InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Seeing Each Other 500 Years Into The Future ❯ authors note ( Chapter 15 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Hello this is kagome15higurashi I would like to apologize for not updating yet I have only just finished school n exams. I am currently trying to find my rough hand written copy of chapter 15, so please bear with me n if I cannot find it I will re-write it. I shall also inform you that from the 29 of July to 23 of August I shall be away n when I come back I will try and upload another chapter because my computer and laptop are broken n I hope to have them running by the time I next up date n when I do I will be up loading 2 new chapters ok ^_^

I am sincerely sorry for the delay of about 6 months maybe  more.
*hides behind large bodyguard* “please don’t hurt me”.