InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Secret Affairs ❯ Spying ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Well this seems to being doing well, so I'll update! Remember to review and enjoy!


Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha!




Miroku and Inuyasha returns to the rest of the group. They start eyeing at Sango, who was helping Kagome make dinner. 'Hum, the more I think about it, the more I think that lech is right!' Inuyasha thinks. He watches as Sango holds onto Kagome as she leans over to grab something at the bottom of her bag. Miroku sees this as well.


'They certainly are being familiar with each other.' He thinks. Shippo looks at Inuyasha and Miroku to notice them looking jealous towards Sango and Kagome.


'I wonder what their problem is.' Shippo wonders. He sighs and turns to Kirara.


Later that night, Miroku got them separate rooms at an inn after telling the inn keeper the place was haunted. Miroku sits down in the boys' room. Inuyasha drags Shippo in. "WHY CAN'T I SLEEP WITH KAGOME?!?!" Shippo screams.


"GO TO SLEEP!" Inuyasha screams and knocks Shippo out. Miroku gets up.


"Now should we go check to see if the ladies are having an affair?" He asks. Inuyasha nods. They leave their room and peek though a crack in the girls' door.


"They seem to just be sleeping." Inuyasha whispers in Miroku's ear.


"But they're in the same bed!" Miroku whispers back.


"But the inn keeper only gave them one bed!" Inuyasha whispers back.


"Well they didn't ask for another!" Miroku whispers back to Inuyasha, "So we'll just stay here till the affair starts!"


The next morning, Miroku and Inuyasha are still outside the girls' door, waiting for the affair to start. The girls then get up and start undressing.


"Finally!" Whispers a tired Miroku. He and Inuyasha lean forward.


"You sure?" Inuyasha whispers.


"Well why else would they start undressing in front of each other?" Miroku whispers back. He then looks to see the girls putting their regular clothes back on and the pajamas away. They then walk out to see a tired looking Miroku and Inuyasha sitting outside their door.


"Were you two out here all night?" Kagome asks. The two boys nod. Sango then look to see a tiny crack in their door.


"And were you spying on us all night?" She asks. The boys look really nervous. "You were!" Sango screams and slaps them both.


At breakfast, the girls were eating at a separate table from the boys. "Sango-chan, would you like a bite of my omelet?" Kagome asks.


"Certainly, Kagome-chan!" Sango replies. She takes a bite. "Delicious!"  She exclaims. Miroku and Inuyasha are giving them a suspicious look.


"I know something is going on!" Miroku whispers to Inuyasha, "I know flirting when I see it!"


"Flirting? What are you guys talking about?" Shippo asks looking at Miroku. Sango and Kagome also look at him.


"Nothing!" Miroku replies.


Later, the gang is back on the road. Miroku and Inuyasha are walking at the back of the group. They watch Sango and Kagome. They watch as the girls burst out laughing. "They're really close!" Miroku whispers at Inuyasha.


"Um-hum!" Inuyasha replies.


Up ahead with the girls, they are laughing because Kagome had told Sango about the time Inuyasha thought her bra was a hat and put it on his head. (OK, I made that up!) Kagome turns around to see Miroku and Inuyasha staring at them.


"Hey Sango-chan, is it just me or do the boys seem to be acting weird." Kagome asks.


"No, I noticed it too! It's almost like they're jealous of something!" Sango replies.


"Yeah! I wonder why though." Kagome says.


"Maybe they think we're after other men." Sango suggests.


"You may be right!" Kagome says. She walks back to Miroku and Inuyasha. "I know what you two are thinking!" She says. Miroku and Inuyasha looked shocked. Did she know they thought see and Sango were lesbian?


"Just to let you two know, me and Sango-chan are not after any men!" She tells them and heads back to Sango.


"So they are lesbian!" Miroku says.




OMG! What Kagome was trying to say came out wrong!  Now Miroku and Inuyasha will be even more suspicious of them. What will happen next? Please review!