InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Reincarnation Isn't Always a Good Thing! ❯ 21 ( Chapter 21 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
It was the next day Mahkoto reported that she was well enough to call the elements, but she couldn't guarentee that they'd listen.
"If it was just one, then I could probably do it, but with four, it will take everything I've got just to call them." she had said.
Now the five kids stood outside and waited. First, she looked north and whistled twice- both high. Then she faced east and whistled twice again- one high, one low. Next, she faced the south and whistled low both times. Lastly was west, and then she whistled low, then high.
Before she had finished all the whistling, they came. Wind, Water, Fire, and Earth (repsectively) arrived as soon as the last whistle for them was released.
<what do you want/need?> Fire asked- she could be mean sometimes, but was a softy at heart. Her eyes landed on Water. water noticed her there too.
<Hello> Fire said stiffly. water replied happily- her moods were liquid, always changing and normally quick to do so.
<Fire?> Mahkoto asked. <You seem on edge/unhappy/tense. What's wrong/making you this way?> Mahkoto then noticed that all the basic elements seemed the same way. She addressed all of them with the question.
<We don't know> they all answered. They seemed frustrated by it. Earth and Water were practically at each other's throats, but Water also seemed to want to attack Wind- it was likewise with Wind. Fire and Wind also seemed to want to duke it out.
<Stop/Halt> she told them, calming them down.
"What's happening?"Santu asked, concerned.
"Something's wrong with them. They all want to fight each other.... it's odd. I've never found a time when they all wanted to fight...." Mahkoto frowned, then shrugged. "I have no clue what's going on, but they should be fine to guard you."
<Everyone, please listen/Pay attention.> she asked. The elements looked at her. <I need you/want you to do me/myfriends a favor/service.> They listened intently while she discussed the plan with them. Fire was eager- she wanted a fight. Wind was happy to help, and Water was content with what she had to do. Earth wasn't usually the fighting type, but stepped up to the challenge. Mahkoto smiled and aske dthme to choose someone to guard. Unsurprisingly, Water chose to guard Kagosha, while Wind chose Santu. Nakago got Earth, and Kotan- of course- got Fire.
"Is everyone ready?" Mahkoto asked, exhausted. The four nodded. "Can we fight Malum tomorrow? I'm exhausted-" a loud crashing interrupted her thoughts. Slowly- feelings of dread finding their home in her heart, she turned. The others had already seen what she had just noticed.
A tall youkai stood in the clearing. She immediantly recognized a kindred spirit, but this one was warped. Her suspicions were confirmed when Kagosha spoke.
"Malum." The youkai smiled.
"Good. You remember. Now if we can pick up where we left off......"

Malum grinned. He had tracked these kids for a week, letting his injuries heal. Finally, here he was, fully healed and ready to take these kids on again. He had come alone.
'If I am to run, then I shall run with no one to see me escape.' he reasoned. He studied the kids that he had spent so long chasing.
"Who is that with you? A friend?" he sneered. One of the kids- Santu- stepped forward.
"She is. Leave her out of this." he said, standing in front of her. Surprisingly, a wind whipped around him, as though it was trying to protect him- or that girl he hid behind his back.
"Are we going to fight, or bicker all day?" Malum asked lazily, a smile strecthing his features once again. He noted that the girl shuddered, as though she felt his evil energy.
"Inu Batsu!" a voice from his side said. He nearly jumped at the sound alone, but then he felt something tear his side. he looked to see one of the girls- the dog-youkai.
"Bitch." he said. "You'll pay for that." He put a hand to his side- it was bleeding badly. He aimed his palm at her. Fire sprang from his hand. It surrounded her, but she stood there, calmly, as if knowing that it wouldn't affect her. Indeed, the fire that he had started drowned around her. He stood there for a second, shocked, but then realized what had happened. He spun towards the strange girl that he didn't recognize. Why hadn't he recognized her energy before?!
"Bitch!" he growled. She must be able to command the elements like he could. Let's see, the first one had been Wind, the second was Water.
'If she can only use Wind, then she can only use the basics. That means I have Earth and Fire to contend with still.' he thought. 'If I just kill her, the elements might leave their positions.' He started running at the girl, but was thrown back.
"Unido Urufu!" It was the wolf-youkai. A wind wolf had attacked him. He grunted. How could he be letting himself get beaten so easily.
'Wait- the ookami also has Fire, and Wind is taken...' He used Water against Fire- his most powerful Water attack. As expected, the air around her hissed and she cried out in pain- some had gotten through!
'That leaves earth for the bird.' he thought. He created a barrier around himself- it would protect him.
"Let the games begin!" he said, unleashing serveral attacks at once, in different directions. Since he had not done something like that in years, ghe started to feel a bit fatigued, but he ignored that. This would not be an easy battle, not one that he could just float through. He heard cries of pain, but he also heard the swoosh of displaced air as the targets dodged. He ducked, avoiding an attack that would have hurt- badly. He spun around, seeing the ookami. She was scowling at him, and the barrier of Fire around her pulsed.
"Hello there, little wolf." he said. She sneered.
"Just die so we can leave."
"I'd rather not." he said, attacking with some more Water. She hissed, as did the entity of Fire that protected her. Suddenly. he felt something gouge his back. He hissed and fell, seeing the metal-bird youkai above him. Malum smiled.
"Tricky little brats, aren't you-" he gave a low 'uff' as something hit his back, right on the wound. He turned and saw the girl that he didn't recognize. Herright foot was covered in his blood from her kick, as she had settled into some sort of fighting stance.
"Watch who you call 'brat', bastard." she said, spinning and kicking him in the solar plexus. He groaned and dropped.
'Damnit, how'd she do that?' he asked himself, dodging her next kick. He rolled back and aimed an attack- Fire- at her. Instantly, a white-hot flame formed in his palm. He looked deep into the girls eyes, seeing her fear, but also... acceptance.
He released his attack, giving her not time to dodge. Funny thing was, she didn't even try. But, just as it was about to hit her, the ookami stepped infront of her. Her shield ate up his attack, using it as extra energy. It flared brighter.

Mahkoto saw the flame ball heading towards her. She didn't try to move.
'Incineration will be quick, at least.' she thought, but Kotan suddenly stepped in front of her. Mahkoto was shocked.
"Kotan! What are you doing here?" Mahkoto asked, flabbergasted. (Funny word.....) Kotan just looked at her over her shoulder, her brow dripping sweat and the small cuts leaking blood, bruises all along her arms and face.
"'And thank you for saving my life, Kotan.'" she said.
"I thought that you didn't like me-" Mahkoto started, shocked.
"Look, just because I don't like you doesn't mean that I want you dead." Kotan said, heading back into battle. "Stay there. I'm not going to go out of my way to save you again."

Nakago was flying, circling the battlefield. He attacked when he saw an oppertunity.
'Nakago, I'll make a mist. Get Mahkoto out- she won't be able to handle the poison.' Nakago 'nodded' in his mind, and dived to land next to Mahkoto.
"Santu's going to spread a poion here- it will act as a mist. I have to get you out of here." He turned around, his back facing her. "Climb on. I can still fly with you." Mahkoto didn't question, him, just got on piggyback style. Again, Nakago flew up.
"I saw what you did to Malum. Where'd you learn that?" he asked, th wind nearly whipping his words away.
"I used to take martial-arts classes with my sister." she said. Nakago didn't press further, just watched the battle.

"Doku Kiri." Santu said. A think mist seeped from his, enveloping the battlefield. Malum could clear it in a minute, if he tried using air (Wind, and all that), but it gave Santu's comrades a breather.
'Nakago, you've got Mahkoto, right? How is everyone?' Nakago replied that, yes, he had Mahkoto. Kotan and Kagosha were hurt, many minor wounds but nothing major. Everyone had bruises. They all bled.
'We can finish this- we have to finish it, quickly. How?' Kotan asked. Santu shrugged helplessly.
'I don't know.' Kagosha answered. Just then, a great wind sprang up, and the mist parted. Malum had used that time well, too. He had a lang katana that seemed to have been concealed in his kimono. He wouldn't have been able to get it before, so he had grabbed it while they had talked.
The naked blade gleamed wickedly in the sunlight.
"Now, the true fight starts." Malum said, his eyes as wicked as the blade.