InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Reincarnation Isn't Always a Good Thing! ❯ 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Nakago and Kagosha held the other youkai in the courtyard- it wasn't hard. They- the youkai- were dead terrified of Nakago and Kagosha, so all they had to do was stand or look in a particular direction. Outwardly, they appeared to be doing nothing, but were actually doing quite a bit.
'I think...... yes. Malum's coming!' Kagosha warned her friends. This was bad. Easy as it was to knock out the lesser youkai and humans- as well as a few hanyous- they still outnumbered the four ten to one. They could be superior, but even a superior warrior cannot stand against an army or be immune to tiredness.
'Thank's for the warning!' Santu said, narrowly dodging a dagger that one man had drawn. He was bleeding from several small cuts and so was Kotan, though hers were fewer and far between. They'd need help.
'Why is he coming? Isn't he a coward?' Nakago asked.
'He wants to prove that he can defeat someone in battle- even if it's just four children who are already weakened from lack of decent food, water, and lodgings. Not to mention that the kids just came from a fight.......'Santu said, disgusted. He fended off another guard. 'He'll wait a few more minutes, then attack. Get the kids into some sort of holding pen.'
'They'll stay.' Kotan said. 'Don't waste your energy. And don't underestimate Malum. Coward he may be; weakling he is not.' She fended off a youkai.
"Unido Urufu!" A wolf seemingly made out of wind raced at her attackers, dissolving once they fell.
"Stay here." Nakago told the youkai would-be slaves. They nodded fearfully. No surprise, seeing as Nakago looked like he'd kill them if they left- the metal wings were shining with sunlight.
"Ha-hai, tenshi-sama." one said, staring wide-eyed at Nakago. He nodded and took off, heading towards Kotan and Santu, Kagosha right behind him.
Kagura looked like she was in pain. She was in deep concentration, having to project the image she saw onto a blank wall, but that wasn't what was causing her pain. Oh no, it was the danger her little girl was in. Her expression was mirrored by everyone else in the room. Kagome and Inuyasha for their daughter, Kagura and Koga for their daughter, Kohaku and Nari for their son, Sango and Miroku for their son, and Shippo for his nieces and nephews.
"They're going up against him....." Kagome said faintly. "They don't know a tenth of his powers... they even think he's only a fire-youkai, which is bad enough!"
"They have to pull through...." Nari muttered, looking anxiously at the wall.
"He's an elemental master." Shippo said dully. "He can't be harmed by Fire, Air, Water, Earth, or Metal. Kotan can't really fight him- her attacks are wind-based. Nakago's out of luck too. Metal. Santu can use all his poison attacks, except for Doku Honou- his poison flame. Kagosha can use all of her attacks- she's the only one that can. It's one against two, yes, but it's a very experianced and knowledgeable one against an inexperienced two, one with a hanicap. Santu might not even be able to use his Kazaana-like body. It uses some wind to draw things in, but because it is also Void, they may win."
"They will win, kid." Inuyasha growled at Shippo, cracking his knuckles. Shippo, paled a bit, and backed away slightly- he knew that look from the old days, the days before Inuyasha had confessed to Kagome. You did not mess with Inuyasha when he had that look. You did not. Simple as that.
"They can win." Koga corrected Inuyasha, staring at the floor. "They have a few Threads left..... unless they create a new one, like they already have." Kohaku started.
"They have created a new Destiny Thread? But- but.... that's impossible!"
"It's possible. It doesn't happen very often- 5 times to date, including theirs- but it happens. It takes someone of great power to do this. They can create a new one or they can follow the Threads they already have."
"In all the futures you see....." Miroku hesitated, pausing to draw Sango closer. "How many show them coming back safely?" Koga looked up at Miroku, his once sparkling blue eyes now just a very distant glimmer.
"Out of?" Sango asked.
"You don't want to know." Koga said, gaze going back to the floor.
"We have to know." Nari told him.
"A thousand." The number was said so quietly that they almost didn't catch it. Almost.
"Only.... only a one-in-twenty chance of coming back?" Kohaku asked, shocked.
"Worse odds then we ever had." Sango whispered, horrified. "We always had a fifty-fifty chance." Sango started crying. Miroku hugged her tighter, but his eyes glistened as well. Kagome had already started crying long ago. So had Nari.
"You... you're sure that w-we can't do a-anything?" she asked. Koga looked at the floor, laughing sadly.
"If we could, I would have said something. We're bound and gagged by this." Koga's voice had stopped being sad. It was just pissed off by the time he finished his senetence. He punched the floor with his fist. He was shaking with anger at himself. At Naraku.
"This is all my fucking fault." he swore.
"Koga-kun, it's no one's fault." Kagome told him kindly, though her face was still red and she was still crying. "You did what you thought was right. It will all be alright in the end. Our hearts have always led us right before."
"What if......?" Koga said quietly, so quietly no one heard him.
"What if this time, this time they fail us? What if, this time, we're wrong? We're risking our children because I did what I thought was right?'