InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Return to the Place Where I First Loved You! ❯ Just The Beginning Of The End! ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Return To The Place Where I First Loved You!

By Gogina

A/N:Here's the next chapter. Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 12

Just The Beginning Of The End!

I was thinking how much it would suck if this was all a dream, but waking up with Inuyasha next to me quickly dashed any fears I had. I spent at least a half hour staring at him, fully drinking in the sight and coming to the realization that we were together. Sighing contentedly, I snuggled up close to him, draping his arm around me, and quickly fell fast asleep.

Movement next to me woke me and I tiredly looked up to see Inuyasha sitting up and staring out into the darkness, his hand clenched tightly around the Tetsaiga (sp?). My brain went on high alert as I sat up.

“Inuyasha, what is it?” I asked, curiously and as quietly as possible.

His gaze hardened as a heavy wind came up, blowing out the fire we had built earlier.

“We have visitors,” was all he said.

That was when they attacked. I barely had enough time to retrieve my bow and arrows from the hut before the monstrosity of demons rained down on top of us. My arrows were put to good use as I slaughtered demon after demon with no end in sight. My body was quickly becoming spent and weaker as the demons kept coming and I ran out of arrows. Right then and there, I knew I was in trouble. I was in trouble even before Inuyasha shouted my name in horror.

One demon, red with five eyes, a tail that was glowing a bright orange, had it’s mouth wide open, fully allowing me to see the nice set of razor sharp teeth inside. The bad part? It was heading straight for me!

I waited for the inevitable with my eyes closed tightly. I waited for the pain to attack me and render me helpless. I waited and waited and waited and waited, but it never came. I calmly forced myself to open my right eye, which just caused me to open both of them in shock. Inuyasha stood firmly in front of me, his sword raised horizontally in the air as the demon was pounding on it mercilessly. My heart swelled with joy. Inuyasha saved me!

But my joy quickly turned to fear as I saw something that stopped the beating of my heart. While Inuyasha was intent on keeping that demon at bay, another one was rapidly approaching him from the side. In that split second, I knew what I had to do. No way would Inuyasha be able to move in time if I shouted to him. Gathering up as much energy I could, I started to run. Seeing as he was feet away from me, it didn’t take very long for me to reach him.

It followed immediately after. The pain, I mean. It hit me full force in the shoulder, which caused me to drop to my knees in the dirt, clutching it with my uninjured arm. I looked up at the demon, venom drooling from his mouth. I began shivering uncontrollably. It was all I could do to keep my eyes open. I was becoming weaker with every breath as the amount of blood loss became worse and my vision grew hazy. The poison was spreading quickly throughout my body. It wouldn’t be long before I wouldn’t feel anything at all - except . . . beautiful . . . darkness . . . . . . .

A/N: Please, R&R!