InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Random Thoughts ❯ Caffeine and Zombies: Shippo's Turn ( Chapter 14 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Caffeine and Zombies: Shippo's Turn
The night that Miroku and Inuyasha went crazy with coffee, the whole gang stayed in Kagome's house. Unfortunately, the rather off key and very disturbing version of “I Will Always Love You,” no one seemed able to sleep. That is, other than the two unconscious teenage males passed out on the kitchen floor. So, instead of sleep, Kagome dug around in her movie stash and pulled out Dawn of the Dead.
“What's that movie about Kagome?” Shippo asked sweetly. Kagome smiled and patted his head.
“It's about zombies. You may be a little too young to watch this Shippo,” she warned. Shippo laughed and grabbed a piece of popcorn from Kagome's bowl. The others in the room—Mrs. H, Kagome, Sango, Gramps, and the hero Sota—just stared at him.
“I deal with demons on a daily basis Kagome. I don't think a little zombie moo-vee is going to scare me,” he said bravely. Boy, was he wrong, but he bravely watched the whole show. That night, he had to crawl in bed with Kagome, and he never really went to sleep.
The next day in the Feudal Era—after lectures, sits, and promises of total annihilation for ever thinking of trying caffeine again—they set off in search of more jewel shards. There was a rumor that one had been spotted in a small village just south of Kaede's. Naturally, Inuyasha led the pack, but not by much. His hangover from the eggnog and caffeine was slowing him down tremendously.
At lunch, Inuyasha and Miroku were told to go fish. Actually, the ladies told them to get “as far away as possible and don't come back unless there's food!” Still trying to get back in good with Sango and Kagome, they did as told. Once out of earshot, Kagome rummaged through her bag and brought out three bottles.
“Mom bought a couple of these the other day to give her some energy. They're called Red Bull, and they are pretty good!” Kagome smiled handing out the drinks. Sango took one and drank it, as did Kagome and Shippo. Everything was going well, the boys didn't put up a fight and did everything the girls asked. They stopped camp early that night for some rest. Shippo, who had been unusually MORE hyper than normal, waited till everyone had gone to sleep to sneak more of Kagome's magic energizer drink from her bag to help quell the fear of zombies he'd recently gained.
Just then, soul collectors passed above the sky. Where they went, Inuyasha was sure to follow. Shippo, hyped up and still scared, decided to follow the leader of the group. He wanted to see what Inuyasha always did that made Kagome so sad.
“Kikyo,” Inuyasha whispered. Sure enough, there stood the living dead pot by a tree. She turned at seeing Inuyasha and smiled a crooked little smile.
“Inuyasha, I find it amusing that you follow me even though I am dead,” she said. Both were unaware of the little fox demon watching them. Allow me to say this, you NEVER tell a fox whose drank two Red Bull and is afraid of zombies that you are dead, when you look alive. Shippo looked at Kikyo closely. As she began to walk towards Inuyasha, he only saw an ugly zombie headed to eat Inuyasha's brains.
“Kikyo, you are not…”
“AAAAHHHHH! YOU CRAZY ZOMBIE LADY! GET AWAY FROM INUYASHA!” he screamed and, remarkable, picked up a boulder and launched it at the dead miko's head. What was more remarkable was the fact it hit her head. I'm sure Shippo would have done more damage to her, had Kagome not walked up holding an empty Red Bull can. She was really getting tired of these guys and their caffeine problems.
“Inuyasha, back away from Kikyo! I'll deal with her! I can't believe you would steal this from me! Go back to camp before I say it!” she screamed. Inuyasha, knowing he didn't do anything but scared half to death at the same time, ran like a hurt puppy all the way back to the camp. Kagome waited till he was out of earshot before walking up to Shippo, who hung his head in shame.
“I'm sorry Kagome, Inuyasha didn't steal your Red Bull I did. I was just scared because of that movie and…” She cut him off by patting him on the back.
“I know Inuyasha didn't, but I'm still mad at him,” she smiled. “Good work Shippo!” This confused the kit, even more so when she began walking back to camp.
“What about Kikyo?” he asked hopping on her shoulder. She stopped for a minute and rubbed her imaginary goatee.
“That is a pretty heavy boulder,” she looked back towards the twitching zombie and put on a very Inuyasha like smirk. “She'll be there in the morning. Let's get some sleep.”