InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Silver Fox ❯ No ones pet ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
It wasn't a hard thing to do. What he was asking of her was so simple. Give up. Surrender. Sumbit. She wanted so badly just to fall to her knees in front of him, beg him not to hurt her, but there was a part inside of her. That part, so small, cried out in frustration at it's weaker half. How could she, now a full demon, so easily fall? So easily break? Maybe break wasn't the right word, but it was so close that the difference could barely be seen. He must have seen a growing in that tiny spot of defiance, because what he did was the worse she'd ever experienced.

Naraku walked in, the same confident and malignent aura around him, and Kagura was following. She wheeled in what could only be discribed as a cart. Gleaming silver blades glinted with the light from the doorway. "When I was a human, I had a cretain raw talent for inflicting pain, but the only problem was, was that my human victims just never lasted long. Bloodloss. Shock. Internal trauma. So many things to go wrong while killing a human. A demon though, can survive most wounds as long as they aren't fatal."

He picked a shiney short sword and pierced her bicep. Compared to the burns on her back it didn't hurt much, but she was confused when he just left the blade to sit there and retrieve another one. He copied his previous move. Two went on either side of her neck, cutting into the muscle that allowed her to move her shoulders. He walked back once again to pick up a wickedly curved blade. It shown in shape and in color like a crescent moon. He curved the blade into her pale flesh, the hilt resting just above her hip.

Another blade in hand he came back to her. The cool metal cut into her thigh, grating on the back of the femur. Her leg flexed involutarily, and the blade severed more muscle. Her body started to shake in the chains. There was just to much damage to keep her body from shaking. "I believe I am done for the time being. Make sure she doesn't remove the swords." He left Kagura to guard over her. Slowly the shaking was starting to lessen and the pain went from blinding to searing. The blood on her skin was coagulating and becoming sticky. Her wounds were closing around the cold metal.

She suddenly realized what he was going to do. The swords had hurt going in, but they would probably hurt more coming out. Not probably. They would. Kagome watched Kagura fan herself lightly, there was nothing else to look at. "You're going to die here, you know. No one to save the poor little miko turned demon. The half-breed having the love of his life back. The slayer and monk still being a part of a functional group. Why would they come looking for you?" He fan closed with a resounding snap. "I don't think I have ever seen anything more pathetic in my life. You were stronger as a human. Now you just fall before him, not even bothering to fight. The woman he takes to his bed fight more then you do, and you have more to live for. How...wasteful."

Wasteful. The word bounced around the inside of her skull until it was the only thing there. Was it wasteful? Her not fighting him? Kagura was right. She was pathetic. Here she was a demon who was almost accepting of the beatings he gave her. Like those people who didn't know that the abuse they were getting was wrong, and that they should stop the abuser. Or that they were to afraid of being killed to step back and say "never again." She swore that she would never be one of those women. Never be the meek and weak creatures that they found to late.

She looked up as Naraku came back in and snarled at him. He paused, for a moment, midstep and smiled. His large pale hand grasped the handle and pulled. Flesh came away with it and fresh blood poured down. She couldn't help but give him one of the things he wanted. She screamed.

She screamed until her throat was raw and her voice was barely a whisper. He was smiling again, in grim satisfaction at his victory. He hadn't broken her yet, but having her scream was one of the sweetest things that there was. It was a forbidden candy that coated his tounge. His fingers ran in the blood, coating them in the thick scarlet fluid. The crimson digets went into his mouth and he relished in the wonderful taste. He almost squirmed in delight, but he needed more.

Naraku's mouth went over the wound near her neck. He lap at the cut, teeth working to keep the blood flow going. He was going to have this one. Rape wasn't to his taste, in fact most of the women he had came willingly to his bed, at first. For him when they started to scream "no" it only meant "don't stop." For her though, he would make an exception, because she would never say "yes" to him. He knew that she would rather die then give herself to him, and that in its own way made him want her all the more.

"Kagura, leave me."

His lips and toung worked at the wound, making the blood flow faster into his mouth. He pulled her closer, arms wrapped tightly around her slim body, and ground against the swords. Kagome tried to use her chains to pull herself away from him. He gave a deep, throaty chuckle. He was going to enjoy every minute of this. Naraku ripped away what remained of her clothes with a harsh jerk. She cried out as a sword was ripped from her body along with the material. She gave a low, mournful cry that ended in a sob. It was going to be a long night. The half-demon creature before her had no capacity for mercy. Begging would be futile, and he would just enjoy it. So she just bit her lip and tried to hold back the screams that were surging up her throat.

He loved the way she was struggling to keep quiet under his touch. Tears streammed down her face as she thrashed in her chains, which were slowly pulling her toward the wall. He stepped back to let the migically imbued chains pull her flush agains the wall. Most of the swords were forced out, only the curved one in the flesh of her side remained. His tounge danced over the fresh wounds drawing a cry from Kagome. In her mind she was unwilling, but her body was going on without her. He smiled. "You will beg for my touch when this is over, pet."


Naraku came in. She was eactly where he left her, broken and lying on the floor, though the physical marks he had left were gone. He hadn't taken her, save that one time four nights ago, and since then she had been so compliant, so ready to bend to his will. Kagome's eyes were cast to his feet. She crouched low to the floor, whining softly. It was degrading, she knew, but the beatings never lasted as long when she was submissive. She was willing to do anything to keep him from hitting her again. He stepped closer now, in touching range. Kagome rubbed her face against his leg, much like a cat begging for attention. He crouched now, stroking her head. Suddenly and violently he pulled her hair, expecting some kind of reaction. She didn't wince, just whimpered softly.

"So easy to break. Females are truly weak. Especially this one."

He let go and let her slide to the floor in a heap.


Kagura walked in.

"Get her cleaned up and chained in my quarters."

Kagome cringed at his smile. Naraku left Kagura and Kagome alone. Kagura stepped closer to Kagome. She undid the manacles that trapped her wrists to the walls and unhooked a heavy chain that held her collar. Kagura led Kagome out of the cramped dungeon and onto an upper level of the palace. There was an indoor hot spring in one of the center-most rooms. Kagura grabbed Kagome around the neck and tossed her into the steamy water. She shot back up to the surface, hissing and spitting, and glaring at Kagura.

"What does the lap dog not like me?"

Kagome lunged at her, arm outstretched and prepared to strike. Kagura slung her to the other side of the room with her fan. She hit with a resounding crack and slid to the floor. Her face started to slide into its other form. Mouth gaping, full of sharp fangs, she charged again. A large pale hand grabbed her by the scruff of her neck.

"Now, now. No fighting. She is still useful afterall. Transform for me, my pet."

Fur flowed out of her body like water over her skin. In animal form Kagome was an eloquent shape. Long and sleek. Muscular. Her silver fur shimmered in the light. She was the size of a small pony, her head only coming to just above Naraku's waist.

"Stay like that."

Naraku left and Kagome began to clean herself. Her muzzle dug deep in between her fur, working to get all of the dirt and grime out of the silky silver strands. When she was satisfied she jumped out and shook off as much water as she could. Kagura had a towel in hand and she started to dry off Kagome. She pulled a brush off a small stand that was nearby and began running over her. Kagome growled lowly.

"Quiet, I don't like it any more than you do."

Kagome settled down and let the brush slide across her back, side, legs and tail. Kagura summoned some wind to finish drying out Kagome's fur. She sat back and looked at Kagome. "You are still pathetic." Kagura said then stood and lead Kagome out.


Kagome found herself chained in Naraku's chaimbers. Her chain was attatched just under, what looked to be, a mantle or shelf. There were a few vases on the shelf, an strange red mist flowing from each. On one though the mist had a heavy beat, while the others were softer some how. Naraku walked in to her staring at the vases. When she saw him, she immediatly went to her belly, abasing herself.

"They are the hearts of my incarnates. Kagura, Kanna, and a surprise, just for your friends."

Naraku beckoned her forth to the foot of the bed. He stroked her fur, silently reveling in the feel of it. Soft and fine. He had to admit that she made a beautiful animal. He stood abruptly.

"Guard this room. If you fail me I will chain you down and pin you to the bed with swords. For you it would be a most...unpleasent evening." He stared down at her with crimson eyes. She huddled down, as close to the floor as she could get. His threat was very real, she knew, and even as his pet, she was no fool. He nodded and the chain holding her collar released. She watched him go, silently prasing what ever force that had him leave. She paced the room in small circles. The door slowly slid open, revealing Kagura's back. She looked back and forth before backing into the room. Kagura froze as a snarl echoed in the room. She peered slowly over her shoulder, praying that Naraku had really left.

"Oh, it's just his pet." She sighed and shook a little, like a bird settling its feathers. "Here I was, worried for nothing."

Kagome lunged and took a blow to the head for her abrupt actions. She slid across the wood floor then regained her footing. Her sharp nails tore into the polished floor to gain more traction. She slammed into Kagura, driving her back out into the hall. Kagura shoved her off and swung her fan. The hall exploded around them in a wave a debris. If it hadn't been for the thick dust Kagura would have had a chance to duck, but as it was she didn't see Kagome coming. Sharp animal fangs found their place at the wind witches throat and ripped it open.

The woman gagged, hand going up to the wound. Blood didn't flow though. The wound healed over. "I'll kill you!" She tried to yell, but the damage to her throat impeded her ability. Kagome retreated to the doorway of the room and watched Kagura get to her feet. Kagura lifted her fan again, but a pale hand around her wrist stopped her. She was thrown into the wall with a resounding crack. Lines from the fractured wall spred around her like a spider web. "I happen to enjoy my phantom palace, Kagura, do try to restrain yourself from damaging it." Naraku gave her a vicious smile. "You were supposed to be gone." She croaked out. "Yes, I suppose that I was mistaken in my desire to leave."

He moved back into his room and took a seat on the bed. "Resume you human shape." She did so and placed herself at his feet, head leaning on his knee. He pulled her up by the arm. His other hand wound itself in her hair pulling her head back, exposing her throat. Fangs sunk into her throat. Kagome was left to wonder while he was feeding if he was a vampire or if it was just his spider nature to crave the body's life force. She never known him before to have this obsession, but then she hadn't really known him. Kikyo would know. She had to refrain from grinding her teeth. The undead priestess could be considered the direct cause of everything that happened. If it wasn't for her involvement the bandit Onigumo would have died and never had the chance to become the vile creature before her.

Bloodloss was starting to make her lightheaded, and when he released her she slid to the floor. He wiped blood from the corner of his mouth with his thumb. "You, my pet, are especially tasty when filled with misery"


Kagome woke in smooth sheets, a warm body spooned against her back with an arm wrapped around her waist. The memory of how she got here escaped her. She tried to move away but the arm around her only tightend. "Just where do you think you are going?" He rolled them so that he was laying almost directly on top of her. He leaned closer so that their noses just brushed. She prayed silently for him to leave her, not do what she thought he was going to. He passed her lips, jaw, and over to her throat. She thanked what ever god that had saved her.

Naraku then moved off the bed and stood. "I will be leaving this night and returning at the next full moon. Guard this room or I will take more from you than you blood." She only nodded at him. Once the spider left its nest Kagome set about the castle. There were, after all, plans to be made involving a certain wind witch.

Kagura was in one of the many rooms and was sulking. Kagura glared at her as she walked in. "What do you want?" She opened up her fan. Kagome sat on down on the other side of the room with her legs folded under her. "I propose a deal, Kagura." Kagura gave a scoff. "And exactly how does one in your position make a deal with me?" Kagome smiled at her. "I will give you your heart if you free me of this place." Kagura paused in fanning herself. It was an obvious answer. The benefit to them both was freedom, and what did Kagura have to lose anyway? "How will you get my heart from Naraku, fox?" Kagome shook her head. "Is that a 'yes' to my offer?"

Kagura hesitated a moment then nodded. "You have a deal, fox." Kagome stood. "Good, it'll be done by tonight Then we can leave and go our seprate ways." Kagura nodded again. "Agreed, we'll meet back in my room." Kagome left to the small kitchen. She ate as much as she possibly could of the fruits, vegetables, and bread. Then she made her way as quickly as she could to Naraku's room, her feet silent on the cool wood floors. The hearts were exactly as they were before she left, pulsing in their vases. She reached up, shoving her hand deep into the blood like liquid, and pulled out the heart. In truth though it didn’t look like a heart. It looked like a glowing scarlet sphere that pulsed with life’s rythem. She held it gently but firmly as she made her way back to Kagura’s room.

Kagura was sitting on the floor, her legs crossed, leaning against the wall. She held out her hand to the wind demon before her. “Here is your heart.” With a tentative hand Kagura reached out to it. Her freedom had been attained thanks to the miko turned demon before her. She looked over the young woman, who was clad only in a brass collar, with greatful eyes. “Yes, now to free us both.” She said as she took the pulsing thing into her hands. “We need to remove that collar or all of this will be for naught.”

Kagome wrapped her hand around the thick metal that enclosed her throat. “Can you break it?” She asked. Kagura shook her head. “If it was a bit more brittle I could.” Kagome ‘hmmed’ in thought. “I could cover it in ice. Would that work?” Kagura hesitated and nodded. “It very well could.” Kagome nodded. A chill passed into the air. The confines of the room grew cold enough that the two females could see their breath. Ice formed around the metal in an almost crystal like manor. Kagura released her dance of blades at the ice coated metal. It shattered and fell to the floor in glimmering bits and pieces. Kagome looked down at the remains of the collar. “I am no one’s pet.” She spat.