InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Snowflakes and Coughdrops: When a Sword Can't Protect Her ❯ I Just Want You to Know Who I Am ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Mleh! -insert witty disclaimer here-

A/N: Now I'm getting a little tired. But I LoOoOoOve this song, too! It's so cute! Like a capo! Woo!

Chapter 6~

~*Inuyasha's Dream*~

Song fic to "Iris" by The Goo Goo Dolls

And I'd give up forever to touch you
Cause I know that you feel me somehow

Inuyasha opened his eyes and looked around him. He was back in the Feudal Era leaning against a tree. He cursed quietly to himself. He had been so close to her before he had fallen asleep and now she wasn't even in his dream. Lifting his head he realized that he could smell her. She must be nearby.

You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now
And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life

Inuyasha closed his eyes again and let her scent flow over him. She always smelled so warm and beautiful. This wasn't the first time he found comfort in just being able to smell her and know she was near.

Cause sooner or later it's over
I just don't want to miss you tonight

He opened his eyes again and started walking towards the source of the smell. Leaving the forest he was in he saw a village. "She must be in there somewhere." He continued toward the village.

And I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand

As he entered the village people scattered yelling about a demon in the village. Inuyasha turned his face down and growled. Trying not to frighten anyone he didn't have to he avoided making eye contact. One person caught his eye. Grabbing the man by the arm he swung him around. Miroku looked startled for a minute then whacked Inuyasha over the head with his staff. "Oww! What was that for, Miroku?"

"You know my name?"

"Of course I know your name, you stupid monk! Where's Kagome?" The monk just looked at Inuyasha. Inuyasha couldn't understand. Why was he pretending he didn't know who Inuyasha was?

"How do you know about Kagome?" Miroku looked ready to smack Inuyasha with his staff again.

"Are you really that stupid? We've been traveling together forever! You, Sango, Shippo, Kagome, and I have! Where have you been?" His only response to Inuyasha's last statement was a blank look. Inuyasha looked down at Miroku's arm, which he still held so the monk wouldn't escape, and gasped. There was no wind tunnel. Looking up he saw a familiar woman running towards both of them. At least Sango hadn't changed.

"Leave him alone! He didn't do anything to hurt you!" Inuyasha realized that she didn't recognize him either.

"I'm not hurting him! I'm asking him questions!" Inuyasha was starting to get impatient. "Can you tell me where Kagome is?" After getting a mistrusting look from Sango Inuyasha sighed and explained himself further. "I want to find Kagome because we are friends, not to mention that we are friends, too. You, the monk, and me - all friends." Sango seemed to ponder this before turning a bright shade of red and slapping Miroku. `At least that hasn't changed,' thought Inuyasha as he waited for Sango to finish her attack on Miroku. It didn't look like their discussion would be ending any time soon. "Fine! I'll find Kagome myself!" He could still smell her and knowing that she was close but not knowing where was killing him. He took a turn and found himself by a stream. There she was. She was just sitting there looking into the distance. He smiled to himself and ran to her.

When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

At the sound of his approach she turned to look at him. Inuyasha was rather disappointed when she looked shocked and a little scared instead of giving him that welcoming smile that he was expecting. She stood up quickly but instead of running stood her ground and scowled at him. Nearing her, Inuyasha slowed down to a walk and once he stood directly in front of her he stopped. "You don't recognize me." Her scowl wavered for a moment but she determinedly set it back on her face before replying.

"Why would I recognize you?" Her words stung and he had to work hard to keep from looking hurt.

"Kagome! We've been traveling together! We were trying to find the pieces of the Shikon Jewel! Then you went home because of this `school' nonsense so I went after you and found you in the snow, but ya know, saving your life isn't that important, is it?" She stared at him blankly. How was she supposed to react?

"I've lived here my whole life. I don't travel. Did you say the Shikon Jewel? It's guarded by Kikyo a few villages to the north. Are you sure you don't have me confused with her? We look a lot alike."

And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies

Kikyo was alive? Inuyasha felt a little bad about just turning around and walking away from Kagome, but he couldn't take it any more. So now he was on his way to Kikyo. Maybe she would know what was going on. All this was so confusing. He had finally found people who accepted him for who he was and now they didn't even recognize him. When he was around his friends, everything felt like it was going to be ok. He didn't have to think about Kikyo, he didn't have to think about not being accepted because of what he was; he didn't have to worry about being alone. Maybe he was better off alone. Inuyasha's thoughts were cut short when his attention was drawn to a rustling in the bushes. He wasn't surprised at all to see a weakling demon jump out and attack him. He let the demon come. He didn't want to move.

When everything feels like the movies
Yeah you bleed just to know you're alive

It didn't really hurt. He could hardly feel the cuts across his chest. He couldn't feel much of anything right now. Turning around he looked at the motionless corpse of the demon who had inflicted these scratches on him. It deserved to die. Why did it hurt this much? She meant nothing to him. He didn't realize where he was walking until he nearly walked into a tree. It was the same tree he had been pinned to for 50 years. His body kept walking and he didn't stop himself. "I guess I'm going to see Kikyo."

And I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand

He was almost out of the forest when he saw Kikyo running to him. He finally stopped and let her run to him. She embraced him tightly before noticing the blood dripping from his chest. She looked up at him, but he wouldn't make eye contact. Her eyes were so loving, but he didn't want them on him right now. She said something about mending his wounds -- if you could call them that -- and he let her lead him back to her hut.

When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

He couldn't take it any more. Even though he had dreamed and wished hundreds of times that this moment would come, something didn't feel right. Inuyasha broke free from her grasp. Before she could say anything he leapt into the air. Jumping from tree to tree he made his way back to Kagome. `She has to remember me! She has to!'

I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand

Inuyasha sped up. He had to reach her! He had to make her remember! People far below him screamed as they expected him to start another assault on their village. Jumping from the final tree he ran through the crowd. Faces streamed past him, so familiar, some not.

When everything's made to be broken

He rushed around the corner and found Kagome must have left. He kept running in the direction he had last seen her. Smelling that she was close by he made a quick turn to the right.

I just want you to know who I am

There she was.

I just want you to know who I am

She looked so much sadder than he had remembered.

I just want you to know who I am

He reached out and pulled her into a hug.

I just want you to know who I am

She pushed him away and ran.

I just want you to know who I am

A/N: soooo? Yeah! That's it for tonight! Sorry it's been so long since I last updated! Band has got me a long schedule and I'm at games Friday nights, but not tonight! We have a game tomorrow instead because of the hurricane that just came through. But I'm still really tired. I just got back from a party. So if these chapters really stink I'll go back and change them, but I gotta sleep now. Just blame the beta. Night all!