InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Responsibility ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

whoo-hoo!! my first fanfic so please no flames.

disclaimer: listen up cause I'm only gonna say this once: I own nothing,nada,zip,zilch except for the occassionall OC but other than that please don't sue me.




someone's conscience


~~~~~scene change~~~~~

on with the fic!


"I love you and only you kikyo. How could anyone care poor excuse for a miko let alone love her! She's just a shard detector nothing else!"said {guess who?} inuyasha.{how can anyone be so stupid?!}

"I love you to inuyasha"said in a slutty voice that only a slut would have. After that inuyasha kissed her passionately. And proceeded to do unmentionalbles.


`that son of a bitch!' Kagome thought as she ran to the well with tears streaming down her face.

`I cant believe that bastard did this to me!'{she seems more angry than sad don't ya think}

`You knew he was going to do this the whole time.'

`I know, I know but what am I supposed to do now?'

` Look we both no that you as the gardian of the jewel have to find the missing fragments so you cant just leave and never come back. Anyway inuyasha would probably kill poor shippo and your practically his mother and everyone would miss you too much.'

`ugh! I hate it when your right. So what am supposed to do?'

`whatever you have to do. Train or something but you cant run away or else you'll regret it for the rest of your life. Now come on we got work to do.

Then she jumped into the well.

`I'll show u inuyasha that I'm a stronger miko and person than your clay pot ever was or ever will be.'And with that the familiar blue light surrounded her as she switched between worlds.