InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Responsibility ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey everyone. I've finally posted chapter 4 it took very long to come up with this so I hope you enjoy the chapter. Again to all of those who reviewed: I LOVE YOU!!!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Inuyasha belongs to the brilliant Rumiko Takahashi nor do I own Charmed. And even if I did I wouldn't be writing this.





~speaking telepathically~



On with the chapter

Chapter 4

After Kagome finished telling her story everyone's face looked like this:O.O {I luv using that expression}

"Is there something wrong?" Kagome asked. She was really starting to get annoyed because they kept on staring at her.

"Sorry mama, but that is really hard to swallow."Shippo asked {he is so Kauai!}

"I know. I had a hard time believing it myself when I first thought it over."

~Kagome? ~ rya asked her telepathically

~Yes Ryu? ~kagome answered

~I'm gonna go explore a little. Do you mind?~

~No. Go ahead. I have a feeling that even if I said no you would've gone anyway.~

~Your right. I would've.~

~Just don't go off to far just in case we need you okay.~

~Kagome, I've had this job for 100 years. I don't need you tell me not to go too far off.~

~I know. Sorry~

~Don't be. It's in your nature to be overprotective.~

~I'm not overprotective!~

When she said this Ryu let out a laugh that sounded like a bark and veryone looked from kagome to Ryu like they were crazy.

~Whatever, I wont be gone long~ryu than started out of the hut.

"Where is the wolf going?"Kikyo asked. {yes I hate her but I'm gonna make her a good guy in this story}

"She went exploring. She won't be gone long."Kagome answered. {if you didn't know that than you're an idiot}

"Inuyasha, there are 2 shards coming near the village very fast." Kikyo said. They ran outside to the outskirts of the village.

"Here comes Kouga." Miroku said with a sigh. Everyone was starting get annoyed at the wolf.

"How's my woman doing." Said kouga.

`Time to set the record straight.' "Kouga, I'm not your woman. I just think of you as friend. I'm sorry if this hurts you."said Kagome.

`I knew this was coming.' "It's okay Kagome. I was kinda expecting this. Sorry I've been such a bother."

"You weren't a bother.."she didn't get to finish her sentence because she was interrupted by:




"Bitch, what was that for."



"The first one is because no one asked for your opinion and the second was because we've been traveling together for 3 years and still refuse to call me by my name and I highly doubt that your memory is that bad. If it is let me refresh it. My name is Kagome. Say it with me, Ka-Go-Me. Do you got that dog-boy?"

He heard her but he was at least 30 feet under and was still teaching the ground some new vocabulary so she didn't get an answer.

"Like I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted you weren't a pest it was actually kind of flattering. I hope can still be friends." Kagome said.

"I wouldn't have it any other way kagome. I must leave now. I'll visit soon." And with that he left.

"Oh crap{that's my favorite word}, I forgot to ask him for his jewel shards. I'll be right back."than she disappeared in a swirl of blue and white bally thingy lights.{you know the lights I'm talking about}

"Where did she go?" miroku asked turning around and around and a{angie:give it up already I think they get the point.}

`Didn't you hear her? She went to get Kouga's shards' a voice in his head stated matter-of-factly.{sorry first time using that word.}

"Who said that?"miroku said/asked.

"Miroku, are you feelin' alrite?" inuyasha asked.

"I'm fine, I think. Didn't someone just answer my question?"

`What question would that be?' the voice said again.

"There it goes again!" by that time he was turning around so much that he fell down. Than the bright blue-white orby thingys appeared next to Miroku and kagome materialized next to him.

"Got them! Uh,Miroku are you alright?" Kagome asked.

"I'm fine Kagome. I just kept on hearing voices in my head"

"Did the voice sound like a female voice and sound kind of raspy?"

"Ya, sort of."

"Ryu, stop messing with him."

They heard giggling behind some bushes.

End chapter 4

A/N: I know, I know. You'd think that after such a long wait and 4 author's note in a row you'd expect something better than this crap. Please forgive me?! I didn't have much to work with. So I need more votes for the pairings or else you cant expect any chapters anytime soon because I'm running out ideas. And for my reviewers who complained that my chapters are to short, I hope that this is long enough for you. It was 5 notebook pages.

Here are the votes for the pairings:






San/Mir: 11



yummy till the end