InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Promises ❯ Love... ( Chapter 14 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: It's the last chapter and I still don't own Inuyasha! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! (plus the other characters)

It's finally the last chapter! So it's either boohoo cuz no more chapters, or yay, cuz you see the end and you find out...the mystery! And thank you, there were no fruits or vegetables.

This was a little late...but I tried. And all you readers are so kind and faithful! *tear* I'm touched....

Now I can stop bothering you and you can read the story.

Chapter Fourteen:

Everyone was bustling around busily on the night of the play. The sky was clear and stars shone bright. It was a full house, and people pushed around for seats, some just standing in the back, and children crawling on the ground in front of the stage. A crimson curtain separated the actors from the crowd.

One of the ticket attendants burst in and yelled, "I need another box! Box 4 is full!"

As Sango applied Kagome's pale white lipstick, Kagome complained nervously, "There are so many people! I just know I'm going to mess up!"

She thought, Not only that, but I can't work with Sesshoumaru after that...incident... She quickly took a fleeting glimpse at the silver haired boy who was staring blankly into the crowd.

Sango lightly slapped the back of her hand, scolding, "Don't talk, don't move don't breathe, unless you want lipstick in your eye. Besides, almost all the profits go to the cast party."

Kagome sighed for the hundredth time that day, wiping the sweat off her forehead. A smear of white was wiped against her palm. Sango frowned and applied more makeup on the smudge.

"Kagome, you really need to chill. We do have a limit on makeup, you know."

She replied shrilly, "Well maybe if there was some air conditioning here, we wouldn't use so much makeup!"

Sango shot her another scowl and quickly dusted Kagome's whole face before stomping off to apply the glow-in-the-dark body paint to Hiten's fingers. Kagome sighed again, slumping down in the seat. The heat was truly overwhelming. She slipped outside quietly, through the side door. The midnight velvet sky was moonless, but lit instead with hundreds of stars, each showing its own unique luminosity. They reminded her of the little fairies she heard about, that carried light for the humans to find their way home.

I wish the fairies would help me, she thought. I need to find my way to my memory. Who was he? And why was I so stupid as to not take the Shikon No Tama? I'll probably never get the chance again. She frowned through the darkness. No. I promised I wouldn't think of it anymore. I promised that I gave up. I'm not a miko, just a normal sixteen year old girl, who just happens to need to get on stage now. She looked through the doorway. Sesshoumaru was already on, yelling at his worker, or Inuyasha. She chuckled. He looked so pissed of as he let his twin yell at him. A smeared stripe of charcoal stained his cheek. She smiled at the way he grumbled, and how cute he looked with his hair tied back in a messy ponytail and his ears sticking out of the old hat, twitching now and then. She turned and saw Sango motioning to her, telling her to get ready. She entered the stage, a blast of humid air greeting her cool cheeks.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Kagome emerged from the curtains doing deep breathing exercises. She was soon bombarded with "friendly" tackles from Sango.

"You did great! Although you could have loosened up a bit..."

Kagome sat down, still breathing heavily. "As long as I don't have to do that again, I'm fine."

Sango grinned and said mischievously, "I thought this was your dream...." in a singsong voice.

Kagome replied, all in one breath, "IthoughtitwasbutnowIhavechangedmymindandifyouknowwhat'sgoodforyouyou'llshu tup."

Sango's grin immediately disappeared, partially because she didn't want to get hurt, and partially because she saw Miroku headed for her. She squatted down in front of Kagome, trying to cover herself.

"Hide me!" she whispered to Kagome.

"Sango!" Kagome said in a fake quiet voice. "He can see your butt!"

Sango lifted her head to find that Kagome was right, and Miroku was practically drooling. She got up and slammed him on the head.

"Oh well," she said in a forced, cheerful voice. "At least he's unconscious!"

Kagome stifled a laughed and informed her, "First of all, he's not unconscious, and second of all, if he was, you'd be in trouble because he's up next."

Swiftly, Sango swept him up, straightened his clothes and pushed him toward the curtain. Miroku, still holding his head, peeked out and went on with his dramatic entrance.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Flowers brushed their skin as the people cheered for them. Kagome was between Sesshoumaru and Miroku, feeling uncomfortable. But she had a wide grin as she faced the hot lights beaming down on her. Sesshoumaru gave a weak attempt at a smile while he stood in front of the rest. Even Sango came out, with strands of hair curling down her front, with her shirt covered in tape and makeup covering her fingers and her face. After the show, many people in the audience came up to the stage and began singing "Deck the Halls", for it was indeed Christmas. Trees stood magnificently to the side, covered in winking lights and orbs of color. Ribbons were strewn across the ceiling and the walls, and green, red, and gold crepe paper covered the tables and some of the doors and walls. Flower petals and decorations were thrown into the air and little kids ran around, snatching up flowers and singing wordlessly with the rest. Miroku came up to Sango with a full bouquet of flowers, with his eyes and fingers weary from looking for a batch. Sango blushed and shyly accepted the gesture of compassion.

Kagome was rolling in the fragrant pile when she felt a tug on her arm. Sango drove her home, where they had laid a few dress clothes. After two steamy showers, they quickly dressed into holiday dresses. Kagome was refreshed after removing the thick white makeup of and applied a little pale pink lipstick to her lips to accent her pink and white dress laced with gold trimmings. It was long and sleek, and Kagome was gracious, because she didn't feel like wearing a heavy, frilly dress; she wanted to feel light and free. Sango wore a crimson and bottle green sleeveless dress that went up above her knees. There was a thin gold strap around her waist, and sleek, big hoop earrings dangled at her ears. She let her long hair flow down her back. She wanted to stand out after her unglamorous evening.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

They returned to the stage area, where all of the audience was gone and the decorations remained. However, there were now refreshments on the table and dim, sapphire lights. Soft music played on the boom box, and practically the whole of eleventh grade was there. Couples were already on the floor, slowly dancing. Miroku and Inuyasha approached them.

"Hey guys," said Sango. "What're you up to?"

Smiling, Miroku took out a small rose bracelet and clasped it on her wrist. Sango's eyes shone, gazing at the carved, porcelain petals. A small smile crept onto her lips. The couple walked off into the crowd. Kagome and Inuyasha were left at the punch table.

Swishing the strawberry soda, Kagome gave a lopsided smile and said, "Sango's so lucky to have a guy like Miroku. He really cares about her."

She blushed as she felt Inuyasha's intense gaze on her.

"What's wrong Inuyasha?"

His eyes were deep, and sort of sad. She stared at their beautiful shades of gold, sometimes bright yellow, dancing like flames, other times, pure black. But today, they were warm and shining with splashes of deep ginger, not like his usual, arrogant self. She caught herself smiling about the times she had been with him, and his funny and strange ways.

The music blared out loudly now, and everyone was on the dance floor, with no specific partner. Inuyasha broke the gaze and instead looked at the dance floor, while his cheeks heated up. The rhythm shook the floor and the walls, so that he felt it under his fingers touching the tables. He jumped when he felt a warm prickle on his fingers. Kagome grabbed his wrist and pulled him to the group. After all, she thought, if there are so many people; it's not really a dance.

Kagome let out a loud laugh as she moved to the beat with her friends. The music burst out loud and fast, and they were all having a good time. Her cheeks were red from all the energy she used. She let out another flashy laugh. But this time, she was getting tired, and dizzy. She wandered to the door, followed by Inuyasha.

The park was covered with nature. Emerald blades of grass sprung out amongst intertwining flowers and vines. Light shone from the buildings and the stars. Kagome leaned against the Goshinboku tree and gazed into the heavens. Inuyasha stood nearby, gazing at her.

Kagome saw one star, that particular star, of the Shikon No Tama. Tonight, it didn't seem as snide as before. Rather, it seemed like those fairies, slowly guiding her. She saw Inuyasha looking at her out of the corner of her eye. Inuyasha....He was always with her, she realized. From that first day, when he caught her, to Halloween, to Naraku, and the play, he was always there, protecting her and caring for her. She remembered the times when he was brash, and when he was kind. She remembered when he was confused, or angry. But no matter what he was like, he saved her. Saved her more then once. He caught her every time, and comforted her.

Her eyes were now glassy with tears. The star was blurred. She turned to Inuyasha, closing her eyes slowly, so he wouldn't see the tears. Why am I crying? It's Christmas, the time of caring, and I should not be crying. But she thought of all those times and let out a sob, of pain and happiness and love.

He drew nearer to her, whispering, "Kagome..."

She quickly wiped the few tears away and looked at him. And his hand. He held out his hand for her, and in it, was the Shikon No Tama. The jewel. His silvery hair billowed around his head, slightly covering his face. But she saw his sad eyes, and his small smile. Cautiously, she touched his hand.

"Kagome, are you, my princess?"

Kagome looked into his eyes again. Was he the prince? And again, she remembered the times he was there for her, even if only for a few months. A smile covered her face as she held him closer. Inuyasha brought his head down and asked her with those exquisite eyes. She lifted her head, and met his soft lips in a gentle, chaste kiss. Inuyasha may not be her prince, but she cared for him, and loved him.

Kagome paused. "Inuyasha, do you love me?"

He smiled and whispered, "I promised you, I would take care of you. And if I didn't love you, I'd be breaking my promise."

Kagome gave a small grin. "Then say it. I love you Inuyasha."

"I love you Kagome, with all my heart, greater then any love in the world."

Inuyasha now felt safe. That piece of his memory was filled in. But not only that, he had not only found his princess, but Kagome. Kagome wasn't his just his princess, she was much more, much more then words could describe. Kagome smiled during their kiss. Inuyasha had saved her. Not just from all those incidents, but had brought her back from her anger and loneliness. They stood before the God tree, and between them, the jewel glowed gold inside their entwined fingers.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Did you like that ending? I was gonna make it sad, but seeing as you might not like that, I made it happy. But I'm not sure if it was too....something....I don't know. You tell me. That's what reviewers are for! Tell me if it was too fake, happy, foolish, dramatic, etc. whatever. If it's too bad, then I need to revise...or something. Plus it was kind of short. Oh well....

This is the last chapter, so if you do review, please make it your best and be honest.

Btw, do you want an epilogue? You know where they all go wheeeeeeee! This is what happened after! And happily ever after and stuff...

If you guys can review all those other chapters, you can stand reviewing one more, right? Right?