InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Responsibility ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Fk19:hello peoples. How ya doin. I'm gonna make this quick. The only thing I own is ryu. Other than that I own nothing so stop rubbing it in.(starts crying)


Speaking telepathically

Chapter 2

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At the Hut~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Mommy, what are those markings on your back and wrist?"

"They're called tattoos shippo."

"Lady Kagome, you said you would tell us what happened."

"Oh, right. It happened when I went home that night I saw inuyasha and kikyo together."

::FLASHBACK (this gonna be really really long)::

"Mom I'm home."

"Kagome come to the attic I have something to show you."


"Momma why is the ghost of midoriko in our attic?!"

"Kagome you are her reincarnation not kikyo's. Kagome I think you had better take a seat."

Kagome's mother pulled a chair out of no where.

"Kagome" midoriko started "you are witch. A charmed one to be exact. Your dad was a whitelighter a guardian angel for young witches like your mother was. So your more powerful than most of the witches of your time especially because of your miko powers."she paused to let it all sink in.

"I'm a witch?! COOL! Do I have any special powers?"

`Wow she's taking this better than I thought she would.' Midoriko thought

"Your powers are to astro project,telekineses,the power to freeze time, the power to blow things up, the power of premonition,to orb it's like teleporting only different because of what your father was and your last name isn't Higurashi it's Halliwell." Aiko said. {that's what I'm gonna call kagome's mom for now} "I'll be training you to control your powers."

"And I'll come to you in dreams to teach you hand-to-hand combat,to use your miko powers, and to use all kinds of weapons."said Midoriko

"Okay just a couple of questions."

"Ask anything you want."

"number 1, what happened to dad?"

"a week after you were born he said that the elders,his bosses, had a strict rule that witches and whitelighters were not to be together so he had to leave or else something bad would happen to you."aiko replied sadly.

"oh.okay. number 2, what are my miko powers?"

"you'll find out in a couple of hours.bye."{it's nightime}

"Mom does souta know about this?"

"No I'll tell him when he gets back from summer camp."

"Ok. Goodnight mom."

"Goodnight kagome."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kagome's Dream~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Midoriko are you here yet?"

"Yes kagome I'm behind you."

"Okay so what are my miko powers?"

"They are to purify as you already know,shape shift,control the elements,and heal."

"Okay so let's get started."

"Do you want to learn how to use your miko powers first or to fight?"


So for 8 hours midoriko taught kagome to fight in hand to hand combat,and to use a sword at which kagome was a natral for both.

"You're a fast learner kagome"


"its time to wake up so I'll see you tonight. Bye."


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End Dream~~~~~~~~~~

"Morning everyone!"

"Morning kagome. So how did training go?"

"Pretty good. Where's grandpa?"(her gramps already knows that she's a witch. she is grandaughter)

"Grandpa is out at the shrine. So you ready to start you're witch training?"

"Lemme go get dressed."

And this is the same routine that they went through everyday for a month.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a day before kagome goes back~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


"Kagome I'm very proud of you. You finished all your training in a month. So I have some presents for you. This sword was mine while I was alive. I want you to have it."

"Wow it's beautiful Mido. Thank you."

"Your welcome. It's sort of like inuyasha's tetsiga(sp?). It's a regular katanna(sp?)when you want it to be but can transform like inuyasha's and powerful attacks but you have to learn them on your own. Now it's time for you to wake up. Goodbye I'll visit you sometimes."

"Bye Mido and thanks again."

~~~~~~~~~~~~END DREAM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Kagome wake up I have somethings I want to show you."

"I'm up."

"Get dressed and come to the attic."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~in the attic~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Whats wrong mom?"

"Kagome come over here.This is `The Book Of Shadows' it's a book of spells and warlocks and demons and a potion guide.The first 3 Halliwell witches started this book and every Halliwell from than on added to this book."

"Mom, what's that sign on the front?"

"That's a triquetrle. The first Halliwell witches made it their sign. It stands for the power of 3. Now there is somone I want you to meet."

Just than the outline of a wolf appeared and then there was a wolf.

"Kagome this your whitelighter/guardian, Ryu. You have to speak telepathically to her."

`it's nice to meet you ryu.'

`it's nice to meet you to kagome. I have heard a lot about you.'

"Well Kagome it's time for you to go back to the Fuedel era. Visit as often as you can."

"Okay I will. Bye mom I love you."

"I love you to Kagome. Bye"

::END FLASHBACK:{I bet you forgot this was a flashback. Well guess what. I did to and I'm the author}

End Chapter 2