InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Reincarnation Isn't Always a Good Thing! ❯ 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The next day, all the kids started practice. Sango taught Santu about Hiraikotsu, and Miroku instucted his son how to properly wield the staff and the hanofuda.
Kagosha learned about the Cutting Wind and Bakuryuuha, but she had to figure out how to do it herself. She got the hang of it at the end of the day.
Koga and Kagura instructed Kotan how to properly use Crimson Dragon Annilation and the delicate movements of the fan that could produce the dangerous Wind Blades and the soft swoosh that made corpses animate.
Nakago learned how to throw the chain sickle without being cut by it when he caught it. He managed to cut the lid off of serveral pots before they had to turn in. The day after that was much the same, except Koga made a speech at the end of the day.
"Rememeber what you've learned. Let your heart lead. I'm sorry, but this has to happen. Remember the legends, and that your parents all love you." Koga cut himself off. He wouldn't say anymore, not even to Kagura. The kids' cuts were were sealed, and they were sent to bed. They couldn't sleep.
"Hey... what do you think dad meant?" Kotan asked Kagosha- they shared a room. Kagosha shrugged.
"What's with the I'm sorry? Why should we remember the legends?" Kagosha asked. She shrugged again. "Maybe it's why he's been on edge all day." The girls heard a sound from the corner.
"What was that?" They grabbed their swords and- in Kotan's case- a fan.
"Who are you?" Kotan asked before she was knocked out form behind. Kagosha was soon knocked out as well.
*Boys room*
"What's with Kotan's dad? He was acting odd today." Santu asked Nakago. Nakago seemed at a loss for words.
"It has something to do with the legends.........." The boys herad a tinkling of glass; it was breaking.
"Huh?" Nakago asked. He grabbed the chain sickle- he kept it with him, everyone had, because of Koga's insistance. He stood up.
"Come out!" Nakago commanded. Behind him, he could tell that Santu was getting up and grabbing Hiraikotsu and the staff with some hanofuda shoved into his pocket.
"Why should I?" The voice seemed to come from all directions.
"Show yourself!" Santu commanded, one hand resting on Hiraikotsu. He felt some paper there. He had no time to wonder about it before the....... thing..... attacked. Both boys were knocked out, just managing to hit it once.
*Kagura and Koga*
"What was that sound?" Kaguara sked Koga. He was sitting up and looking ecspecially gloomy.
"What's wrong?" Kagura asked. She shrugged. "I'll go check on the sound......" She got up and made as if to leave.
"It's useless." Koga said softly. "This has to happen."
"What has to happen?" Kagura asked, turning back to him.
"They have to beat him."
"Who's 'him'?" Kagura didn't need to ask who 'they' were. It was the kids.
"Naraku, or rather, Naraku's reincarnation...." Kagura gasped.
"He resurrected? We have to get the kids right away." She started walking towards the door, but Koga grabbed her arm.
"If we do, he wins."
"How so?!" Kagura asked angerily. "What if he-"
"He'll kidnap them tonight. They will get back here in the next few months, if they're lucky. Next month at the least." Koga said softly.
"If they don't get taken, he'll win....."
"How will he win? Why didn't you tell me any of this?!" Kagura demanded, angry tears forming in her eyes. Koga looked at her, sadness in his gaze.
"He'll win because our kids will feel too sheltered. They'll go out looking for him, and once they find him.." Koga put his hands in his lap. "He'll be prepared... they won't be." Kagura covered her mouth with one hand, tears rolling gentely down her cheeks.
"They'll...?" Koga nodded. Kagura kneeled on the bed by him, crying. He hugged her and gentely rubbed a hand down her back, comforting her.
"What....... what's the worst-case-scenario?" Kagura asked. She didn't want to know, but she had to.
"They'll be killed by him. I took all measures possible to prevent that outcome..... we don't have anything left but to hope." Kagura's body was wracked with new sobs. Their children were kidnapped by a resurrected Naraku, with only three things to protect them: their weapons, knowledge, and abilities.