InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ SG-Inuyasha ❯ Hiraikotsu Repaired and Another Epic Battle ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
(A/N): Warning: Epic battle scene at the end, might get a little gory.
Chapter 12:
Hiraikotsu Repaired and Another Epic Battle
Sango and Miroku got up after their intense night (Not because of the fight). Got dressed, they grabbed the destroyed Hiraikotsu and headed back to the army.
"Sango, Miroku, you're back! What happened last night?" Shippo asked curiously. Miroku and Sango's face turned a little red. And Miroku did what Inuyasha would normally do, when Shippo said something like that.
"Totosai what are you doing here?" asked Shippo rubbing the back of head still.
"Looking for a new home," replied Totosai, "I was repairing some of the broken weapons, while I was passing through. Where were you last night? I was looking for you?"
"We were in a battle last night," replied Shippo, "And after that Kilala dragged me of and Miroku and Sango did something?".
"Ohh, really," said Totosai, "Well Sango, do you want me to fix your Hiraikotsu? I will make it more powerful for you".
"Sure, why not," answered Sango. She then handed the pieces of her Hiraikotsu to Totosai.
With Totosai.
Totosai seen Sesshoumaru asleep recovering from his wounds from the previous night. Totosai then snuck up on him. And stole a tooth from him. Totosai quietly moved away from, and got the hell out of there. Without Sesshoumaru, or anyone else seeing.
Then using Sesshoumaru's tooth started to repair Sango's Hiraikotsu.
"I wonder how he's going to make my Hiraikotsu more powerful?" questioned Sango.
"I'm curious to," replied Miroku, "I hope he gets it done quick."
"Before the next battle," said Shippo.
"I'm going to ask him how he made it more powerful," stated Sango.
Two hours later.
"I'm...," said Sango only to get interrupted.
"WE KNOW!" yelled Miroku, and Shippo in unison.
"You don't have get mad about it," whimpered Sango.
"You haven't done anything else but that!" said Miroku, trying to stay calm.
Two days later.
"You're finally back!" yelled by an rather excited Sango, " Were is my Hiraikotsu?"
"Yes I am," replied Totosai, "You'll have to come with me to get your Hiraikotsu".
"Why," asked Sango.
"One of the power I gave it," Totosai replied, "Only you, Miroku, any of your future children, any of their children, and so on, can lift it, anyone else would call it to heavy to even budge. Demon or not". They started to head to it.
"Why did you allow Miroku to be able to lift it?" Sango asked.
"Every one inevitably will be injured," Totosai answered, "No exceptions".
"What other powers does it have," asked Sango curiously.
"It's heavier, but you'll think it's lighter than it was," said Totosai, "It also goes farther, faster. And it ignores barriers!".
"Nice," replied Sango.
They finally got there any seen a good number of demons trying to lift the Hiraikotsu. Sango walked up to the Hiraikotsu, "What can't any of you lift it?" Sango Smirked. She the grabbed her Hiraikotsu. She almost lost her balance, she new it was going to be lighter, but not this light. It was as heavy as her sword. "This thing is light," Sango laughed, "You should be ashamed of yourselves!". The demons left, in defeat.
Sango threw her Hiraikotsu to see how it improved. It went twice as far as she used to be able to throw it, and came back in half the time. "Wow," said Sango, "It's incredible, but how did you make it so powerful?"
"Kept this quiet," said Totosai.
"Alright," answered Sango.
"I stole a tooth from Sesshoumaru and used it to repair your Hiraikotsu," whispered Totosai.
"hahaha, really?" said Miroku.
"Yes!" answered Totosai.
Sesshoumaru came to were they were. Needless to say, Totosai got the hell out of there. "Why is my scent all over you weapon?" Sesshoumaru asked.
"Aaaah," murmured Sango, "I don't know"
"Bullshit!" Sesshoumaru said, "Now, again, why does your weapon have my scent all over it?"
"Alright, I'll answer," Sango stuttered, "Two days ago, I broke it, and I got someone to fix it, I don't how he fixed it".
"Bullshit," Sesshoumaru said again, "Now, who fixed it and how?".
"It was Totosai," said Sango, readying her Hiraikotsu, "He took one of you're teeth while you were sleeping. And used it to fix my Hiraikotsu".
"Alright," Sesshoumaru said, "I not going to fight".
Sesshoumaru left.
Totosai returned. Bruised but alive. "You survived!" stated Miroku.
"Don't know how," replied Totosai.
The next day.
"Ready, for it?" asked Sango.
"Not as well as you are," replied Miroku.
The army roared, as the countless number of Jaffa surrounded their position, completely. The order was given to charge and they charged, into a hailstorm of the staff weapons, thousands of death gliders everywhere, hundreds of Alkesh, and ten mother ships there firing. Even demons as resistant as they are, were dying, and dying quickly. Only Sesshoumaru, Miroku, Sango, Shippo, and Kilala, hit the Jaffa's lines, and engaged in hand to hand combat. Sesshoumaru using his Toukijin. Miroku fought using his staff. Shippo using his foxfire, and his fox magic. Kilala used his/her (I don't know Kilala's gender) size, and biting the Jaffa's heads off. And, Sango used her Hiraikotsu, and only her Hiraikotsu. She didn't even have enough time to draw her sword before it came back. They fought for hours, fighting to escape, fighting to inflict as many casualties as possible, fighting to keep the people they love safe, fighting the Goul'd to the bitter end. Leaving a trail of dead behind them. Only to have two replace him. But they kept on fighting. Fighting as if there was no tomorrow. In which they thought that was the case. But there were millions of Jaffa, the odd are probably worse than a billion to one. But they still fought, they had no other choice, if they surrender they'd be killed. They had killed at least twenty thousand of them, but they just kept on coming. They finnally gave up a mother ship opened fire on Miroku, Sango, Shippo, Kilala, and Sesshoumaru. It took many Jaffa with but did what wanted. The Jaffa picked the bodies of Sango, Miroku, Sesshoumaru, Shippo, and Kilala up and ringed up to a mother ship.
(A/N): They Will Come Back To Life! I just needed a feasible way to get them to Kagome's era.