InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Snowflakes and Coughdrops: When a Sword Can't Protect Her ❯ Getting Through ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Didn't own it then. Don't own it now.
A/N: sorry for the total huge time of falling off the face of the earth. Buuuuut I'm back and I'm writing now that I have *counts on fingers* a whole day an a half of summer before I'm gone for another 3 weeks! Don't fret thou heads! I'll probably write while I'm at camp, I just won't get it on a computer until weeks afterwards. More on this after our feature presentation!
Chapter 7~
A lone figure ran to the doorway and stopped. He stared into the room. Eventually two other forms walked up and joined him. The two new figures scowled and the woman opened her mouth, most likely to say something protesting the scene in front of her, but the first form tugged on her skirt and smiled up at her with a finger on his lips. Her frown softened and she closed her mouth, greatly pleasing her son. She still didn't like the picture in front of her too much, but she could see that Souta was enjoying it greatly. The last figure that had arrived hadn't moved. Perhaps he was in shock. She wasn't sure what her daughter did on the other side of that well, but this really didn't seem like her. She stood behind her son and father and put a hand of a shoulder of each of her favorite men. The lines in her forehead smoothed themselves out and she finally let her scowl transform itself into a small smile. The idea was still new to her, but some hoe it seemed right. In her sleep her daughter's permanent smile faded into a delicate frown and she snuggled closer to the warmth next to her while her smile returned. The source of the body heat next to her tightened his grip around her. Yes. It was right. They obviously care about each other very much.
Inuyasha struggled to keep his eyes closed. He had woken up at the sound of them approaching and it was killing him not knowing what they were doing or why they were just standing there in the doorway. He was actually glad they pulled him from his dream. Now that he though about it, it was actually more of a nightmare. It hadn't been enjoyable in the least. At least the girl next to him seemed to be having a pleasant dream. The people in the doorway seemed to have decided it would be best to come back at a better time. It was no use trying to go back to sleep. He could hear the squeaking wheels and smell the food as the lady in white approached with breakfast. He decided it was ok to open his eyes now. A quick glance to his right told him she was waking up. Even her human nose could smell the food slowly getting closer.
Kagome opened her eyes and stretched. At first she didn't recognize where she was, but in the following seconds the events of the previous day flooded back into her memory. He was watching her. She realized that she still had her arms wrapped around him so she quickly sat up. That proved to be a bad idea when all the blood rushed from her head leaving her with no other choice but to crash back into her bed. Instinctively his arms had shot out to catch her and he gently lowered her back into a laying position. He sat quietly and waited for her head to clear from the sudden return of blood to it. Just then the nurse came in with two trays of food. She told him that Kagome's family ordered him a tray of food and she left to finish delivering the food. Both sat in unusual silence while they ate. Kagome stopped eating. She had a strange feeling in her stomach. Pulling herself from her machines by her bed she rushed to the bathroom. She didn't care that the heart-monitoring device had gone off again when she pulled it off her thumb; however, perhaps pulling the IV from her arm may not have been the best thing to do. Kagome didn't' have time to think about this at the moment. Right now she needed a bathroom and fast. She grabbed either side of the seat and emptied her stomach from the breakfast she just ate. It wasn't until she finished that she realized someone was holding her hair back. She tore a couple squares off the toilet paper roll next to her and wiped her mouth off before flushing the toilet. He was still holding her hair. She turned and gave him, a weak smile. With great effort and help from the handicapped rails by the toilet she struggled to her feet. Kagome was shaking and she felt weak. Looking back to her hospital room she saw a nurse resetting the hear-monitor. There were at least two other nurses and a doctor waiting for her as well. She gingerly tried to make her way back to her bed. He kept trying to help her but Kagome refused and would respond by pushing him away. She was suddenly filled with anger. What did he think? That she was incapable of taking care of herself? She kept stumbling over her own feet and catching herself at the last second before falling. Kagome could hear him calling her name, asking her to let him help her. Despite how slow she was walking, she finally managed to trip herself up again. She put her foot out to catch herself, but her knee shook violently from side to side and gave out. She threw her hands out in front of her to protect her from the hard blue and white linoleum tiles of the hospital floor. Her face stopped inches from the ground and she was hauled back to her feet. He tried to set her back upright, but her knees refused to hold her weight. She couldn't fight anymore. She needed him. Kagome let him carry her bridal style back to her bed. Her head started to clear and she felt the overwhelming urge to sleep. She had to stay strong, but maybe she would just rest her eyes.
Inuyasha sighed. She made him worry so much. No one had been able to do that to him before. Not even Kikyo. Kikyo never made him worry. Kikyo could take care of herself. He couldn't do this. Thinking about Kikyo no longer brought a smile to his face. Instead it was replaced by a sickening feeling deep within his stomach. Kikyo is dead. He could never grow old or raise a family with her. Kikyo is gone. He looked up at the girl almost hidden by the people in white. She was Kikyo. Well, not totally. She is supposed to be Kikyo. Their looks weren't the only thing they shared. Both were stubborn and both knew that had a duty to fulfill. She may not be quite as good with a bow or as brave as Kikyo, but she was learning. She was always happy and she cared. Kikyo could be heartless, especially in death. Inuyasha himself was no bleeding heart, but seeing someone with so much compassion was…refreshing. It was like breathing. She made everyone around her a better person. When he first met her, she brought back so much pain. He used to see so much of Kikyo in her, but now he saw through what he though was Kikyo and into the real her. There were days he even caught himself seeing her in Kikyo. The made in white turned and spoke to Inuyasha. She would be fine. She had something called “the flew” and she could leave that night. Honestly Inuyasha couldn't see what any of this had to do with flying, but he nodded at the man anyways. As the team of people in white prepared to leave the room, Inuyasha scowled menacingly at them to encourage them to speed up their departure. He sighed again and sat down with his back to the wall and his head down. It was more comfortable to sit on the floor anyways. He would wait until the people in white released her. Then he would take her back through the well and they could go back to searching for jewels. Back to where and when everything made so much more sense.
The sleep had been forced back by the doctor's tests and the IV being reconnected to her arm. She had watched his face. Kagome knew that he was fighting with himself. He sometimes reminded her of a puppy that had been kicked too much. It was partly her fault. She made him worry. She could never be as good or strong as Kikyo. She could never compare. She probably didn't even make him worry. He didn't care. She was just a burden to him. The sleep was still tugging at the back of her mind and with great effort she managed to push it away. Kagome was filled with grief. He would never be happy - not with her. Even if he did lover her, it was because she reminded him of Kikyo and not because of who Kagome is. `He's lost everyone he's ever loved. You can't blame him for being afraid.' Kagome was on the verge of tears. He could never love her. She wanted nothing more than to just hold and be held by the person slumped in the corner of the room. A noise from the door grabbed her attention. It was her family. Seeing her expression, they hurried to comfort her. Everything would be all right. It wasn't serious. She would be out by the end of the day. Kagome was numbing to the words they said to her. Her family was trying, but they didn't understand. Another movement by the door drew her attention back in that direction. “Oh no.” Kagome's stomach dropped. This wasn't good. She could handle it ok when Inuyasha and Kouga fought. Neither of them were really human so one couldn't easily kill the other off, but she didn't want to even imagine what the figure sitting in the corner would do to the boy standing in the doorway with flowers. He shifted uncomfortably under the gazes of four people.
“He-Hey Higurashi!” He smiled broadly at her. Kagome's eyes darted quickly from his face to the motionless heap in the corner then back to the boy with flowers before blinking dumbly. She gave him the most convincing smile she could muster and greeted him.
“Er…hi Hojo!” Her stomach dropped when she heard a low, barely audible growl from the far corner of the room. She knew that under the baseball cap two white ears were slowly flattening themselves back. Hojo hadn't even realized that Inuyasha was there, though it was hard to miss his bright fire rat haori. He just kept grinning and walked up to Kagome's bed, handing her the flowers. Her heart was beating faster and faster. She had no idea what an angry hanyou would do to a naive human, and honestly she didn't want to find out. Grabbing the IV pole in one hand and Hojo in the other, Kagome exited the room as fast as she could. “Going to walk with Hojo! Be back later! Bye!”
Inuyasha's ears were plastered back so far they were at risk of penetrating his skull. His teeth were bared and he progressed into a full growl. Not that stupid `Hobo' freak again! He jumped up from his resting place, nearly giving three innocent bystanders heart attacks. One second she had been sniffling and Inuyasha had been considering trying this `comforting' thing, but then her family came in so he decided against it. Next thing he knew she was running off with some human weakling. “Feh! See if I care!” The three other people in the room watched nervously as Inuyasha paced. The woman was starting to think that maybe she preferred her daughter roaming the hospital halls with that boy than sharing a bed with this half demon. He has such temper problems. Inuyasha was still deep in thought and pacing heatedly muttering to himself with an occasional outburst. “It isn't like I care. Stupid girl's just getting herself into trouble. Then she's going to expect me to come rescue her like always, well not this time! Maybe I'll…no…she'll sit me for that…maybe…maybe…I'm going for a walk!” with that Inuyasha turned sharply and bolted through the door, colliding with a janitor and cart full of cleaning supplies. Quickly brushing himself off and sneezing repeatedly at the unpleasant smells they gave off, Inuyasha tried to look inconspicuous and strolled away. The three people left in the room sat blinking in silence at Inuyasha's last outburst. Finally he cracked and Souta fell to the ground laughing hysterically. The two adults couldn't help but laugh as well.
A/N: O_O it's an update! Surprising, eh? Sorry for the delay, but I've been so busy…yes, yes, I know, no excuses. Please don't be mad at me! I have another chapter on the way as you read, but I need your opinion! I could either keep to my original idea and just make this a feel-good-fic with one favorite characters going totally OOC for plot reasons, or I could give it an actual elaborate plot that included jewel shards in the future, yaddah, yaddah, yaddah. Please review and respond to my plea for help! Also, I think I'm going to start a new fic called, The Language of Love which will be a really short 4 or 5 chapter fic…I think…I can't really control these things. It's another waff fic about the three Hebrew words for love and the stages Kag and Inu go through. It would probably be one of those alternate universe ficcies. Anyone interested in reading? I know I'm not exactly an awesome writer and I'm still learning stuff about Inuyasha (I'm already finding some little mistakes in my earlier chapters) but I really fell in love with the whole Inu/kag relationship since the first time I saw the show. Hmm…I think I'll make my next fic (the one I was just talking about) into a 7 or 8 chapter one with both the InuKag and MirSan relationships. I'm just obsessed with anime/manga relationships. Sue me. Please don't! I don't own Inuyasha! *cowers in corner awaiting reviews and law suits*