InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ PS: With Love ❯ All I Hear ( Chapter 15 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Days and weeks had gone by, and Kagome's and Inuyasha's bond became stronger. It had been 2 months already since they had been abandoned on the island. Kagome had found that scraping bamboo or stick skin; they could take strings of that, tie them together and make rope. With this technique they advanced on their hut, and even made a door for it, and better tied together, so that the both of them could sleep in it. Even though it was big enough, Inuyasha most times chose to sleep outside. Sometimes Kagome would wake up in the morning to find Inuyasha often close to her, those nights he sleeped in the hut. A few times, she had woken up Inuyasha, in the middle of the night, with nightmares. He'd hold her arm for a minute or two, till she was okay, then he'd go back to sleep. Kagome though, would press her back side right against Inuyasha, reasurred he was there, then she'd go back to sleep. She really did get comfortable with Inuyasha. Both of them were comfortable with eachother most times. Sometimes they would talk as they worked, about life back home. About Hojo, but it always bugged Kag when he talked of Kikyou. She'd either find an excuse to go somewhere else, or she'd change the subject. Sure she felt bad, but she didn't know why it bugged her. Soon after Inuyasha got the hint, and never brang her up again.

The day started off, warm like any other day. Except it had grown too hot to do anything. It felt like 34'C, maybe 95'F. Kagome, was so hesitant, but she had stripped to her underwear and tank top, folded up. Inuyasha was somewhere away. He said he was trying to find shade, but Kagome was too hot to come along.
Even lying in their tent was too hot, because the heat waves just radiated off the sticks and onto the skin. Even Kagome's deoderant couldn't stop the excessive sweating. Kagome stepped into the water. And beleive it or not, it was hot. It was like being in a sauna. Burning her soft skin, Kagome ran out screaming. She felt unbelievable mad. Soon she found a tactic, that was better then nothing. Taking huge palm leaves, she'd lie in the tent, and just place the cool leaves over her body, rotating them occasionally. It wasn't the best method, but it was the only thing they had. Other then that, the sunscreen Kagome had brought was cool too. Before it started .. melting.Kagome woke up sweating to about 8pmish. If they had a clock, thats the time it would be. The heat really hadn't died down, but it was cooler than it had been. Kagome crawled out from the leaves, and saw Inuyasha lying face down in the sand."What're you doing?" Kagome asked. Inuyasha didn't bother looking up. "Dying." he replied. "It's too hot to do anything." Kagome sat on her knees beside Inuyasha and sighed. After a few moments, he whispered."Do you think we're going to get off this island?" Kagome was caught by surprise. "What?" she asked."Do you think we'll get off this island." he repeated."What?" Kagome repeated.Inuyasha didn't get mad at her. He just didn't say anything, but bury his head deeper into his arm."I..I don't know. I figured we would..eventually.. Where's this coming from, you're always telling me to lighten up." Kagome said, lying down beside the sad boy.

"I don't know, it's been a long time already. I mean, When is eventually?" Kagome didn't answer. She was able to forget things, even though it was so hard for her, but Inuyasha, of all people being mopey, just brang it all down again.

Kagome put her arm around Inuyasha, in a comforting way. She could feel Inuyasha stiffen for a minute, but she didn't say anything."We'll be okay, we have everything, and we'll probally evolve it to something better." She stared as the ocean moved back and forth. The sound of the waves, was magical. Inuyasha glanced over at Kagome who was barely wearing anything, and just stared into her eyes, that twinkled as it stared at the water.

"Yeah.." his voice said softly. Kagome looked over at him, and stared at his face. He looked so different from when she first met him. His hair was so scruffy, and he was finally growing some stubble. Inuyasha returned the glance, noticing Kagome's eyes, .. they were softer than they had been when they first met. She seemed, kind of happy here. He knew it was impossible to feel that way though. Kagome had a great job, a great life, and a great man. . Why, or even How would she be happy living in something less than what Inuyasha had? He closed his eyes. Had he forgot what happiness was?