InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sutôkâ Satsujin ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The cool night air coming through the cracked window, felt amazing. Kikyo knew she could bask in the coolness of the breeze. The day had been rather warm and this cool night was a breath of fresh air. Sadly, the moment wouldn’t last. Inuyasha would be home any minute and the fighting would begin again. It always did.
She barely got the blinds shut when she heard the front door slam. Right on time. She swallowed thickly before moving into his line of sight. “Hi, Inuyasha.” He grunted in response, but never looked at her. To say she was tired of it was the understatement of the year. She was beyond tired of it…way beyond it. But there was nothing she could do, nothing she could say, that would make it right again. Without another word she went to the kitchen to finish the dinner--ramen, fried pickles, and rice (Inuyasha’s favorites)—she started. Of course, it was a lost cause. Their marriage was irrevocably broken.
Lost in her own troubled thoughts, Kikyo never heard Inuyasha come into the kitchen. It startled her when she felt his presence behind her and almost dropped the pot of hot water to the floor. “Sheesh…You scared the shit out of me, Inuyasha!” She never turned around. She never made eye contact. She never did any of those things because it broke her heart to see the sadness in his deep golden eyes. They were always shiny with unshed tears and it was her fault.
His hot breath fanned across her left cheek and her heart pounded against the cage of her ribs. This is the closest we have been in weeks. It excited her, maybe just maybe, the love of her life—the one she could never live without—forgave her for her moment of weakness. The words he spewed, however, were not what she expected in the least.
“I want a divorce.” His words were clipped, strained almost, and Kikyo had to close her eyes just to remember how to breathe. She never knew he had that kind of hatred in him. Sure he was crass, sometimes surly, but he was really caring and loving toward her. Yeah, that was before you did what you done.
Kikyo mentally shook her head. She knew it was all her fault, she knew there was a risk of losing the man that meant the most to her…she knew all of that but that did not make her choices right. Actually, her choices here undeniably, irrefutably wrong. She knew that then and she knew that now. It was wrong, but it’s not all my fault. He’s the one that wanted to take the job as a homicide detective. He’s the one who wanted to leave me alone at night. It still didn’t make it right.
A shiver ran down her spine and in a nervous gesture she put the pot she was holding down and tangled her hands in her long, ebony hair. She turned and finally faced him. “A divorce? Inuyasha, I know what I did was…”
“It was fucking wrong Kikyo!” Inuyasha yelled, cutting off anything she was about to say. “Not to mention dishonorable. If this was ancient Japan and we still followed the rules of the old, I would expect you to take the Kaiken and do what you are supposed to do. But it’s not the old days and I am not going to force that on you.”
Kikyo swallowed, put her hand on her heart. What could she say? What could she do? She dishonored her husband and for the first time in 5 years she thought about the Kaiken her mother gave her on her wedding day. It was only a decoration—now—but centuries ago… Inuyasha had it right. The main purpose of the kaiken was to commit suicide in the event of dishonoring her husband. Thank the kamis for modern times. “Thank you, Inuyasha. I know it doesn’t mean much to you now. I know what I have done…” She held out her hand to stop her husband from yelling again. “Please let me finish. I know what I have done is almost unforgivable.”
Inuyasha punched the cabinets to with his right hand. The wood shattered and sprinkled like a rain shower of splintered wood. “Not almost Kikyo, it is always unforgivable.”
The sound of the crunching wood made Kikyo jump. This was a side of him she’d never seen before. Honestly, it scared her. She released the tight hold she had on her hair. “Not is always unforgivable, Inuyasha. Look, shit happens, I made a mistake and now I am desperately trying to rectify that, but you,” She shook her head. “But you won’t let it go. You won’t let us heal the wounds. It was a terrible lapse in judgment—on my part I know—but I deserve a chance. Another chance to make my wrongs right. Why can’t you forgive me?”
It was always the same. She would beg for forgiveness, she would pretend it was just a lapse in judgment, but it was more than that. It was a year of lapses in judgment. It was a year of bringing him into the bed they shared as husband and wife. It was a year of telling him to his face that she was happily married. When in reality she was miserable and she did the one thing that would shatter his heart into a million pieces.
“Kikyo…” Inuyasha cupped her face in his hands. “…you don’t deserve another chance.” The words came out soft and seductive. She thought at any moment his lips would meet hers and they could begin anew. “You fucked him in our house! If that’s not bad enough you took him to our bed! The bed we shared! That is beyond despicable!”
Her anger grew with every word that came out of his mouth. “Yes! It was despicable of me, but if you had not taken that damn job! Chose it over me, then we wouldn’t be in this situation, now would we?”
Fury flashed in his eyes. He was beyond angry. “DO not do that Kikyo! I took this job to give us a better future. I have been working my ass off to give you and our <i>future</i> kids a better life. I am sorry if it took me away from you more than you liked. And I’m sorry it,” He threw his hands up and made air quotes with his fingers, “drove you to cheat. But don’t you dare blame my job for something that could have been prevented. I’m done here! I’m going back to the precinct.”
Kikyo watched in utter disbelief as the man that was supposed to love her turned his back on her and stormed out of their house. “That’s right, run to the job you love more than anything.” She threw a nearby glass at the closing door and dropped to the floor defeated.
“Inuyasha?” Miroku’s said taking a seat across the desk from Inuyasha. “What are you doing back here? Don’t you have a hot wife at home waiting for you?”
Inuyasha couldn’t form the words to speak; all he could do was give a noncommittal ‘humph’. He never told his partner and his best friend about the shit his wife did to him. He didn’t want to face the pity stares. Even now, he didn’t look up to see the look of concern flash in the violet eyes of his friend.
“You know you can talk to me Inuyasha. I might be a lot of things—pervert, lech, depraved, womanizer—but I’m a friend first.”
Inuyasha’s jaw tightened. He did know he could talk to Miroku about anything, but this particular topic was dishonorable… and frankly, Miroku didn’t need to know about it. “Thanks Roku, but I think it is best if I don’t talk about it right now.” He left it at that and quickly changed the subject before Miroku could speak again. “What’s this?”
Miroku took the paper Inuyasha handed out to him and studied it assiduously. “It’s a police report, my dear friend.”
Secretly relieved that the previous topic was forgotten, Inuyasha rolled his eyes. “No shit, Sherlock. Why is it on my desk? I’m a homicide detective not a beat cop.”  
“No clue, then. Maybe it got placed here by mistake. You know how the mail sorters work—half assed.”
Their office had the worst mail sorters in the country. More often than not the homicide department received reports that were meant for other departments. A lot of the aforementioned reports were your typical complaints, ranging from noise ordinances to theft. None of which had to do with him or the rest of his department. “I’ll take it to the chief and let him deal with it.”
Inuyasha took back the complaint and started straightening his already organized desk. The silence between the two detectives was stiff and uncomfortable. Several times, Miroku would clear his throat in hopes of getting some kind of reaction from his friend and partner. When nothing happened, Miroku ceased his attempts.
The warble of a cell phone cut through the silence. Inuyasha was thankful for the interruption. He didn’t want to have to tell Miroku what was really wrong. Lifting out of his chair slightly, Inuyasha pulled a small flip phone from his jean pocket and looked at the caller ID. Fuck. He got to his feet and turned away from the prying eyes and ears of Miroku. “What do you want Kikyo?”
He was beyond caring how he sounded when talking to her. Every time he heard her voice the hole in his heart ripped more and he didn’t know how much longer he could keep his cool. Every fiber in his body begged to show her just how he felt. His jaw set, clenched, in the attempt to keep his mouth in check. It would do absolutely no good to get into things with her over the phone.
When only silence met his ears he all but growled into the phone. “What in the fuck do you want Kikyo? I’m working.”
There was a strange muffled sound before she spoke. He didn’t know what it was but her voice sounded off… almost panicky. “Inuyasha, I want you to come home so we can talk about things.”
“I’m done talking Kikyo. I want you out by the time I get home.” HE was sure he made it perfectly clear when he left the house that he was done. His heart couldn’t take anymore of her excuses.
“Please, Inuyasha, I really want to talk to you. I want to make it right.”Inuyasha grimaced. His eyes burned with unshed tears. “There’s no making it right. Not anymore.” With that he flipped the phone closed cutting her off.
“So,” Miroku spoke, from behind him. “I take it things are not so good on the home front.”
“Fuck you Miroku.”
“What? It’s not my fault you answered the phone in my presence. Look, if you need—“
“What I need Miroku is for you to mind your own damn business and a drink. What do you say we hit the bar?”
Miroku would get down to the bottom of this eventually, but right now he was taking his friend out for a drink. “Sure, where do you want to go?”
A drink would do them both some good. It would get Inuyasha to relax and let the tension that ravaged his body let go. All the while it would help him to open up. Because whether he liked it or not opening his heart to others would help him heal the wounds that had become so deep. Miroku was willing to wait if it meant getting to the bottom of the Tashio’s troubles and helping his friend overcome it. At the same time, this kind of drinking would be detrimental to Miroku’s scoring of a hot female companion. Something he would make Inuyasha pay for a lot later.
Miroku got to his feet, clapped his friend on the back, and led them out of the empty precinct. Even if Inuyasha didn’t specify where he wanted to go, Miroku had a great bar in mind. It wasn’t far from the precinct but it was devoid of all hormonal temptation. This particular bar was a local hot spot for all the business men in Tokyo. It was a place they came to unwind at the end of the work day.  “What about the Bar Highlander?”
Inuyasha pressed the elevator button and turned wary eyes to Miroku. “I don’t give a fuck where we go as long as they serve liquor.”
Miroku smiled sincerely. “Oh they serve any liquor imaginable.”
The elevator dinged its arrival and Inuyasha led them into the moving metal box. “Good, that’s all I need. Let’s go.”