InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sorano's Secret ❯ The Fallen ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Fallen
There was no need for words, for words could not express their joy. After nine months of sheer torment, the unwed couple held in their hands a beautiful baby girl. Her name was Sorano, meaning `of the sky.`
Because so many loved Izanagi and praised him for his goodness, offerings were presented to the infant. Though the gifts were few because so many condemned the coupling of a god and a mortal woman. Each gift bestowed a different characteristic. The first gift was a gift from Izanagi himself, a set of bright iridescent wings, so that Sorano could be near her father. The second gift was the gift of song, a gift from the Lord of the Birds, so she could sing praises to the heavens. From the Dragon Lord, the gift of Knowing. From Bishamon, the god of good fortune and war, the gift of power, however this gift came with a catch. Though her special powers alone could defeat a low-level demon, it would barely even faze a higher-level demon. This problem could be remedied if her power were combined with other powers.
Due to numerous complications during her labor, Takara was weakened. Though she was strong willed, her body wasn't strong enough to overcome the weakened state that giving birth threw her into. With much remorse, Takara was laid to rest one week after Sorano's birth.
Izanagi took Sorano to his castle in the sky, knowing that the other gods would detest that half-breed, demi-goddess' presence there. After a fury of racial disputes they agreed to let her stay until she was old enough to fend for herself, but once she left she would never again be allowed to see her father.
During her stay, Izanagi made sure to teach Sorano the importance of good, though some days she seemed to know more about goodness than he did. She was merciful, compassionate, good-hearted, and had fierceness about her when it came to justifying the good. Though Izanagi was against violence, he understood that times were dangerous, especially for a half-breed. He taught Sorano how to sword fight, as well as a few special `tricks' so that she could protect herself. These `tricks' greatly resembled that of a miko's powers. Such as creating barriers, even channeling her spiritual energy into her fighting abilities, which caused the force of her attacks to be even greater.
At the age of fourteen, the other gods deemed her old enough, and she was banished from the heavenly estate. Before she left though, Izanagi made her wings invisible to all who may view her as a threat and to those who would not accept her. However, she was also given the ability to reveal her gift to whomsoever she deemed worthy.
As she walked toward the edge of her father's kingdom, Sorano turned to take one last look at her father, making a mental picture of him.
She fell from the heavens; past the transparent gate that permanently sealed her from her father. As the gates locked behind her, she lifted her wings into the air, drifting on the currents and gracefully descending to the earth.