InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sacrifices of the Heart ❯ Chapter 3 And the Plot Thickens ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

All Normal Disclaimers Apply
Title: Sacrifices of the Heart
Author: Scottishfae
Rating: M
Genre: A/U
Summary: A struggle for power within their home village leaves Kikyo and Kagome competing for the position of high priestess of the powerful local shrine. However, when war approaches and the only way to protect themselves I through a pact with a local demon tribe, which woman will step up to become the mate of the tribe's leader.
Chapter Three: And the Plot Thickens
Night had come to Kokufu and the fieldworkers had all returned to the main temple grounds.
Kikyo, Miroku, and Kagome had received high recommendations from Jinenji and, therefore, had been afforded the chance to go on to the next task. They would have to wait until dawn before it was assigned, however. Since most of the candidates had been worked almost to the breaking point, the ones that got a pass were thankful for the break.
Kikyo decided to find solace after the busy day on the fringe of some of the temple buildings. She sat quietly on the lip of the shrine's well. The natural night sounds gently washed over her.
"Kikyo-sama, you shouldn't be out here on your own."
She looked up to see Naraku's albino servant standing in front of her. "Good evening Kana."
The young girl bowed in response.
"I assume my father has sent you to deliver a message."
Kana nodded and lifted her left hand to reveal a scroll sealed with the Boushi crest.
"Thank you," Kikyo said, taking the scroll. "You may go now.
Kana bowed again. "Good night Kikyo-sama."
Kikyo stood from the lip of the well and looked down at the small girl. A minute smile graced her face as she wished the servant the same.
Kana retreated into the night's abyss leaving the Boushi noble by herself.
There wasn't enough light at the well to be able to read the scroll so she retreated back towards the main buildings. Voices affronted her ears as she neared the area.
Kikyo quietly walked into one of the central courtyards.
Miroku was sitting on the raised platform walkway sipping sake. In the courtyard itself, under the light of hanging lanterns, Kagome and Shippo were chasing each other around. The two energized youths were giggling non-stop as they played their game of tag.
"Amazing the energy those two have even after a day of hard work," Miroku said.
Kikyo slinked out of the shadows to stand next to him. She was usually good about being able to sneak around without being noticed.
"Would you like to join us Boushi-sama?"
He sat serenely watching the two playing like a father watching over his family. The Zen expression concealed his insobriety.
Kikyo took up his offer and sat gracefully down next to him. Sake was offered but she turned it down much preferring a clear mind to the alcohol-induced haze.
"A message from your family?" Miroku asked.
Kikyo looked down to the scroll tightly clutched in her hand.
"Yes, my father checking in, I suppose," she answered.
Miroku studied her from the corner of his eye. "Boushi-sama, why did you choose to come to the temple and go through these trials?"
"Because my father wished me to."
"That is why your father chose, now why did you?"
The question stunned Kikyo. She had no answer really. There was no real reason she was here other than for the wishes of the Boushi clan.
"Why are you here?" She asked in return.
Miroku smiled, showing a little more teeth than he would normally in a sober state. "I am here to meet lots of lovely women, drink lots of sake, and, hopefully, make some cash in the process," he said.
"Doesn't sound very monk like," Kikyo muttered under her breath.
Another shot of sake was downed. His eyes unfocused briefly before clearing up and returning to watch the now tiring duo. He leaned slightly over to his right. Kikyo tensed but did not move as he invaded her space.
"Truth is, I've already found the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She's graceful--"
A squeal distracted Kikyo as Kagome slipped and fell on her backside.
"--and kind. She has a fiery spirit but also a loving heart."
Miroku sighed dreamily. "She is the woman of my dreams and yet could never have."
Kikyo recognized that his own drunkenness had loosened his tongue. "Why could you never?"
The monk snorted. He stood up unsteadily and braced himself against one of the wooden posts. He left the empty sake bottle and cup where he had been sitting.
"Kagome is a pure soul, something that is only seen once in a hundred lifetimes. I am unclean and not worthy of her."
"But you are a monk."
Another undignified snort came from the man. The sake and the long days work had almost completely drained him of all energy. He was leaning up against the post, his eyes half closed, watching as Kagome finally gave into exhaustion and gracelessly fell back onto the ground.
"Buddha has a plan for her. She's a special soul. And whoever has been fated to be blessed with Kagome's love will be just as special as she."
"Don't you think that this person could be you?" Kikyo asked quietly.
She was watching the undignified young woman before her.
Kagome was lying on her back, arms stretched out to each side. Shippo was mimicking her while lying on her stomach. Both were breathing hard.
To Kikyo there was nothing special about the girl. Her personality was unique but her beauty wasn't anything unusual. She was one of a handful of other women who were just the same.
"I know that I am not Kagome-sama's fated one," he spoke. "The man for her will be someone strong enough to protect her but gentle when around her. He will have a poetic nature, great with words, and he'll have an air of respect and nobility around him. He will be romantic, handsome, suave, not that I'm not all that, but this man--he'll be, he'll be...'a diamond in the rough', if you will. One of a kind and a perfect match for Kagome-sama."
"You shit-head wolf! Stop this now, I didn't do anything to you!"
Inuyasha was tiring and his reflexes were slowing. The wolf, however, was continuing without any sign of exhaustion
"I won't listen to your lies anymore," Koga screamed before launching another attack.
He fought mainly with brute force, all claws and fists, similar to Inuyasha's own style. Thankfully the hanyou was able to shield and dodge most of his attacks due to this. However, the strong kicks, powered by the wolf's naturally stronger legs, proved to be a problem.
Inuyasha noted that Koga carried a sword by his side but didn't use it. Figuring this was because he wasn't a master of it, Inuyasha was waiting for an opportunity to use this against him. He figured if he drew Tetsaiga the wolf would draw his own sword and therefore he could gain the upper hand over the other. But then again, Koga wasn't showing much thinking skills at the moment and chances were, in his haze of vengeance, he would continue attacking with his fists.
"The only wolf blood I'm going to spill today will be yours, you mangy mongrel, if you don't stop this bullshit!"
Koga smirked. "Like you could half-breed."
Inuyasha gave a quick sigh at the lull in attacks for the chance to throw insults. He took advantage of the break and grabbed for his sword. He could feel the wolf's eyes on him.
"Time to stop this shit. I'll give you a choice, you can either stop and listen to the truth and then we can find out who really did this or," he moved into a better fighting stance. "You can die."
Koga snorted at the threat.
Inuyasha drew the Tetsaiga, the blade instantly transforming. The wolf watched as a youki different, yet intertwined with, Inuyasha's wrapped around the large weapon. He stood about twenty yards away currently but even from that distance he could feel the power pulsing. Survival instincts began to override the adrenaline and Koga began to feel his fatigue.
"What's it going to be wolf?" Inuyasha called.
He had a smug look on his face as he watched the wolf's reaction.
"I'll choose option three," Koga answered.
Inuyasha had just enough time to look confused before the wolf prince disappeared in a cloud of dust. The hanyou frantically searched the area.
"See ya dog turd. We'll finish this next time," Koga yelled from way above the clearing.
Inuyasha followed the voice to see Koga taking off back east. He was tempted to follow but thought better of it.
Assessing the situation in the clearing, Inuyasha couldn't hold in the curses. "Sesshomaru is going to kill me."
He sheathed his sword and jumped away to start his journey back west.
Two red eyes followed the hanyou's departure. Neither canine had taken the other's life, which meant that Naraku would be most displeased when he found out.
Kagura drew out her feather and climbed onto the oversized plumage. An updraft brought her higher. Sharp eyes found the dust cloud that Koga left behind as he ran. She took off after him. The wind carried her swiftly so by the time he stopped for a rest she was already high above him observing his movements.
The wind youkai debated about slaying him while he was tired and unaware. However, she felt it would be more beneficial for her to allow him to lead her to the other's wolves first.
"How unsightly for a woman to be lecherous," an unearthly voice whispered in Kagura's ear.
"I am no such thing, you little gnat, now leave me be so I can do my own job."
The illuminated, miniature woman giggled slightly as she avoided the swat. "I am here to watch you. If I leave, I must report to Naraku. He wouldn't be happy to know both the Western lordling and the wolf prince still live."
Kagura rolled her eyes. "Naraku has a way of knowing everything anyway. He doesn't need an annoying pest like you to tell him."
"Sounds like jealously. Are you not happy with just wolf watching?"
Kagura looked at the orb with annoyance.
A splash below alerted her that the wolf was once again moving. She looked down to see him waist deep in the river. So near the mountains left the water cool, crisp and clear. Kagura rolled her eyes now seeing where the earlier comment from the orb was talking about.
He dunked down, soaking his hair and pulling it out of its tie. He surfaced with his long hair plastered to his back. Beads of water rolled down his tanned chest. He stood in the water, his whole body reacting to the cooling of his skin in the evening air.
After standing there for a bit, he finally made his way to shore. He walked up to where he had shed his armor and clothing and collapsed down next to it. Koga lay on his back allowing the small sliver of fading sunlight to dry his body.
The small woman giggled next to Kagura, who had turned her head.
"He does have a very beautiful body," the orb whispered appreciatively.
Kagura again rolled her eyes and made herself comfortable since it seemed she was going to be there for a while. To her chagrin the small woman settled down next to her. Her giggling did not stop as she obviously ogled the youkai below them.
Kagura steeled her nerves to not react to the being next to her. She also tried her hardest not to stare at the figure below either.
Akigo's drunken laughter echoed the halls of the Boushi estate. Three young women sat next to his side equally inebriated and giggling profusely. Naraku sat across from the mindless drunks observing them over his own small cup of sake.
"How do things go with Lady Kikyo?" Naraku's low voice asked cutting through the laughter.
Akigo looked at him queerly before taking another shot of the strong alcohol. "Why speak of my daughter at a time like this? Especially with three such beautiful women in the room."
A round of giggling answered the compliment while the Boushi noble grabbed at the women through their sparse clothing.
Naraku didn't move. He waited for the laughter to subside before restating his question.
"Naraku there is something odd about you. How could you deny yourself such beauties? I think that you must prefer the company of the other sex," Akigo said.
Naraku smirked at the look of discomfort that was blatantly displayed on Akigo's face. "I do not succumb to the same distractions of classification as you. I must say, Akigo," he said low and guttural. "You do not know beauty as I know it and those that I enjoy are rare gems compared to the common wenches you subscribe to."
Naraku rose, not wanting to deal with any more of the drunken stupidity.
The women were not so drunk to misunderstand the insult just presented to them. Akigo, too far gone to understand himself, stared blankly at the man. Eventually, however, his brain reached some sort of connection and he burst out into another round of laughter. The women followed suit with an awkward half-laugh. They were grateful when the rude man left, and the overbearing atmosphere surrounding them was lifted.
Naraku walked down the dark halls of the Boushi estate. The laughter seemed to follow him and he, in his annoyance, allowed some of his youki to escape. He smiled menacingly as he heard everything from eavesdropping servants to the smallest of insects flee from the evil aura.
"Naraku-sama?" A feminine voice said.
Naraku stopped and turned to his right. Standing in the door of her bedchambers stood Hebi. She looked as she had been lying in bed restlessly, haunted by the sounds of her husband's pleasures from elsewhere in the building. Her hair was down and ill kept. She wore a sleeping gown that had become to big as she had grown thin over the years.
Naraku's eyes sharpened as he took in her almost malnutriented form.
"Have you finished already?" She asked softly, so unlike her normal tone during the day.
Like this she seemed vulnerable and her youth reclaimed. Naraku leered at the woman.
"No, I still have business yet to attend," he answered stepping up to her.
Hebi bowed her head. "Oh, I am sorry to disturb you then."
A soft laugh answered her. Naraku's hand cupped her chin and lifted her face. "My business is with you," he whispered before his lips descended on hers.
The kiss was short and chaste. Nothing else was said as Hebi stepped back into her room beckoning Naraku to follow. He did, sliding the door close after him.
His wounds had been healed the day they had been procured. Now a healthy but lethargic Hiten was lounging about his family home.
Soten was out in the courtyard playing with the various toys given to her recently by their guest.
The mysterious beauty, herself, still remained nameless. When asked, she would simply smile and the question would disappear into oblivion as if it was never asked in the first place.
She was now sitting draped partially over the thunder brother as he was being entertained by the dancing women similar to herself.
"Hiten-sama, my Lord, what may I do for you?" She whispered as she felt his state fall near slumber.
He yawned. "I am fine. You needn't do anything," he spoke in a slow, tired drawl.
"But Hiten-sama," she said sitting up to face him.
His attention was drawn to her barely clad breasts as they were thrust close to his face. The woman suppressed rolling her eyes at the ease of manipulation she had over the youkai.
"How can you say you are fine when your dear brother's death has yet to be avenged."
The mood went somber as the sleepiness receded from his mind. The ethereal beauty dismissed her kindred and they gracefully, and silently, left the room.
"I have not forgotten my brother," he said his eyes brimming with tears and his voice full of anguish.
"My Lord," she said. "I know a man who would be willing to help you avenge his death and return to you tenfold what has been took from you."
Hiten looked into brilliant blue eyes. "Who?"
The woman smiled. "His name is Naraku and he is a powerful man."
"Why would he be wiling to help me then? What would he get from it?"
"You have a common enemy, my Lord, and one he would gladly ally himself with you in order to rid of."
"Who?" The thunder brother asked curiously.
"Inuyasha and the one who commands him."
The spoken name of the man who had stolen his brother's life ran through Hiten's ears. His eyes grew crimson as he began to imagine the hanyou's downfall.
"Send for him. I'll listen to his plans. Anything to bring down that piece of shit."
The woman smiled, her true form seeping through and her skin tinting green. She fled the room to inform her master of the news. A jagged, toothy grin stole upon her face.
A deep, earth-rumbling laugh echoed throughout the canyon.
"What a fine web that weaves itself around the sons of InuTaisho," the equally deep voice observed. "Will your whelps be able to conquer this and the things that you, yourself, could not?"
Not expecting an answer from the long deceased Taiyoukai, the recently awakened youkai continued his journey around the areas he once knew.
"The next task will begin at dusk, until then you may go as you like," Kaede's voice rang through the courtyard.
She bit back a laugh as she looked at the crowd of freshly woken youth. It was dawn and the sun was just barely coming over the horizon. A calm haze floated inches above the dew soaked ground.
There really wasn't a need to get everyone up that early but old age and training had Kaede up every morning at the crack of dawn. As she sipped her tea in the pre-dawn hours she decided the rest of the temple should enjoy it too.
A chuckle escaped her as much of the group let out a groan of displeasure and returned to their sleeping quarters.
"Oh, Miroku, we should go to my family's! Mother would love to meet Shippo!" Kagome squealed from one side of the courtyard.
Kaede watched as the girl, whose bubbly personality was shining as brightly as the new morning sun, talked to the barely awake monk. Kikyo stood next to them looking rough and barely able to stand from her own sleep-ridden mind.
"Kikyo-sama, you are more than welcome to come with us but," Kagome blushed a bit with embarrassment. "There's not much to it. It's run down and not much to look at, but it's home and my family would love to meet you."
Kikyo thought through her sleep to the letter she had received the night before. She had been specifically told to keep an eye on the girl in front of her but only at a distance. Something bad was looming over her and Naraku's increasing interest in her was proof of the danger. However, Kikyo's own interest in Kagome overrode those orders, which she didn't care much to follow anyway.
She smiled slightly to the other woman. "I would be honored to go with you. Maybe at a future date, I will have the honor of hosting you in my own home," she replied with all the noble courtesy that was embedded in her own being.
Kagome smiled back at Kikyo, a blush still staining her cheeks. "If we leave now we can make it in time for breakfast. Mother believes a big breakfast is they key to any day. It's always our biggest meal," she explained a bit nervously.
"I'll go grab Shippo and then we can leave," she said over her shoulder as she scurried down through the temple halls to the room she shared with the other women of the temple and where Shippo was hiding out in Kagome's bag (now a makeshift bed).
Miroku sat down on the cold, wooden path. Kikyo followed suit. "How is it possible for someone to be that chipper this early in the morning?"
Miroku chuckled. He wasn't surprised at all that Kagome was a morning person. Knowing the small amount of her life that he did, there was no doubt that she had a hard life and probably rose early to work everyday.
Kaede was still staring at the two remaining in the courtyard. There were several more tasks to come but the spiritual power of the monk, the noble, and the pauper was outstanding. There was no doubt they were the three leading candidates.
However, the more she observed the monk, the more he reminded her of the shrine keeper and Kaede really did not want a copy of that man on the premises. She really didn't care for the original as it as.
Kagome's voice brought the aging priestess out of her thoughts.
"Yes, Kagome?"
"Is it okay for us to leave the temple to see my family?"
Kaede smiled. The young woman was nervous and kicking the dirt with her feet.
"Of course. As long as you are here for the next trial you may do anything you wish."
"Thank you Kaede-sama," she squealed and gave her a quick smile.
She spun and ran to the other two in the courtyard. Her bag was snuggly held under her am. Shippo was tucked inside, encased in a blanket so the small youkai could continue sleeping.
The three took off towards town, two dragging their feet and the other excitedly bouncing ahead of them.
Inuyasha had never been happier to see the place of his birth as he was currently. The stench of blood dampened his senses and he desperately wanted to soak in one of the palace's many hot springs.
The gates opened for him and he stalked in.
A small flea landed on the hanyou's nose as he entered.
"Not now Myoga, I'm not in the mood to deal with your cowardice."
"But Lord Sesshomaru has sent me to tell you an important message."
"Yeah well, seems pointless when I'm already back at the palace, idiot," Inuyasha growled at the nuisance.
Myoga stayed silent as he entered the building on his master's shoulder.
"Inuyasha! Why have you returned in such a state," Jaken screeched from down the hallway.
"What is it, 'Piss Inuyasha off with shit head retainers Day'?"
The hanyou ignored the toad's confusion and continued down the hall.
"Tell the cold bastard I'm in the hot spring. I'll report to him after that."
Jaken stared wide-eyed at the insult to his master. "You insulting half-breed! How dare you disrespect Lord Sesshomaru like that!"
Inuyasha left the retainer protesting in the hallway making his way down to the lower level hot spring that the palace had been built around. He entered directly without thought of other occupants and disrobed.
Leaving his clothing on the stone floor where the servants would come and pick them up for cleaning, he stepped down into the steaming water and sunk down into the welcoming water. The hanyou released a sigh as the warmth sunk into his muscles and began to unravel the knots and stress.
"Lord Inuyasha?"
He sat up at the soft voice of a servant. They had already silently cleared his soiled clothes and laid out formal attire similar to that of Sesshomaru's.
The servant, a small inuyoukai girl, stepped into the water. The white tunic all the servants were required to wear soaked up the water hungrily and plastered it to her skin.
Inuyasha blatantly observed the naturally dark skin that was normally hidden by the light cloth. Her breasts were still small at her young age but already she had begun to bloom.
The girl understood where the older man's attention lay and her cheeks stained pink.
When she stepped into the spring, she had brought a caulked basket filled with various bathing items. She reached in for the special soaps that were reserved for the Western family. It was used for their hair in order to keep it soft and shiny. The silver color was unique to the ruling Inuyoukai family and their pride was well known for it. Once born it was by rule that the silver locks were never to be cut beyond an inch or two every year to keep up its growth.
This was the reason that the brothers' hair, like their father and forefathers before them, lay long down their backs. They were specifically taught how to fight in such a way for it not to be a distraction or weakness.
This was also why the servants were left to wash the brothers' hair with careful attention with the special soaps. Rumor had it that the soaps came from the temple at Kokufu where the high priestess specifically made the concoction herself. Very few people actually believed this though.
Inuyasha dunked down to thoroughly wet his long locks. The girl took the fragile, dusty glass bottle and uncorked it. The fresh scent of herbs overtook the room and both youkai inhaled deeply the pleasant scent.
"Girl, get out. I'll perform this task."
Inuyasha's head snapped over to the edge of the natural pool. There stood Morika bared to the world. The hanyou blushed furiously and spun around so his back was facing her.
"Morika! What are you doing? You were injured. You should be resting."
Inuyasha's voice had jumped up an octave under his panic. It only rose as the servant girl left the water and the other woman joined him.
"The healers here are excellent and the damage was minimal," she said coming to stand behind him.
"Remember when it was I who used to do this for you?" She whispered taking the uncorked bottle from the basket.
Taking some of the contents in hand, she began to form a lather.
"Th-that was a long time ago and it's inappropriate now."
Morika smiled at the crack in his voice.
When they were younger she was assigned to the bathing unit. She had been a gangly thing then and not anything unique. None of the males ever paid attention to her, at least not in the way many of the other girls were gaining attention, even if the attention was strictly forbidden for them to return. There had been one girl who had to be removed from the palace for acting on the attention given to her.
Inuyasha was different though, at least for her. Many of the other girls were repulsed by the job of bathing him due to his half blood. Morika didn't mind because he was friendly and talked to her.
As she began to blossom some she began to notice how her body would react to his own naked form and how his was, in turn, reacting to hers. It was about this time that she had been removed from bathing duties to another position.
She was delighted to know that the effect she once had on him had not worn off after so many years.
"Morika," Inuyasha all but groaned.
She took her hands and began to cover the silver locks with the soap. Using nimble fingers she began to massage his scalp. She was careful around the dog-like ears and gently massaged them. His ears, like most inuyoukai no matter their bloodline, were an erogenous area and she gave special attention to the triangular appendages.
His breath hitched as a soft finger glided from the tip of his ear down to the base. Inuyasha was biting the inside of his cheek trying to keep in the moans that threatened to overcome him. For the same reason, he didn't even dare to open his mouth to tell her to stop.
Her attention moved from his ears back down to washing the rest of his hair. "Dunk," she ordered after a few minutes.
Inuyasha started at being brought out of his thoughts and the unspoken mantra he was repeating in concentration. The hanyou did as he was told, a bit of anger bubbling up at being treated as a common household pet. He hated being ordered around more than anything and the fact that a bitch was doing it made him angrier.
In some dark recess of his mind he realized his discomfort with the situation was causing the odd mood swing but instead of dealing with his own insecurity, he went a much more comfortable route and became angry.
He wasn't actually angry at Morika, just confused about how to act around her in this type of situation. As one of his soldiers, she was top notch and as a friend he held many confidences with her that he wouldn't breath about to anyone else. However, this was too much.
He rose up out of the water and half-turned towards her. He took care to keep his attention on her face. "Morika, leave. You shouldn't be here," he barked.
"But," she interjected.
"You shouldn't be here and you aren't wanted."
He instantly regretted those words when he saw her face drop.
Tears gathered in her eyes and she struggled to keep her composure. She squared her jaw in a last ditch attempt to save her pride though tears were already beginning to fall. "I'm sorry for disturbing you, Sir," she saluted.
He didn't have a chance to speak to her again before she fled the pool. Her pace didn't slow as she grabbed one of the plush towels and wrapped it around her form. She left by a back way, one meant for the servants, leaving a stunned hanyou watching in her wake.
"I'm surprised at you Inuyasha. You are not all crudeness and base instincts."
Inuyasha growled at his brother as he stepped into view through the steam.
Not bothered by his own nudeness, he stepped into the waters. Two servant girls, one of them from earlier in Inuyasha's bath, stepped in beside him. He wet his locks and allowed the two girls to begin cleansing his hair.
"You may give your report now," he spoke without allowing Inuyasha to remark to his earlier comment.
In an instant, Inuyasha's attitude changed to a more professional manner. "Wolves are idiots," he said.
Sesshomaru snorted.
The hanyou moved to relax next to his brother against one of the stonewalls of the spring. Once settled, he proceeded to give his brother all the facts of the short-lived mission.
Naraku's puppet sat kneeling in front of Hiten. He had been propositioning the youkai for the past few minutes. The charms placed upon the thunder brother were effective allowing for just the smallest amount of free will to flow into Naraku's control so as not to alarm anyone of drastic changes in behavior.
The detachment responsible for the spell had already warned the evil incarnate of the cracks the spell had shown when Hiten displayed strong emotions. This was going to be a slight annoyance but Naraku had no doubt he could still carry out his plan.
"So what will you have me do?" Hiten asked leaning forward in the chair of the thunder clan head.
"I have a pair of unusual brothers that I will lend to you. With them under your command you should attack Kokufu. It is the stronghold of the West and kills more supposed 'rouge' demons than Inuyasha's band does. Destroy Kokufu and the insurgence of demons will overtake the Inu brothers. Then your vengeance can be swift."
The room was silent as Hiten thought over what Naraku had just said.
There was a slight movement from outside the large room. It had been reported to him that the only person, besides the current occupants of the room, that was left at the clan home was the youngest sibling of the thunder clan.
Naraku felt that Soten could be proven to be a nuisance. He would have to make sure the girl was out of the way.
"Okay," Hiten said.
Naraku stood up. "That's good to hear. I will send Juromaru and Kageromaru to you immediately. Upon inspection, if you feel you need another, let me know and I will gladly send more. However, with your own strengths, as well as the brothers, you shouldn't have any problems."
Hiten nodded. "You just want us to attack Kokufu outright?"
"I want it destroyed and it needs to be done quickly. Do so however you see fit. That doesn't matter to me."
Hiten nodded again.
Seeing that there was no more to be said, Naraku took his leave. He glided out, covered in his baboon cloak, as usual. His detachment followed out.
"Naraku-sama, it may be best not to put Hiten around the brothers. It could cause his grief for his own brother to overwhelm the spell," she said.
"Do not question me," Naraku warned.
The woman held her tongue of further warnings.
"Expect either Kagura or Kana soon. The girl is a problem; they'll take her away. Make sure Hiten doesn't notice her disappearance."
"Yes, Naraku-sama," she said.
He approached the woman and grabbed her chin with a bruising force. Her skin sizzled from the miasma. It took all her control not to scream out as she felt her precious skin bubbling and melting under his touch.
"Do not forget where you came from, or who allows you to keep your current form," the puppet warned.
With that he left.
From her spot the woman could hear Soten playing in the courtyard once more. With the exit of Naraku the little girl's anxiety was lifted and she returned to her normal, child-like behavior.
The ethereal being listened to the laughter, more than slightly envious. She turned back towards the room that still held the eldest thunder sibling. She could feel the malice towards the girl bubbling up inside of her. She had no ill will against her and didn't want to hate her at all, but it was hard to stop the resentment of the girl's freedom and innocence.
Kagome's usual bouncy personality had diminished into nervous fumbling as she led the group closer and closer to her home. Shippo had begrudgingly been forced awake at the constant movement of his bed bag as Kagome shifted it from one shoulder to another. Miroku found himself much happier now that the little fox was forced to be awake too.
Many of the people in the streets were stopping and staring at the group as the passed. The fact that someone from the noble clan was amongst them didn't go unnoticed and they were all amazed to see a Boushi in their part of town. They were mostly too stunned to approach the woman as they passed. Her indifferent, aloof aura helped in keeping those that were struck out of their shock away from her.
"L-like I said earlier, it's not much," Kagome said.
Miroku's attention was more on the town. He had seen quite a few teahouses and other more questionable businesses while traveling through the various degrees of poverty in Kokufu. He took note that this part of town was void of most of anything that could be seen as a commodity. There were sparse shops for various food spots, most of which looked to be rotten, and various second hand (or more) items. The people here looked ragged and, in some instances, barely alive.
They traveled on dirt streets where the buildings looked to be barely standing. It was one that looked decent, though the odds and ends repairs were obvious, that they stopped at. There were flowers masterfully arranged in makeshift flowerboxes hammered to the side of the house, under the two windows.
"Kagome?" a young boy asked.
He was standing by the house, coming from the back. Kagome's nervousness was forgotten from as she laid eyes on the boy.
"Mom, grandfather! Kagome's here!" he screamed.
Two people piled out of the house, a woman and elderly man. The woman's appearance made it clear that she was the mother of the two younger.
"Kagome!" she said.
She ran to her daughter and engulfed her in a hug as if it had been months and not a day since she had last seen her.
Shippo just barely avoided being squished between the two. He took up a perch on Miroku's shoulder.
"Hi, mama," she whispered into her mother's shoulder.
The other two family members approached the girl for their own greetings.
Kikyo and Miroku watched the family. The noblewoman furrowed her brows. She was aware of her own family's discontent toward each other but she had never actually seen examples of such a loving and close family before.
The outsiders watched, slightly uncomfortable, waiting for the others to remember their existence.
After a few more moments, Kagome did remember her guests and introduced them to her family. "It is so nice to meet you both," Kagome's mother greeted with a gentle, motherly smile.
Her smile widened as her eyes fell on Shippo. "Well aren't you just precious," she said taking him off of Miroku's shoulder to cradle him against her chest.
"Please come in. Breakfast is almost ready and we would be honored for you to join us."
The offer was accepted and the group moved into the shabby house.
The men were the last to enter. Miroku could feel the Higurashi males staring at him. He desperately wished that they were not the type of men who enjoyed the company of other men.
"What kind of priest are you?" the elderly man asked.
"I am not a priest, but a humble, traveling monk," Miroku said with his most pious face.
Both grandfather and grandson shot him a bewildered, unbelieving look.
"Yeah," Sota said. "So that involves you wearing a dress why?"
The grandfather snorted. He gave a loving pat on the boy's head and went to sit down at the makeshift wooden table.
The house had one room with a hearth at one end that was used for both warmth and cooking. On the other side, which was only a few of steps away, separated by the large piece of driftwood with legs that served as the table, were two 'beds'. They looked more like large feeding troughs filled with aging mattresses that wafted off the putrid smell of mildewing straw. The beds were just large enough for two people to fit if they huddled together.
"Please sit down," the mother spoke.
She was in front of the large hearth now and her cheeks were red from the heat. "Sota, allow our guests the chairs."
Said boy grumbled and moved from his rickety old chair to allow the strangers to sit.
Kikyo looked at the chair with unease. It looked like it wouldn't hold her weight.
"It's a lot stronger than it looks," Kagome whispered at the sight of the other young woman's caution.
Kikyo nodded and carefully sat down. She tried to keep most of her weight on her feet while she sat at the edge of the chair with her back ramrod straight.
Miroku had no doubt in the chair and sat down without delay. There were four chairs total but there were seemingly only three in the family. The monk was tempted to inquire after the absence of the man of the household but he thought better of upsetting his kindly hosts.
Sota had taken a seat on the floor near the hearth. Grandfather had seemed to pass out and Kagome had begun to help her mother out with the cooking, even at her mother's insistence that she need not to.
With both Higurashi women diligently working it was a short time before the meal was finished. Pewter plates filled with porridge, biscuits and small rounds of homemade sauce were set in on the table. Tea was set out in matching pewter for each person.
"It's not a lot but I hope you enjoy," mother smiled.
She took the fourth seat hesitantly, offering it to her daughter first. The two youngest Higurashi, plus Shippo, took seats by the hearth to eat. The siblings joked as they ate with the two older ones commenting from time to time.
Both guests were amazed at the tastefulness of the simple meal. It wasn't a lot and neither expected much but there were layers of flavor that washed over the pallet as you ate.
In the end, there was enough food to fill everyone, minus Sota and Shippo who whined for more.
"That was delicious," Kikyo said politely.
The others in the room echoed the compliment. She smiled at them, a slight blush on her cheeks, as she took the empty plates and piled them on the table for later washing in a tub outback.
"Thank you dear. I'm glad you liked it."
Kikyo started at the woman. Her tone was like a mother to her child and the loving gaze the woman had given her was much the same. Kikyo was unaware on how to act to such kindness.
"What are your plans for the rest of the day?" Mother asked.
"I'll probably check on Eri, Yumi and Ayame and see how they are doing," Kagome said.
"Tell them not to be strangers."
"Yes, ma'am," Kagome said, earning herself a kiss on the crown of her head.
"Oh and Hojo came looking for you yesterday,"
"He came by here? What did he want?"
Shippo had taken to Kagome's lap and she absently petted his tail while she talked.
"I don't know, he didn't say."
"He seemed really nervous though," Sota added.
"Hojo?" Kikyo asked.
She rolled the name over in her mind trying to figure out the origin of her recognition.
"Oh that's right, you may know Hojo. He works up at the Boushi estate. He married Yura, a servant there already, not too long ago," the elder woman said.
Realization washed over Kikyo. "Yes, I know of him."
She avoided the sweet smile of the older woman. She knew that Hojo was the servant of Naraku by his request and that meant only certain doom for the young man. Naraku only did things to inflict pain on others.
"Child, don't be silly. The daughter of the head of the Boushi clan wouldn't know the names of servants. Especially not such a simple-minded fool that that Hojo child is," grandfather said around his cup of tea.
"Grandfather, don't be so rude!" Kagome admonished.
"What? Everything I said is true, especially about Hojo."
"No, I am right on this. He was no one our family should have worried over. He was, and still is, not the one for our Kagome. There is someone out there infinitely special for you."
Kagome was blushing bright red from embarrassment.
"Yeah, someone 'special' who can put up with her temper," Sota mumbled.
"Why you brat!" She yelled and chased him out into the street.
Shippo quickly followed suit.
Miroku gave Kikyo a knowing look; the Higurashi family had just repeated his earlier insights.
"Thank you very much for breakfast, Higurashi-san. It was delicious and makes me miss my own mother," Miroku said, standing up from the table.
"Poor dear, how long has it been since you were able to see her? I'm sure your profession keeps you away from your family a lot."
"Ah my family has long since passed on, one reason for my choice to be a traveling monk."
"Ah, you poor thing," she said. "You are welcome to come by anytime. And you as well Kikyo. I know you have a great family but you are still welcome here anytime."
Miroku smiled at the generosity.
Kikyo was shocked. She nodded her head in gratitude, not trusting her words at the moment. She stood from the table and allowed the woman to pull her into a hug.
With a last round of goodbyes, the two exited the house to find the younger Higurashi.
Sota was running down the street, his cheeks flushed from the exercise. He came barreling down and rushed into the house, not stopping to say anything to Miroku or Kikyo.
Kagome was close behind with Shippo hanging precariously to the back of her unbound hair. She stopped when she reached her two guests in lieu of chasing after her brother.
Doubling over to catch her breath she wheezed out an apology. Shippo jumped over onto Miroku's shoulder.
"It's no problem Kagome-sama. It is nice to see you interacting with your family. It is obvious you are all really close," Miroku said.
Kagome smiled brightly at the monk and thanked him for his compliment towards her family.
"Well what now?" Kagome asked.
"I thought we were going to visit your friends," Miroku said.
"Oh, well we don't have to, since I doubt it would be interesting for either of you."
"Well seeing that the teahouses have yet to open, then why not visit some of your lovely friends."
Both women took the opportunity to slug the monk for his perversion. He fell with a twist and a flourish to the ground while both of his attackers walked off in a huff.
Jiji walked slowly through the extensive servant quarters. The residents moved out of his way with low bows, their respect stemming from their fear of him.
He had orders to send Yura to do Naraku's bidding.
The man was up to something but Akigo was too blind to see anything. But Jiji was not so accepting of Naraku's actions. He had been with the Boushi family for too long to see its fall now.
Reaching the room he needed, he knocked on the door.
The soft whisper of fabric could be heard before the door slid open. Sharp eyes of a nearly nude woman focused in on him. She gave a small bow but her eyes, as always, contained a buried disgust.
"Jiji-sama, what may I do for you? Am I needed?" Yura asked in a voice brimming with false sweetness.
"Naraku has asked you to do the duties left upon you while your husband is in town running an errand," Jiji spoke with authority, even if he had no clue what exactly Naraku was ordering the servant woman to do.
It looked for a moment that Yura didn't comprehend the riddle Naraku had sent but she did eventually nod.
"What errand is your husband running?" Jiji asked, not liking for one moment not being able to know what all the servants were doing.
"He is picking up something that Naraku-sama has been desiring for a while now," she answered.
Her tone was blank but her eyes held both delight and malice.
Jiji chose not delve further, instead he decided just to continue observing the group in the shadows.
The group of four was making their way down the unkempt streets.
Shippo was tucked in-between the outer and inner parts of Miroku's robe, munching on the crackers the baker had given him.
They had stopped by the bakery that Kagome used to work out to check on Eri and her children, but found they had gone on out to Ayame's.
Which was were they were currently heading.
Kagome was leading the group with a youthful skip. Every once in a while she would begin chattering about this or that but it seemed to be mostly for herself than anyone else.
Kikyo stayed near the back of the group. She had a distinct impression of being watched and that unnerved her. She kept a careful eye on her surroundings and was thus aware of the other person before the others.
"Hojo-kun?" Kagome asked when the young man stepped out into the street a bit down the way from the group.
His head was bowed so that his long, brown bangs obscured his eyes. He showed no recognition of hearing his name, which made Kagome fret that he was ill or hurt.
She rushed over to him immediately.
Miroku could feel something odd about the young man before them and he moved quickly to grab his young friend away from the malevolent aura that this person held.
He was stopped, however, when well-manicured fingers wrapped around his wrist and pulled him back.
Miroku's tone was alarmed as he stared at the noble.
She looked ahead at the couple and did not meet his eyes. He was about to ask her what she was doing when Kagome's scream took his attention. The man, Hojo, had grabbed the struggling Kagome and slung her over his shoulder. Almost immediately, he took off.
"Kagome-sama!" Miroku yelled.
He tried to run after her but Kikyo still restrained him. The scale of her hidden strength surprised him.
Shippo wasn't being restrained, however, and jumped out of Miroku's robes to scurry after the two figures. He was bright enough to drop his crying mushrooms behind to leave a trail for the others to follow.
"Boushi-sama what do you think you're doing? Let me go! Kagome-sama is in danger."
He began to struggle against her hold.
Her gaze seemed to be far off in some distant memory. "She has been selected by 'him' and that fate can not be changed."
Her voice, like her gaze, was distant and unlike her normal self.
She let go of Miroku and he tumbled to the ground. The monk struggled to find his footing before taking off without worrying over the noble. He was certain she would find her way back to the temple without a problem and then he would question her. It seemed to him that she expected this to happen but currently he just wanted to get Kagome back and back alive.
"Inuyasha, it is time for you to go to Kokufu," Sesshomaru said.
Both Inu princes were lounging in a large, elegant room watching the sun make its final descent in the evening sky.
Inuyasha nodded, unusually quiet since the incident in the baths.
"As much as I have enjoyed your silence, it is unlike you. You should stop this deep thinking before you hurt yourself."
Sesshomaru became worried when the other did not take to his baiting. "Inuyasha, what bothers you?"
"W-was I wrong to refuse her? I mean, I know I have to be thinking of a mate soon and I could do worse than Morika."
"But you could do better as well. You were not wrong and, in fact, I do believer father would be proud of the way you handled the situation."
His ears perked at the compliment and he looked very much like the small, innocent puppy he once was.
"Yes, even father had issues keeping his hormones in check. The way you acted showed you belong, however diluted, to our great bloodline."
If Inuyasha had a tail, it would have been wagging like crazy. A grin split his face in two.
"As for the mating issue, that shall soon be resolved."
The hanyou's face scrunched in confusion, his grin disappearing.
"What do you mean?" he asked cautiously.
"I have discussed with the head priestess of Kokufu an arrangement to solidify our help. She doesn't feel that the town will accept the help from a demon clan. Since all reports seem to confirm a first attack on the city, a way to ally ourselves needs to be made."
Inuyasha was increasingly getting more nervous and angry as his elder brother spoke.
"Get to the point, will you?"
Sesshomaru sighed at the outburst and for a moment thought of recanting his earlier compliments.
"Even if I disagree with this type of union, necessity overrules my own displeasure. A deal has been struck and will be presented to the town when you arrive." He paused. "Kokufu is currently going through the trials for a new leader of the temple--"
"Yeah, I already know this!"
"and the high priestess Kaede and I agree that the new chosen priestess will become your mate."
"I do believe you heard me, little brother."
Inuyasha threw a pillow at his brother. It was easily evaded.
"You ass! How can you decide something so important without me?"
"Because I am your superior and as a son of the West you are bound to do what is best for it."
"Then why aren't you mating her?"
Sesshomaru snorted. "Me? Mate a human?" I cannot have hanyou children."
"Be glad I am not requiring you to mate with the old woman."
Inuyasha almost lost his lunch at the comment.
"And Inuyasha, do not try anything stupid like taking a mate before hand or I will make sure you both die a hundred horrible deaths."
The hanyou just sulked.
"Inuyasha, do not fret. Kaede will only pick a replacement who is worthy for your mate."
"Is that another half-breed crack?"
"This time, it is not."
Inuyasha cocked his head and took in his elder brother's countenance. It was as neutral and blank as usual. "Good."
"But of course, who knows if a half breed like you could appreciate, much less satisfy, such a woman."
If one looked closely enough, before the growling Inuyasha tried, unsuccessfully, to pounce, one would see the slightest if smiles gracing the Taiyoukai's regal lips at his own taunts.
Three months after I officially finished handwriting this chapter, I finally get it out. My goal was to get it out Friday night but sadly I almost lost the whole chapter due to the evilness of floppy disks. Sadly, I have to use them.
So, I'm sorry to everyone that has been waiting for so long for this chapter. But thank you for your patience and for your kind reviews. And as always, don't forget to drop me a review for this chapter as well to tell me what you think. Thanks!