating ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome helped Shippo and Rin get dressed and waited for Aletha to arrive. Aletha promised Kagome that she would help teach her to read.
Shippo and Rin were busy showing Kagome what they had learned when the door opened with Aletha carrying food in on a tray.
Smiling, she sat the food down on a table that had been brought in there the night before. “Here you are. You all look amazing today! Rin, I hope you don't mind, but my husband will be teaching you today. As for you Shippo, my friend Ryo would love to meet you. He has some things for a young fox demon to learn. Once you all eat, I'll bring you there.”
“Will you join us Aletha?” Rin asked sweetly as the kids quickly began to clean up a bit.
“If you wish.” Aletha gave Rin and Shippo and hug and had them choose a cushion that was in Kagome's closet. Rin chose an orange one with gold embroidery. She loved how soft it was as she moved it to the table and knelt down onto it. Shippo saw a blue and green pillow with a crescent moon in silver. The silver thread glittered brightly in the light.
Kagome merely grabbed a purple and red cushion and waited for Aletha to choose a cushion before Kagome began serving the food.
They all ate. Loving the food, which was cooked perfectly. All of the food was eaten and Kagome and the kids insisted that Aletha was there guest so she wasn't allowed to clean up.
Around noon, Kagome attempted to find her was to InuYasha's room.
She entered and bowed to InuYasha as she entered his room.
“I've decided,” he sighed, “that we should get this over with.”
Shippo smiled at the grown fox demon. He loved learning these new tricks, especially when he could show off the tricks he already knew.
“Alright, for the next one…” but Ryo was cut off when Rin came screaming into the room and clung to Shippo as tight as she could.
“Hello?” Ryo said courteously.
“Rin!” Shippo wiggled out of her grip. “What's wrong?”
“I'm staying here with you.” Rin stated as tears fell down her face.
“Well, if it's okay with Shippo, I could take you two outside and teach you two archery.” Ryo simply said.
Shippo agreed and the two followed him down to the archery field training area. Ryo chose bows for them to match their strength and size, then handed them seven dull arrows.
Rin and Shippo were fast learners and soon, Rin made a bull's eye at the target they were shooting at.
When Ryo believed they were done, he took them back t their room and had a friend of his come in and help him teach the kids to write.
A while later, Kagome entered the room with her head hung in defeat, attempting to stifle her tears. Ryo and his friend knew what had happened and left her alone with her children.
The two ran to Kagome and hugged her tight. When Shippo smelled something different though, he moved to his bed and sighed.
“So, you two mated.” Rin looked confused, but dragged Kagome over to Shippo's bed and had her sit down so she could wipe away her tears.
“It's okay to cry mommy, everyone needs to show emotion if they can.” Rin sat in Kagome's lap and kissed her cheek.
“Maybe you should take a bath.” Shippo told Kagome quietly. Kagome smiled at him and stroked his hair before setting Rin down on the bed and moving to the indoor hot springs.
Shippo had Rin preoccupied by having her go over all of the writing and reading lessons they had had so far. Rin had written her name seven times when Aletha entered the room and smiled.
“I heard Ryo took you two to the archery field today. How was that?” Aletha kneeled down on a cushion and looked at the young ones on the bed.
“Fun!” They both said. Kagome had secretly taught them some things before hand when she could, and Kaede had trained Rin a tiny bit of how to be a priestess, archery had been involved in that too.
“Well, I just wanted to apologize for my husband, Kyoshi really didn't mean to scare you and wanted me to give you this. He would have come here, but didn't want to frighten you.” Aletha handed Rin a handmade silver bracelet.
“It's beautiful! But I can't take that. It looks like it's to special.” Rin said as she tried to hand it back.
“Rin, this is a bracelet he made for his first born daughter, but we never had a girl. It is a gift for you that we would love for you to have. Besides, we are given many treasures and paid well for what we do. I know you were in the slave trade, but here, it's a job, not a forced labor.” Aletha slipped the bracelet over her wrist and smiled.
Rin hugged her and asked Aletha if she could thank him for the gift later and Aletha laughed and nodded her head.
When Aletha saw Kagome come out from the hot springs she told her that InuTaisho wanted her and her kids to join them for dinner.