InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Seimei no Kakera: Shards of Life ❯ Flash ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Apart from merchandise with his logo, I do not own Inu-Yasha.

Author's Note: After finding myself hooked on them, I've decided to start my own little ficlet corner (500 words or less in each installment) for my baby ideas that I don't have time to nurse into full blown plot lines. ^_~ They will have no rhyme or reason or order- some may be AU, others not. I just felt like this would be fun to try. ^_^

Please enjoy!




Of all the places in a house to have a window, the bathroom was, hands down, the stupidest. She always wondered why architects threw them into the plans. Did studies show that people WANTED to have peeping toms spy on them? That they ENJOYED knowing idiots could glance inside at any time?! Didn't that bother ANYONE but her?

. . . Then again, maybe no one else suffered with her problem.

"MIROKUUUUUUUUUU!" she screamed, tightening her towel around her body as she threw open the window, punching the grinning teen boy out of the tree he was using as a ladder. "YOU PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERT!"


"Aww(ow)ww- you know you love it, Sango-chan!" he called cheerfully from the ground, where he was currently a heap of chuckling, broken bones. But he was used to it. The same thing happened every morning, after all. "You're just shy!"

"I HATE YOU!" Sango screamed, shaking a murderous fist in his general direction as he got to his feet and skipped happily off. "I'LL CALL THE POLICE ON YOU TODAY! I WILL!"

"'Course you will," Miroku sang patronizingly as he made his merry way down the street towards his house. "Toodles!"

GrRrRrR. . .

The sopping, magenta-eyed female growled to herself as she pulled on her robe, attacking her long locks with a brush. Stupid lech. . . Couldn't he keep his eyes to himself?! It was bad enough that he had been groping her at school- Now he had spent every day for the past year spying on her at home! She needed to get back at him some how. . . Maybe use his own bathroom window to spy? Nah. . . he'd enjoy that so much he'd probably faint.

. . . Ho?

The young woman's eyes narrowed in thought as a wide smirk found her lips. Wait. . . idea.


8:07 on the dot, Sango stepped out of the shower. Every day, without fail. And no matter what, Miroku was always there to watch his goddess reach her arm out from behind the curtain, grab the towel, and wrap it around her hidden self before marching out to murder him. It was his daily thrill. So when he arrived the next morning and flew up the tree in her back yard, ready for the show, he was shocked to find that he had missed it. In fact, though Sango had obviously already showered, it appeared that she hadn't planned on the usual routine. How did he know this?

Because she was waiting for him at the window, grinning and in her robe. He quirked an eyebrow in surprise, especially when she didn't move. He'd expected her to yank it open and slap him! So he waited. And- though it took a minute- she didn't disappoint him. She did yank it open.

But not the `it' he had been expecting.

Definitely not.

And, hours later, Sango was still grinned in wicked triumph- seeing as how her blushing crush had yet to wake up from his fallen position at the base of the tree.

Sango 1, Lech 0.


(Note: Whew! It took a bit of editing, but EXACTLY 500 words! @_@ Anyway- I'm sorry if anyone was offended by this one, I considered not posting it, but I loved it too much. ^_~ Sango just strikes me as the kind of girl who needs the last say- no matter what the costs. XD Oh- and obviously the style of house Sango is living in during this chapter is a Western style house. Japanese houses aren't set up like this one- but there's a window in the upstairs bathroom at my house and it made me think of Sango and Miroku. ^_~)