InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ PS: With Love ❯ Miss you too. ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter. 9 Miss you, too.

The next morning, the hungry Kagome opened her diary again to finish what she started on the 5 foot ledge. The last night' s sleep hadn't been good, but she managed. She had slept in her same dress, because she was too depressed to change.

Kagome looked at the last three words she wrote. "Miss him?" she said outloud to herself. The room, didn't really echoe her voice. "I miss him?"
She bit her bottom lip, and started a new sentance.

"He kicked me out yesterday, morning. It's was still pretty foggy out. Basically I ruined our shelter, and he's really really mad at me. He didn't say the actual words, but the other thing's you could tell. He hates me. I found this cave by the garden. I don't know how it got here, but it was cleverly disguised. It has ledges that I can either sit or stand on. I'm sitting on one, just writing this. There is an exit way too. It's a cliff. I could see Inuyasha from the cliff today. He looked so small. I said his name to myself, and he startled me by looking back. Was it his name he senced? Or was it me? Did he sence my presence? He's real funny. On one of our days here, he chased me around the beach because I threw something at him. A rock, i think. He told me, that he didn't think we should stay here hating each other. Now I'm not so sure. I'm really scared. I don't feel right. I want to say sorry, but Inuyasha dosn't seem like the person that would just accept an appology. "

She double underlined just. Kagome emptied out her whole bag this time, from the suitcase, and looked at what she brang. She had her shirts, her skirts, her dresses, her jeans. That was her clothes. She had her diary. Hojo was to bring the camera, but he wasn't here. Kagome closed her suitcase without continuing. She was about to go out to the wild garden when she stopped. She looked up to the sudden movement she saw at the corner or her eye. There it was, some kind of animal staring viciously at her. It looked like a kind of wild pig. Kagome in slow, slow movements that strained her, got up onto her feet. The wild pig, didn't move. Then Kagome noticed it's feet, it was walking towards her, now ''jogging''. Kagome didn't know what to do. She dropped everything, and started running. Before she got to the narrow passage way, she felt the snout of the beast, push against her, and she fell onto the rocks. Kagome on the ground, kicked both her feet into the air, hoping to hit the animal, and by chance she did. Kagome got up quickly, but noticed she couldn't run as fast now. She bruised her knees hard, and so was her hands scraped, but she didn't have time to think about that. She didn't look back to see whether it was chasing her, she just forced herself to keep going, she was now out into the garden. The fog, was still there. She could barely see anything at all. She had the smell of the flowers, that's how she knew they were there. "Not now!" she panicked. She heard a loud grunt, and looked behind her to see the fat pig trailing behind her. Kagome ran, she ran her hardest, if she kept going she could reach Inuyasha in less than 5 minutes, but the truth was: Kagome was tired. She was already seconds at the entrance of the garden. Kagome, the minute she lessened in her run, the beast got close enough to bite her leg. Kagome screamed as it was tearing at her flesh.

"GET OFF ME!!" Kagome regained all her strenghth, just to get away from this animal. She kicked and tried to run, but she couldn't get far at all. Only like a step or two. Kagome was bleeding. Her legs and arms. She hurted all over. She kicked the beast again, and then kicked it right in the eye. It made a grunting-irratated noise. She knew this place well, and she figured if she could find the trail, she could run down the hill and find him. She felt the branches, and then she saw it. The path. As she was about to run, the beast bit at her again, she screamed harder again, and then she took a risk. As it grabbed onto her leg, she took her hands, and grabbed it's brissly ears, and bent it back. The piggy squealed as it let go. She began running, she ran down the hill. "Please be there.. please be there Inuyasha." Kagome said to herself. Her stomach cramped, and she was running in a limp. Her headache was coming on again..Kagome stopped for a moment and held her head, and looked back. It was just coming to run down the hill. "Please be there.." She repeated in huffs. She bit her lip, and ran. She jumped over the sticks, and logs, almost tripping on one of them. Her eyes felt like acid, as she felt hot tears streaming down her face. She wiped them away quickly so they didn't distract her. Truth was, she could feel herself slowing down. The fog was starting to clear, and by the time she reached the beach, it was fairly good to see. The moment she touched the sand, her feet felt like they were sinking. She fell down, then quickly stumbled to her feet. She was in such a panick, it felt hard to walk. Where was he? Where was he? Kagome kept running.

"Kagome?" she heard a voice. "I'm sor-" Kagome looked around terrified, but it was only Inuyasha. He looked in shock as he saw her. What she looked like, her hair a mess, and her blood on her skin.
"What-" he began."Watch out!!" she screamed at him, with all the strenghth she had. She grasped her stomach. He looked behind him, and in a big movement, he kicked the animal hard, twice, then tree times, killing it instantly.

He looked back at her, standing a few feet away from her. He looked at her, not knowing what to do. Kagome for the first time, saw it all. She saw the guilt on his face, the stress, the relief..the sadness. For the first time. She saw it all.

Kagome closed her eyes and smiled. "I'm sorry... I'm so much trouble.." her voice trailed off, as she hit the ground.