InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Reincarnation Isn't Always a Good Thing! ❯ 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Nakago groaned, waking up.He rubbed his head, glancing around and discerning exactly where he was. He was being moved in some sort of a car, the others- except Santu, were with him, and only Kotan was awake.
'Don't say anything about Santu. They don't know about him.' Kotan warned. 'Remember, I'm Ookami, Kagosha is Hoshi, and you're Seigei.'
'I remember. I can't believe this happened......' Nakago scowled. 'We were idiots.'
'I was. I let you walk into a trap.' Kotan thought bitterly.
'You couldn't have helped it.' Nakago argued. Kagosha stirred, then woke up.
"Where are we?" she asked aloud.
"I don't know Hoshi." Kotan said aloud, hinting that she should use the fake names. Kagosha picked up on that quickly.
"Ookami? Seigei? Where's-"
'Don't mention Santu.' Kotan warned her.
"-mom and dad?" Kagosha changed the tide of conversation effortlessly. "I'm scared." 'Act dumb and slow. They won't expect anything intelligent then.'
"I don't know." Nakago said, putting a blank look on his face. "Why are we here?" A loud sigh echoed from the corner of the room they were held in. A human-looking youkai stepped from the shadows, scars illuminated by flickering light.
"You children are boring. I have no need to do anything other then inform you of your duties, so I may as well hurry with that." he started. It was a low, gravelly voice, and neither Kotan, nor Kagosha, nor Nakago liked it, though they figured that they would hear it often enough in the future.
"Each of your heads will be shaved. Showers are every day, and no skipping. You will recieve your tattos next week."
"Tattos? What do we need tattos for? Can I get a tiger youkai?" Kotan asked, a bland smile on her face, though his words confirmed her suspicions. The youkai just went on, wanting to get away from the idiots ASAP.
"-tested for what youkai abilities you have on the morrow. That's all. The only rule we have here is this; Don't upset Lord Malum." (Malum is Latin for 'evil'.) Kagosha swallowed, a smile on her face, keeping her face blank. She had heard that name before, and hadn't liked what she had heard.
"Any questions?"
"Yes." Nakago said cheerily. "When do we get to see our parents?" The youkai grinned evilly.
"Never you great big dolt." The youkai left, leaving the kids to converse amongst themselves.
'Malum? Isn't he one of the most infamous human-looking youkai? He goes against the Treaty, I know that much.......' Kagosha said. 'I never really paid attention.....'
'He's a fearsome demon, type is a fire-youkai. He's burned countless towns, cities, etc. and can't be stopped by normal means. He always hides whenever danger comes near him, but is still feared despite that.' Nakago said, reciting from memory. 'He takes ecspecially beautiful slaves or just any that please him and makes them do lots of his dirty work. Unusual youkai are also found to be... employed by him'
'Oh great.....' Kotan groaned. 'Bet you we're going to be the next slaves he picks up. 'Unusual youkai'?'
'I beg to differ. Unless we actually transform before their eyes, we're just a human, an inuhanyou, and a full-wolf youkai.' Kagosha said.
'Umm..... outward appearance, yes, but aren't you forgetting something?' Nakago said gentely. 'Kotan- a wolf- has control over wind, and you have soem minor miko powers? None of us are ugly either...'
'Someone's coming!' Kotan warned.
"I don't know what they're going to do to us!" Kotan continued, wailing. "Hoshi, Seigei, it's not fair!"
"I know! It's scary here!" Three youkai entered, and one human.
"You interrupt my dinner to see these three bawling brats?" the leader asked snappishly to the human behind him.
"Y-yes milord. These three are extraordinarily pleasing to the eye, and i was wondering if milord would want them. As a gift of course!" the man added hastily seeing the youkai's smoldering look. Knowing teh youkai, it could make you smolder with a look, and we're not talking metaphorically.
"I may accept. What types of youkai are they?"
"We don't know yet, but we should know the day after tomorrow."
"Depending on their skills, I may ask for them." Abruptly the youkai turned and left, calling to teh man over his shoudler;
"Weren't there others that you wanted to show me?"