InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Reunion ❯ Chapter Eighteen: Preparations ( Chapter 18 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Eighteen

A/N: First day of spring break for my children and it is raining! Oh, well. That's life. I doubt my kids will mind too much. They all love to read and play video games so they won't get bored but they will drive me and my wife batty. I may not be posting much this week, just to let you know. By the way, a side note to 'Simply a Lady'. You have got to be one of the most prolific writters I have read! Your stories are all very good, but how in the world can you update 5 of them in one day! I have enough trouble keeping up with this one! Anyway, keep up the good work! Now for my disclaimer; I don't own Inuyasha. And with that out of the way, let's get on with this chapter.

At breakfast, Daremo made an announcement. "My friends, today we will be entering into Lord Tanaka's lands. We should be reaching the lord's manor tomorrow morning. I have taken the liberty of making arrangements at an inn for the evening that is near my lord's estate. That way the ladies," he paused and nodded in the direction of Kagome and Sango, "and the men can refresh themselves and make themselves presentable to my lord."

"Great! That will give me a chance to go shopping! Won't it, Inuyasha?" Kagome looked at her hanyou with a raised eyebrow.


Kagome ignored that and looked a Sango. "You can come with me and help me find a gift suitable for a lady of the Lady Mariko."

Inuyasha brightened at that remark. "You're going shopping to buy a gift for my aunt?"

"Well, of course." said Kagome turning to face Sango as they began to discuss what to get the elderly lady.

Inuyasha stepped behind her and gathered her into a gentle hug from behind. He slipped his arms around her waist and breathed "Thank you." into her ear before kissing her on the cheek and then releasing her.

Kagome smiled fondly at Inuyasha. "It is my pleasure to respect your aunt, Inuyasha."

Sesshomaru had been silent while this had gone on. Finally, he spoke. "I have no use for a human inn."

"But my Lord Sesshomaru, it will give you a chance to bath and relax before meeting with the Lord Tanaka." protested Daremo.

"I am a demon lord. I will not stay at a common inn."

"Ah!" said Daremo, pleased that he could provide a suitable rebuttal to this. "My lord, this is no ordinary inn! All the lord's who come on business with my lord stay at this inn. It is run by servants of my lord and is more like an extension of his home than a true inn. You are actually staying in a detached portion of his manor."

"That may be well for human lord's but, as I said, I am a demon."

"My lord, you should know that other demon lord's who have had business with my lord have stayed at this inn. They were most impressed with it."

"'Other demon lord's'" stated Sesshomaru. "Daremo, your master begins to intrigue me." He paused, deep in thought. "Very well. I shall stay at this inn. But be warned, I expect to be treated with the respect that my station is due."

"You shall not be disappointed, my lord."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Master Daremo!" shouted the innkeeper in welcome. "It is good to see you again! All the preparations that you wished for have been made." He turned to the rest of the party. "My lords and ladies, please be welcome in this house. In anticipation of your arrival, bathes have been prepared for all of you. After which, a banquet has been prepared for you in the dining hall. My servants will show you to your rooms and then to the bathes." He clapped his hands and several women appeared from the doors at the sides of the room.

Miroku brightened as two of the younger women bowed to him and informed him that they were to see to his comfort. He smiled at the two and was about to speak when he noticed a certain exterminator glaring at him. His smile faded slightly and he sighed. 'Very well, Sango. I shall endevour to behave.' "My beautiful guides, if you would be so kind as to show me to my room and then my bath. I will require nothing more than that for my comfort." Was it his imagination or did one of the girls look disappointed with that statement?

An older woman came to take charge of the children. "I am to see to the young ones."she stated. She quickly took charge of Rin and Shippou. "If you two behave yourselves during you bath, I shall give you a honey treat." she promised as she smiled at them. As they turned to leave, she spotted Jaken. "Oh, my! I almost missed one. Come with me, young man! It is time for your bath!"

"But I'm not a child!" protested Jaken.

Rin and Shippou grinned at each other. "Oh, Jaken!" exclaimed Rin. "You know that you are younger than me! Now do what the nice lady says or else Lord Sesshomaru might get angry!"

"But, but, but," the little toad demon stammered as the older woman corraled him with the others.

"It's alright, young one. Your not the first child to pretend he is older to get out of a bath. Now behave yourself and I will give you a honey treat, too."

"You will?!" Jaken brightened. 'This might not be so bad after all.' "Alright, let's go take a bath. Where is my tub?"

"Silly boy! Children bath together!"

"Lord Sesshomaru!" was all he got out before he was herded into the back.

The lord in question was staring at his assigned servants, impassively. In deference to his status, he had been assigned the four most beautiful servants in the house. They had bowed before him and were now awaiting his instructions. Finally, he spoke. "Take me to my room. Afterwards, you may attend to me in my bath." 'It seems that Daremo may have spoken truthfully about this inn. They do not fear me, so they have dealt with demons before.' He followed his guides.

Inuyasha was not fairing as well. He had no desire to be waited on hand and foot so he was his normal rude self from the beginning. When the girls came to him, he didn't give them time to bow before he started. "Just show me to my room. I don't need anything else."

"But we have drawn you a bath, my lord." protested one of the young women.

"Then I'll find it on my own."

"But you need someone to scrub your back for you and give you towels...." said another of the women, with a gleam in her eyes.

"No, I don't! Now just show me to my damn room!"

Kagome heard this last since it was shouted. "Inuyasha!" she said, sharply.

"What?" he said in exasperation.

"Leave those poor girls alone. They are just doing what they have been told to do. Let them serve you."

grrr "Alright, alright. Come on then, show me to my room and bath. But you are not going to scrub my back."

'What!?' Kagome wasn't sure she had heard that last right.

"Yes, my lord." said one of the servants who was following behind Inuyasha. Kagome didn't like the way that she was looking at her hanyou!

"Excuse me, Sango!" Kagome took of after the woman who had apparently offered to scrub Inuyasha's back.

A/N: Well, that's enough for now. I'll get back to this later. Have a great day!