InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Shikon No Tama High ❯ Chapter 13

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Shikon No Tama High Chapter 13

It was now the next morning and Kagome and Kouga were sleeping on Kouga's bed. Kagome had just woke up a moment ago. She turned around so that she was facing the sleeping Kouga beside her.

"Wake up Kouga" Kagome said as she tapped him on his shoulder.

"STOP IT" Kouga growled at Kagome as she started to poke him again. He then opened his eyes and looked at Kagome's frightened face.

"Kouga?" Kagome asked as she saw that Kouga's eyes were not their usual ocean blue but a deep red color. Kagome then got off of the bed and started to back away.

"Ooo is the Kagome frightened?" Kouga asked.

"Wh..what happened to you?" Kagome studdered.


"Get over here woman." Kouga growled.

"No!" Kagome yelled at him.

Kouga then jumped off of the bed and started to walk torwards Kagome. Once Kagome was backed into a wall Kouga walked to her and pushed her against the wall. He then started kiss her.

"Kouga get away from me." Kagome yelled at him.

She then summened alot of her miko powers and succedded in pushing Kouga down. She then ran to the door and ran out of it. She started to run down the hallway to Inuyasha's door.

"Inuyasha?" Kagome asked as she knocked on his door.
The door than opened and there stood Inuyasha.

"" Inuyasha asked as she fell into his chest sobbing.

"It was horrible Inuyasha his eyes are blood red and he pushed me into the wall and tried to force me on him. Please help me." Kagome said between sobs.

"Oh Kagome. Don't worry i'll save you from him. Just stay here and i'll go see to it that he's punished.

"Ok" Kagome said as she got out of Inuyasha's embrance and crawled to the closest wall to lean against. Inuyasha had already made it to Kouga's door and was starting to open it.

"YOU BASTARD HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO KAGOME!! I CAN'T BELIVE YOU. YOU SHALL PAY FOR TOUCHING HER. NOBODY CAN TOUCH KAGOME UNLESS SHE SAYS THEY CAN." Inuyasha screamed as he went up to Kouga and pushed him into the wall. He had one of his hands holding Kouga against the wall by the throat.

"If You Ever Do That To Her Again I Will Personally Kill You With My Own Hands." Inuyasha growled as he let Kouga fall to the ground.

As Inuyasha started to walk out of the door he bumped into Ayame.

"He deserved it" Inuyasha hissed as he walked pass Ayame. Ayame then went over to Kouga's side and started to growl.

"INUYASHA YOU BASTARD YOU ALMOST KILLED HIM!!! HOW DARE YOU" Ayame hissed as she walked out into the hall.

This is when Kagome decited to walk out of the room.

How dare you call him a bastard you bitch." Kagome hissed as she walked past Inuyasha and torwards Ayame.

"Well maybe if you don't call her a bitch again she might just might not call him a bastard again." Kouga said as he stood protictivly infront of Ayame.

"MOVE IT NOW!!!" Kagome yelled.

"NO" Kouga yelled back. Kagome then stuck her right hand, palm facing out, and put it infront of Kouga as a big ball of pink flames shot out at him which sent him flying down the half mile hallway and into the wall.

"Now for you bitch." Kagome hissed. She intertwined her hands and started to form her energy into a kazanna . She then used her mind to point the kazanna directly at Ayame. The kazanna shot at Ayame. When it hit her she fell onto the floor crawled into a ball breathing hard.

"Is she dying?" Miroku asked.

"No I wouldn't kill the friends of my other side. I just put a curse on her to make her have horrible and powerful dreams. She'll wake up sometime tomorrow. I don't know when." Kagome said. As soon as Inuyasha looked at her he noticed that she had used all of her energy and started to fall. Inuyasha ran up to her and caught her rite before she hit the ground.


"Kagome you alright?" Inuyasha asked an hour later as she woke up.

"Inuyasha?" Kagome asked.

"Yea?" Inuyasha answered back.

"I'm so sorry. I don't know why I was acting like that torwards you. It's just that when ever I was near Kouga I felt evil. It was strange." Kagome said as she sat up to see her surrondings. She noticed that she was in Inuyasha's room. She was lying on Inuyasha's bed and very weak.

"No Kagome don't applogize. It was my fault for breaking up for you." Inuyasha started.

"I don't know what I was thinking breaking up with you. After I did I stayed in my room while you and Kouga were with each other. It was so stupid of me to think that breaking up with you was the best thing. I mean geeze your my life and it was like I lost my life after I broke up wit you." Inuyasha gave a little laugh as he said that. Just talking with Kagome in a nice way was starting to make him feel better already.

"It's ok Inu" Kagome said as she put on one of her smiles. That was one of the things Inuyasha missed most about her. Her happy smiles.

"You know when I said I hate'ed your hair?" Inuyasha asked while he sat on the edge of his bed where Kagome was.

"Yea" Kagome said as she waited for Inuyasha to speak.

"Well I lied. I really think it's sexy like that" Inuyasha said as he and Kagome started to blush a little.

"Thanx Inu." Kagome said back as she put her head on Inuyasha's shoulder.

"So now what?" Inuyasha asked.

"Hi my name's Kagome Higurashi, Friends?" Kagome said as she held out her hand to Inuyasha.

"Sure, i'm Inuyasha Takahashi." Inuyasha said as he shook Kagome's hand. They both started to laugh as they both fell back on the bed.

"HENTAI" they both heard Sango yell followed by a loud..


"But lady Sango it was to resiting." Miroku said as Sango chased him into the room Kagome and Inuyasha were in.

"Guys save me" Miroku pleaded as Sango entered the room to hit Miroku for groping her yet again.

**Histerical Laughing**

"Guys stop laughing and help meee..." Miroku got cut off as Sango caught up with him and punched him unconssis.

"Glad your awake Kagome" Sango said as she walked up to the bed.

"You guys are hilarious" Kagome and Inuyasha said between laughs.

"Well i'm glad to be your entertainment." Sango said as she whacked Inuyasha upside the head.

"Ow! What was that for." Inuyasha asked.

"That was for laughing." Sango simpliey stated as she walked over to the still unconssis monk.

"Grrr" Kagome playfully growled as she launched at Sango.

"Hey!"Sango yelled at Kagome.

"Don't hit Inuyasha" Kagome said as she started to get off of her best friend. She then put her hands together like she had yesterday and started to chant something.

"Plz Kagome don't hurt me!" Sango yelled as she started to run around the room away from Kagome.

"Hahahahah" Kagome stopped and started to laugh.

"Now what's so funny?" Sango asked as she raised an eyebrow at Kagome's laughing.

"You should of seen your face when I did that." Kagome said between laughs.

"What do you mean?" Sango asked now rasing both eyebrows at her best friend.

"You thought I was going to do that curse thing on you. I don't evan have a clue how I did that" Kagome ammitted as she heard Inuyasha fall off the bed laughing evan harder now.

**Histerical Laughing**

"Grrr stop laughing" Sango hissed at Inuyasha who had just got back on the bed with tears in his eyes for laughing so much.

"Or you'll do what? I have Kagome on my side" Inuyasha said as he sat on the bed indian style and crossed his arms while sticking his nose into the air.

"So whatcha gonna do Sangoo?" Kagome asked as she started to calm down from her laughing fit.

"You don't evan know how to use your powers so that they can hurt me without killing me." Sango said.

"Is that so?" Inuyasha asked.

"Yea that's so" Sango said.

"Well than why do I remember a certain phone call on a certain road trip and it ending with a certain person getting fried by someone's powers?" Inuyasha asked as he noticed that Sango looked hesitant.

"Well..ummm...Oh Shut up." Sango said as the monk came back to this world and stood up.

"Hey dude you just missed your girlfriend getting chased around the room by Kagome" Inuyasha said as he heard Sango growl ,as best as she could for a human, behinde him.

"Ooo is Sango-wongo embaressed?" Kagome asked in a babys voice.

"Ooooo I told you not to call me that again." Sango yelled as she started to chase Kagome around the room.

So far the day had been hilarious but it was still just morning.

So I hope ya'll like it again. Sorry bout that Kouga thing. I really like Kouga on the show. Just in this story I was kinda mean to him. Well I had to put something that happened that wasen't a good thing and I don't want Naraku in here so the bad thing was Kouga. Hope you like my story it's still not over but it might be in a few more chapter's i'm not sure how many yet.