InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sadame ❯ Chapter 6

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Authors Note: Promise made, promise kept. A brand new chapter to the collection. It's been so long since I had nightmares but this time it was really bad. I lost sleep just because my imagination scared me so badly. I can still remember the last time I had such a horrible nightmare, the details are blurry now but the terror was real. I'm still not sure if I were really screaming when I woke up or not but I can still hear my own scream. Well, at least I can dream away while I'm awake so that's good. As for the story, if you think you've seen any of my plot twists you ain't seen nothing yet.

Summary: In this embrace we hold onto our foolish dreams.

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or any other character in the anime or manga. This is purely fan service.

Pairing: Sess/Inu. If you don't like the idea of homosexuality, or even less incest, then I would be happy if you leave without making any fuzz about it.

Warnings: m/m, Mpreg, Incest, mention of violation/rape. More may appear.

Read, Enjoy and Review. All feedbacks of encouragement, joy, happiness and constructive criticism are welcome.

By Monkan

Chapter 6

From afar InuYasha watched the fight between humans and demons. Since none of the demons was of a high-class and the humans had fighting skills to match the demons they were standing on equal grounds. But the sheer number of demons was overwhelming. He could clearly see how the humans got tired as their stamina grew thinner.

In his hand he was holding a shard of the shikon no tama. It's pale color was stained by blood from the youkai that he had slaughtered to get it. The humans were closing in on them and they would soon be in reach to attack him but he stood still and watched them. The monk jumped forward and tried to hit him with his staff. InuYasha easily side stepped it and it hit the ground. His fist connected with the monk’s midsection. Miroku fell to the ground and was charged by the other demons who noted his moment of helplessness.

Sango let out a cry and her hiraikotsu split the demons in half. Kirara came to his defense too. A sacred arrow flew through the demons and killed them.

As if sensing that the end was near, InuYasha took his leave and disappeared from the place. His youki vanished into thin air and not even Kirara could follow him anymore.

'Only two more shards.'


Somewhere in the deep forests of the Western Land wandered Sesshomaru. He had left Jaken, Rin and Ah-Un over an hour ago by a meadow Rin loved to visit.

He passed by a small lake. There was a small rocky stream leading down to the water. Because of the closeness to water the grass was a healthy colour of green and soft as his hand touched it. Somehow he found it hard that he had missed this place until now but maybe it was for the best that it was left untouched by others. To preserve the evidence of close relationship in nature, a place that wasn't soiled by the greed of demons nor humans.

Was he... losing his sanity? There hadn't been a minute lately that he hadn't thought about InuYasha. No matter how much he wanted to deny it he couldn't. He really missed his mate. Even with the hurt and pain their union had cost him he still couldn't stand the idea of actually forgetting InuYasha.

His nose sniffed the air and his body tensed up. He stood up and turned around slowly, his face a mask of ice that didn't betray his emotions. Not far from him among the trees stood InuYasha. The hanyou watched him silently before stepping into the open clearing. The air between them was tense with suspense, neither said a word at first but Sesshomaru was the first to break it.

"What are you doing here, half-breed?" as ever his voice was a mirror of his emotionless face.

"Coincident." InuYasha said as he shrugged his shoulders. "It's not like I wanted to see you."

"Then be gone from my land." he had almost slipped and said 'our' land.

InuYasha was now standing next to the proud demon lord. "You don't have to tell me that!"

From the corner of his eye, Sesshomaru could see how InuYasha's white hair left his sight and something deep down snapped in him.

The next moment he had grabbed InuYasha's wrist and waist and pushed him down in the grass. The coldness on his face melted away as he stared down at the beautiful creature underneath him.

"Why do you always torture me like this?" he asked in a sad and low voice before he captured InuYasha's lips in a kiss.


"What did you say?" asked Kagura’s raised voice.

"You heard me." Naraku said as his crimson eyes stared out over the front yard.

Kagura stood still for a moment at the screen before shaking her head. "That's impossible; they were mates for months before you took InuYasha. For this to be true is---"

"I thought you should know that the truth isn't always what you think it is. Considering the nature of this it's matter quite surprising. They never completed the third claiming."


"Kagura, have InuYasha returned?"

"No, but he will return no matter if I know about it or not." Kagura glared at Naraku with equally red eyes. "Naraku, can you really trust InuYasha? You took away his life, literally and for him not to want revenge is strange."

"If he plans to seek revenge I will look forward to it. Since I hold his life in my hand I don't think he will risk it." the dark haired hanyou stood up and walked inside, leaving Kagura behind.

"Still," she called after him. "I don't understand how they never completed the third claiming since what you took was..."

Naraku stilled his steps and looked back at Kagura with cold eyes. "They did indeed mate with each other but it was before the second claim was completed. After that they never had enough time for each other to complete the third claim. You can't jump between the mating principles as it suits you; they have to be followed in order."

"And if they were to complete the third claim now--"

"They will not complete it." Naraku cut her of with venom dripping from his tongue. "If they were to, InuYasha will die as soon as I find out."


Sesshomaru leaned down and kissed InuYasha. His fangs nibbled on the others lower lip as his tongue sought entrance. With next to little resistance InuYasha opened his mouth. He reached up and his hands were placed on Sesshomaru's back. He could feel the muscles ripple under the skin of the full-blooded youkai.

The kiss was replaced with another and another until they both lost count. InuYasha let out small sounds of whimpers and moans. Neither of them was really aware of anything around them, just each other and the burning desire between them.

Sesshomaru lowered the rest of his body and pressed down on InuYasha's, grinding their bodies together and making InuYasha groan loudly with pleasure. InuYasha threw his head back against the ground and opened his mouth to let out deep breaths. This action exposed his neck and his mating mark. A tongue started to lick over the four spots and the four diagonal line marks that covered them. The lines were slowly fading under his tongue and waves of pleasure shot through InuYasha's body. In the midst of the pleasure he reached up to Sesshomaru's neck and where his own mating mark was and caressed it with his fingers and claws, sending shivers down his spine.

"Please... Sesshomaru... I want to feel more." panted InuYasha into his mate’s ear.

Without really thinking about his actions Sesshomaru sat up, straddling InuYasha's thighs and started to remove the rest of his haori. InuYasha's hand came up and trailed over the chest that was presented for him. He still remembered the feeling under his fingers, still the same and yet somehow very different.

With one hand InuYasha pushed himself up into a sitting position and leaned forward so his lips touched Sesshomaru's neck. He planted soft kisses from his neck and down his chest. One of the hanyou's hands teased one of the nipples while his tongue was busy with the other one. Sesshomaru didn't avert his eyes as InuYasha laid one hand against his shoulder while the other one went lower and lower until it touched his crotch. Finding the pleasure both wanted and temptation he started to undress his mate and not before long they were both lying naked in the grass by the pooling water and lost in their passion. Their hands ran over each other and touched every place they could reach; their mouths were almost attached to each other as each deep kiss was followed by another deeper kiss. With Sesshomaru still on top he let one of his thighs slid between InuYasha's legs and earned a long approval moan.

Deep inside of them they both knew they would either regret doing this or put it behind them as if nothing happened. A bittersweet reality was waiting for them at the end and neither wanted it to come. That was why they wanted to lose themselves in each other even for a moment.

Sesshomaru moved lowed over InuYasha until he was between his legs. InuYasha pressed his hands over his mouth to not let out the scream of pleasure that wanted to erupt from his lips. The stimulation he was receiving was beyond bearable and he soon found himself letting out different sounds of pleasure as Sesshomaru's white hair fell around his head like a curtain as it bopped up and down.

"No.. ah... sto... I'm... no...aaaah...." InuYasha tried to tell his mate to stop but the words just wouldn't connect with each other. However, Sesshomaru seemed to get the message and stopped. Much to InuYasha's despair but he also didn't want to be the only one receiving. With strength he didn't even know where it came from he pulled Sesshomaru up again and rolled them over. With one hand he reached down and grabbed the hard shaft, making his mate moan loudly. He licked and nibbled here and there to keep giving as much pleasure as he could to his brother.

He still remembered how his mate liked it even if he was a little awkward with doing this again with the only one he ever loved. If he could erase the dirty history his body had endured he would had but that was impossible. All he could do was give as much pleasure as possible and put his heart into it and hope that just a fraction of this would reach his mate. Suddenly he felt wet fingers at his rear and jumped a little at the sudden contact.

It would had brought up bad memories of how many times he had felt the sudden touch if it wasn't for the big different. This hand was actually warm.

He felt how a finger entered him and he arched his back at the rush of pleasure that ran up his spine. It pumped in and out until he almost forgot what he was doing himself. It was then that another finger entered the first one and InuYasha had to stop what he was doing and grab onto Sesshomaru's shoulders. White hair was tangled with the fingers as the grip grew tighter and tighter with each thrust of the finger he got.

When a third finger entered he was almost sure he would come right there and then. His face flushed with pleasure as he pushed down against the fingers and at the same time rubbed himself against Sesshomaru's body. He almost couldn't take it anymore and let out a strangled cry of pleas. He wanted so much more, he needed so much more... to go on.

With his own release closing in Sesshomaru took out his fingers from his little brother’s rear and rolled them over. Sesshomaru arched his own back and pressed their crotches together. The heat was almost unbearable but he couldn't let it end there. With much will power he turned InuYasha around so he was lying on his stomach. Almost in protest at the fact that he couldn't touch him InuYasha let out a growl, it wasn't threatening or angry but it told his lover that he didn't like it.

All those thoughts were pushed aside when he felt Sesshomaru position himself at his entrance. InuYasha almost prepared himself for the worst because of his past experience when a hand grabbed onto his own. Fingers entangled together with both of his hands and he realized that this wasn't Naraku. It wasn't Naraku that was embracing him right now but Sesshomaru, his mate, lover and brother.

He thought he heard faint words whisper into his ear but they were lost at the feeling of penetration. Never had he experienced lovemaking like this. It didn't hurt at all, it was sweet and wonderful. He even dared to call it beautiful. How could he ever have compared Sesshomaru to Naraku? He felt ashamed as to think that they were alike when it came to this. They were different, completely different.

When Sesshomaru began to thrust in and out InuYasha followed him and met him every time. His hand that held onto Sesshomaru's was in front of his face and he was panting with each thrust. A warm liquid fell onto his hand and it was only then that InuYasha realized that he was crying. Not out of shame, fear, pain, solitude or anything like that. He was crying for different reasons and it even felt good to let the tears run down his face. A smile graced his lips as he felt the tempo pick up and their release closer than before.

They both let out their screams of release as they came. Sesshomaru collapsed on top of InuYasha and they both laid there panting for breath. They didn't let go of each other hands. InuYasha's face lay against the soft grass with tears still streaming down; Sesshomaru's head was resting on his shoulder.

After a minute Sesshomaru pulled out of InuYasha, the hanyou was sure this would be it but then he was gathered in the warm embrace of the daiyoukai.

"Just stay here for a while longer." he heard.

The hanyou wasn't sure what he should do but he didn't want to leave just yet and so he stayed if only for a few more minutes to savour this feeling. It wasn't long afterward that they both fell asleep and when Sesshomaru woke up InuYasha was nowhere to be seen.


"What took you so long?" Kagura asked InuYasha as he entered the castle.

The silver haired hanyou looked at Kagura and then at Naraku with his amber eyes. "I wanted to test the humans a little and forgot about time." he answered coldly as he threw the shard at Naraku who caught it with ease. "There's no complain since I returned with the shard, right?"

Naraku didn't say anything as he turned around and disappeared into the castle. InuYasha followed him, sure that he wanted to hear what happened and he had to come up with a really good story for he couldn't tell his 'master' that he had been having sex with his ex-mate.

When InuYasha passed Kagura her red eyes caught sight of the mating mark at his neck but what drew her attention was that there weren't any claw scars over it anymore and the actual mating mark was clearer than ever.

To be continued.