InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Shikon School ❯ Omen of Love ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/n. hi it's me again! I hope u enjoyed chapter 11! It took me four hours to make up and type! Maybe more! Wow, this writing stuff is exhausting. Now I have more respect to all the users who write fanfics! Lol here's the story! ^_^
P.S. WARNING:Contains more fluffthan an inside of a3Musketeersbar!
The sun was gradually rising. It hit Inuyasha's eyelids and woke him up. His eyes were slightly dull and still very tired. No wonder, it was 4:30 in the morning and on a weekend right after killing Naraku. This is where he sleep's in, in around 10:00 to 11:00 AM. Everyone in the luxurious, tiny boarding school was asleep, except him.
Inuyasha was about to get up until he felt the light weight of the angel on top of him. The whole scene of last night flashed in his head. Trying to save Kagome made him worry, finding Kagome made him relieved, killing Naraku gave him satisfaction yet a little fear, barley any, comforting Kagome while she wept was depressing. It hurt him to see a perfect girl like her shed tears. The memory of stealing the Shikon bus made him stifle a laugh out loud. The bus was right where it was before, and so were the keys.
Inuyasha woke up form his deep thinking by a moving object on his chest. Kagome was holding him tighter and nuzzling into his chest more. Her soft curvy chest was against his nude hard muscular chest. Inuyasha smiled. She was still in deep sleep. Inuyasha adjusted his thick, fluffy pillows carefully on the border so he could lean on the leaning pillows instead of lying flat on the bed on them. He wanted a better view of Kagome; it was now made easier, especially with her sleeping on him.
He thought not to take advantage of her, but why not be a little mischievous?
Inuyasha looked at Kagome's peaceful face. It shimmered in the moonlight, but now outside was still dark with a little bit of Sun. The sky was colored a deep, yet soft blue-lavender shading, with tiny specks and blends of pink and orange. Some sunlight hit Kagome's ivory face. Her skin didn't shimmer right now like in the moonlight, but the sunlight brought out the radiance and fair colors of her skin and hair and the blush on her rosy cheeks. Inuyasha gazed at her, and brought a hand to lightly caress her face.
She was so innocent, naïve, and sweet. She did have an annoyingly bad temper when she was angry, but her kind nature, intelligence, and beauty overcome it, attracting men in school…including Kouga…
The thought of Kagome with Kouga made Inuyasha's blood boil and growl.
Was he not good enough for her?
He held on tighter on Kagome's fragile body, causing her to stir in her sleep. Inuyasha held still so she wouldn't wake up. When he felt her body go limp in his arms, he gently lifted her light blue cami up with his right clawed hand until her ribs showed.
There was a healing scar Naraku must have given her above the dimples on the bottom on her back. Inuyasha took two of his fingers and gently pressed on the dimples on her back. Kagome smiled and let out a small giggle. He smiled and took a claw and ran it up and down the hill of her hip. His claw stroked the curve of her hip, making Kagome shudder. He was being careful to not wake her up.
He placed his hand on her exposed back and snaked it under her cami. He kept going further and further until he felt the strap of her bra. Who knew, Kagome wore a bra to sleep? He played around with it and gently popped it, it made Kagome wiggle every time.
“Buyo…” Kagome muttered in her sleep, “Quit it…” Inuyasha tried hard not to laugh. It was so hard, his lip quivered and body shook. He bit his tongue to stop. His claw snapped the bra open. Kagome flinched and woke up.
“Shit…” Inuyasha gasped to himself, not loud enough for Kagome to hear. Kagome unwrapped her arms that were around hit neck and rubber her eyes.
“…What are you doing?” She mumbled and looked at him. Her warm brown eyes twinkled after resting.
“Uh…uh…” Inuyasha stuttered. He looked down to where his hand was…crap, under her shirt. Kagome raised her perfectly arched brow at him.
“What were you doing? I should have known you were going to molest me!”
“I was not! I was…um…”
“Stammering isn't going to explain!”
“I wasn't doing anything, Bitch!” Inuyasha hissed.
Kagome let the name calling slip this time. She looked into his innocent honey-colored eyes. Sweet and flattery, just like honey. No…that can't be it, he was up to something, she just knew it!
Kagome let a sigh escape her lips.
“Whatever, just forget it…” She mumbled. Kagome got up to get off of him, but he wouldn't let her by tightening his grip on her. The arm that was wrapped around her waist was tightened, and the hand that was under her shirt was pressing against her back. Kagome struggled to slip away from his grasp.
“Wha…!? Huh? What's wrong?” She questioned.
“You don't believe me. That's what's wrong,” Inuyasha answered simply.
“Believe you on what!?”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes, “You won't believe me that I wasn't molesting you.”
Inuyasha wasn't molesting her, it was obvious because of the sweet smiles and giggled Kagome was giving in her sleep. His touch made her shiver.
“Quit making such a bid deal about it. It's OK, I really couldn't care less about it now….” Kagome assured as she clicked the strap of her bra closed.
“Liar, you were a few seconds ago.”
Kagome scowled.
“So? Now you are!” Inuyasha frowned. “Just let me go now.” Kagome said as she squirmed in his arms, trying to untangle herself. Inuyasha held her even tighter; his claw accidentally cut her back, making a swelling red slash starting from above her dimples to between her shoulder blades. Kagome winced. Inuyasha suddenly regret doing that.
“Crap, let me get that healing stuff that you used on me before,” Inuyasha said as he rushed out to retrieve the First Aid supplies.
He came back and laid back on bed as before. He placed the supplies on the silver table next to his bad.
For some reason, Kagome crawled back on Inuyasha; they were in the same position as before: Inuyasha laid on bed with Kagome on top. This time they weren't tangled within each other. Kagome placed her hands softly on his shoulders, patiently waiting to heal her stinging cut. They were really close. Not this close. Not this close. But thisclose.
Inuyasha took some cream on his finger.
“You're going to have to take off your shirt,” Inuyasha said. Kagome looked frightened.
“Listen, I have no intention of doing anything nasty with you! Like anyone would ever want to…” Inuyasha grumbled. What am I saying? I'm the one who wants you! ...whoa…where did that come from!? Inuyasha shook his head, shaking the thought out of his head and focusing his attention back to Kagome; she took her cami off, revealing a plain lily colored bra, and laid back on top of Inuyasha. Inuyasha flushed, this was making him very aroused.
He pointed to her bra, “It's going to get in the way, the cut I gave you is up between your shoulder blades and down your spine.”
“As in take it off!?
“No, wench! Just unconnect the straps!”
Kagome mouthed the word `O'. She hesitated, but relaxed, letting Inuyasha snap the bra open by undoing the the connecting straps. He shoved each strap aside in there own direction and smeared the cream on Kagome's scratch. Kagome flinched. The icy cold cream felt intense on her stinging cut. It was healing, but it stung like hell. Kagome let out a small whimper.
“You alright?” Inuyasha asked, concerned. Kagome nodded.
“You were right, this hurts really badly,” Kagome said.
“Keh. Told you, but you were all like `Shut up, Inuyasha. No pain No gain, dimwit.'”
Kagome's brow twitched. “What the crap? I never said that! And plus, you make me sound all preppy and girly!”
“Isn't that how you are?”
“No! I told you, I'm not one of those 2 cent whores who act all slutty around you! I'm not some skank who'll striptease for attention!”
“Hold it, Kaggie. I never said you were that kind of girl.”
“…Kaggie? What the hell?! Whatever you say, Yashie.”
“Don't call me that, Kago.”
“Why should I, Inu?”
“You're really getting on my nerves, Kags.”
“Ditto… And you can call me Kags, I'm ok with that. By the way, you act like a 5 year old, Yash.”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes and continued rubbing the cream on her back, letting her skin absorb it. Kagome trembled in his touch. Inuyasha felt her shivering and smirked. Why not tease her?
Inuyasha brushed his finger up her back, his claw stroked her gently. He moved his lips next to her ear loaf and seductively whispered;
“I doesn't hurt anymore, does it?”
His hot breath ran tickled Kagome's neck and shoulder. Kagome shuddered and nodded slowly. Inuyasha smirked again. Kagome leaned against his nude chest, trying to relax.
He doesn't have a shirt on! He's so…buff…and so…sexy…HOLD UP! What am I thinking? Come on, Kagome, he's way out of your league.
Kagome pondered.
Inuyasha finished rubbing in the cream and clicked her bra straps together.
“There ya go, wench.” He said. Kagome pulled her cami down.
Man, is this guy moody or what? He's romantic at first and next he's all snappy.
Kagome thought.
“Thanks, you're always there for me.” Kagome said shyly with a soft voice.
She's so damn innocent…man, what I give for a girl like her?
Inuyasha thought.
They both got out of bed.
“What time is it?” Kagome murmured. Inuyasha glanced over at the clock.
“4:56, 5:00 pretty much…” He answered.
“Is anyone awake?”
“Except us, I highly doubt it.” Inuyasha stated.
Kagome pondered for a second.
“So… you want to go for a swim?” Inuyasha asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence.
“On the Shikon beach? And now? Uhh…It's 5 a.m.”
“And…? These kinds of reckless things never stopped you before.”
Kagome shrugged, “Ok, I guess…but why do you want to?”
“Just to get out, we have had a long night yesterday, Kags. It would be fun to swim in private…just the two of us.”
Kagome blush, “Oh…I see…” A sweet smile formed on her innocent face, “Let's go then. It would be fun! But you sure nobody will see us?”
Inuyasha shook his head, “No. No one else has a big view of the beach except us. Besides, everyone's asleep.”
“Hmm…ok then!” Kagome flashed a toothy smile. Inuyasha grinned.
Kagome grabbed her swimsuit and stepped in Inuyasha's bathroom to change. Inuyasha just changed in his room. He slipped out of his night pants and into red swim trunks.
As he finished, Kagome stepped out of the bathroom wearing a black string bikini. One string connected through her neck, as the other connected around her back. Her bottom bikini was covered with a knee-length black matching swim skirt that hung loosely around her hips and was tied around in a knot. There was a slit on her right leg that ran up to her thigh. Kagome looked sexy, yet not sluttly. Inuyasha was breathless. Kagome blushed as she stared at him. His rippling abs were tan and perfectly form, it accented his beautiful long silver hair and golden eyes.
They caught each other staring and both looked away with flushed faces.
“Um….I…let's go.” Kagome said. Inuyasha and she grabbed their own towel and quietly snuck out of the room and out of the building.
“Wow… we actually made it, without getting caught!” Kagome exclaimed.
“If I'm here, we can't get caught. It's not like we're forbidden here anyway.”
“True… but we might be when it's so early in the morning!” Kagome said. Inuyasha chuckled.
“Calm down, we're not going to get arrested or anything.” Inuyasha assured. The memory of Naraku's death flashed in Kagome's head. It was interrupted when Inuyasha threw her over his shoulder and headed slowly to the water.
“Inuyasha! Put me down!” Kagome yelled as she struggled to plant her feet back on the ground.
“Not happening.” Inuyasha gave a saucy smile as he threw her in the water. Kagome floated back to the surface of the water. She spit the ocean water out and coughed.
“What was that for? You're so mean.” Kagome said as she swam away from him. Inuyasha smirked and jumped in the water, darting after her. He was right on her tail, but Kagome lifted her foot and kicked him away, also moving her further away in the water. She giggled as she splashed him with her kicking feet.
“Bitch! You'll pay for that!” Inuyasha shouted as he caught up with her. He grabbed her and surrounded her with arms. Kagome wriggled out and laughed. Inuyasha dunked underwater and caught her legs and placed them around her shoulders. He rose back to the surface, with Kagome sitting on his shoulders. He twirled her/
“Ah! Inuyasha, don't drop me in the water!” Kagome said as she held onto his head.
“Don't worry, I won't.” Inuyasha gave a cocky grin, he carried her to the shore and dropped her there instead.
“Hey! I thought I told you not to drop me!” Kagome said.
“You never said where, my dear girl.”
Kagome glared at him playfully and pulled her down with her. She wrapped arms around his neck as he wrapped arms around her waist. They rolled down on the shoreline. Kagome laughed the whole time, not noticing that Inuyasha was staring at her. They stopped rolling. Kagome was on top of Inuyasha. None of them noticed that two set of eyes were watching them. One set belonged to a classy girl, as the other belonged to a pervert.
Kagome and Inuyasha stared in each other's eyes deeply. Everything seemed to blank out except each other's presence, the sound of the ocean, and the colors of the sunrise. Kagome got up to leave but Inuyasha held tighter and rolled around so that he was on top of Kagome.
“Where do you think you're going?” Inuyasha seductively whispered. His hot breath ran down Kagome neck. She gazed at him. There were about to close the space between their lips until…
“Hey guys, having fun down there!” Miroku winked as he shouted through the open large window in Sango's and Kagome's room. Sango slapped his arm and blushed as she closed the window and dragged herself away with Miroku. Kagome flushed as she squirmed out of his grasp. Inuyasha let her go as the both got up to their feet.
“I…um…we better go.” Kagome stammered.
Inuyasha nodded, “Yeah, we better.” Inuyasha linked hands with Kagome. She smiled at him as he smiled back, heading back together as the sun slowly rose. It seemed as if the sun was a good omen of blossoming love; Setting or rising.