InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Random Thoughts ❯ Fetch Gone Wrong ( Chapter 13 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Fetch Gone Wrong
What had started out as a beautiful day, soon turned ugly. While heading out in search of a jewel shard rumor, Inuyasha runs into his dear sweet older brother, Sesshomaru. Of course, a meeting between Inuyasha and Sesshomaru has never ended without a fight.
“Sesshomaru is too powerful,” Shippo pointed out.
“It's not that he is too powerful, Shippo. Inuyasha is still weary from the battle with that dragon earlier today,” Miroku corrected. The gang had come across an angry dragon from the continent earlier that day that had challenged Inuyasha. His wounds had not even the chance to heal before meeting up with Sesshomaru.
“We need to distract Sesshomaru,” Kagome decided. The others looked at her as if she had grown another head. “Inuyasha may not survive this. He definitely can't do it alone. We need a distraction.”
“There's nothing we can do. Sesshomaru wouldn't easily fall prey to a distraction,” Sango reasoned. “The only way to go about doing that would be to kidnap Rin. First off, I wouldn't want to kidnap a little girl.” The rest of the group nodded in agreement. Sango took a sip of water out of a glass that she had poured. “Second, Sesshomaru would either kill Inuyasha, or take Kagome as revenge.”
“True,” Miroku sighed and joined her on the ground. Shippo resigned to it as well. Kagome on the other hand was busy scheming something up. She tried her hardest to pinpoint any weakness in the elder dog demon. When she could find none, she started to gather as much information as possible.
Okay, he's a full demon. This isn't going to be easy. I can't sit Inuyasha, he'll just get mad at me. Hmmm...he's got long silver hair, no emotions, a huge dog form...wait a tick, that's it! Kagome smiled at her brilliance and disappeared faster than the speed of light.
“Just give up little brother, your wench has already left you,” Sesshomaru smirked. Frantically, Inuyasha looked around for Kagome. Sesshomaru took this as an opportunity and ran in for an attack. A high pitch whistle stopped both dogs in their tracks. There, not too far from where the brothers stood, Kagome was waving something around in her hand and whistling. Inuyasha's eyes were slightly fogged over, most likely from the pain seeping through every inch of his body, so he did not see it. Sesshomaru did.
The elder demon's eyes lit up with a playfulness no one could match. Kagome whistled again and tossed the stick as far as she could into the woods. Sesshomaru took off like a bullet at Kagome's “fetch boy!” Knowing a thing or two about dogs, she knew he would not come back unless he found the same exact stick she threw.
As soon as Sesshomaru disappeared into the woods, a dumbstruck Jaken and mischievous Rin following in behind him, Kagome took off like a bullet towards Inuyasha.
“Kagome, did you just throw a stick?” he arched an eyebrow. Kagome smiled.
“Yeah, and we better go before he gets back! If he's like my aunt's dog, he'll jump on me!” she squealed. Inuyasha stared for a minute. Half of him wanted to see the “great” Sesshomaru come back carrying a stick in his mouth, but the other half did not want him jumping on HIS Kagome. Safety at this point didn't matter to him at all.
“Yeah, get on Kagome. Come on guys we're leaving!” he spoke softly before shouting to the rest of the group. The gang all left before Sesshomaru came back carrying a stick in his mouth.
“Where did they go milord?” Jaken asked. Sesshomaru dropped the stick and walked away, his face the color of the tongue that for a minute was wagging out of his mouth. While Jaken and Sesshomaru hurried away. Little Rin picked up a stick and stared at it. Slowly a mischievous little smirk broke out on her face. At the call of her name from ahead, it busted into a wicked smile.